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Week 14

The Write Thing

Kwame Alexander
Part 2 & Appendixes

In part two and the appendixes of "The Write Thing" by Kwame Alexander, the focus is
on publishing. The belief is that students become more engaged in writing and reading when they
take responsibility for becoming authors. The second part of the book is divided into three
sections: Why Publish in the Classroom, Exploring Publishing Alternatives, and Creating a
Classroom Publishing Center.
The first section emphasizes the importance of making student-run publishing a priority,
as this can motivate students to become more creative and improve their writing. The second
section explores different publishing alternatives, including creating a literary magazine,
publishing a book, or using social media to publish student work. This allows for greater
flexibility and can help students learn about different types of publishing.
The third section, Creating a Classroom Publishing Center, provides practical steps for
setting up a publishing center in the classroom. This includes selecting a publishing platform,
organizing the publishing process, and creating a production schedule. The appendix provides
additional resources and tools, including mini-lessons on poetry form, editorial and proofreading
checklists, and design and marketing tips.
The concept of step-by-step publishing is beneficial because it helps students catch
mistakes and improve their writing before publishing their work. Feedback from readers can also
motivate students to be more creative and improve their writing, including their grammar.
This week's chapters are important for teaching writing because they not only help
students become better writers but also give them a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction
when they publish their work. By giving students the tools and resources they need to publish
their writing, teachers can help foster a love of writing and encourage students to become
lifelong writers.
In conclusion, "The Write Thing" by Kwame Alexander provides practical steps for
teachers to help their students become published authors. By making student-run publishing a
priority and providing step-by-step guidance, teachers can help students improve their writing
and foster a love of writing that will last a lifetime.

Graham, Steve, et al., editors. The Best Practices in Writing Instruction. The Guilford Press,

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