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I was raised in the modest town of Makilala, Cotabato.

We we're all living in harmony, up until that one

night. On October 16, 2019, at precisely 7:37 PM, an earthquake takes place in the area where we live,
leaving behind a three-year-old record. The earthquake is 6.3 magnitude, and it was followed by a
terrible series of earthquakes that left our area in ruins. I had no idea how devastating and horrific the
night would be for myself and possibly others as well.

When the ground began to tremble out of fear, my family and I did the unthinkable which is to run.
Nevertheless, we continue to consider our family and what or where they are. That earthquake was
something none of us anticipated. Our home was moving to the quake's waves as it was strong enough
to shake it. My family and I became alarmed and feared that it would get more strong. Our eyes that
night show the fear in our hearts.

After the powerful earthquake struck that evening, my family made the decision to spend the night near
the Plantation Residences. It was really spacious, so you might assume that sleeping there in one night
during another earthquake would be safe. There were several of us there, and we were all terrified that
there would be another earthquake. As part of our preparation, we bring our beddings and other
essentials that is good for one night. We slept at the road with the moon appearing in the sky, while we
are shaking because of the fear that there would be another earthquake again.

However, another earthquake occurred again. People in Makilala town are shocked by the series of
large earthquakes that have seriously damaged the town. Many homes were destroyed and many
people were displaced by the terrible earthquake. The earthquake had a major impact on my family, it
significantly impacted our way of life. Now we have to be prepared and forced to evacuate and build
tents at the Plantation Residences for the safety of everyone.

Since then, that horrible incident and the subsequent earthquakes have made us realize the importance
of being ready in case of emergencies. It can only be avoided by doing this. When it comes to their time,
location, and size, earthquakes are unpredictable. Anywhere in the world, at any moment, it may
happen. It can range from minor tremors to cataclysmic earthquakes with dire repercussions.

As a result, we can decrease its severity by identifying high-risk locations and putting precautions in
place to lessen the effect and destruction of disasters when they do occur. In the aftermath, we must
make use of many resources, like water, food, and shelter, to make sure we have the survival essentials
we require. Additionally, communities can exchange information and expertise on how to prepare and
respond to a disasters. We can strengthen our resilience and improve our disaster readiness. In order to
prepare for the future, we should draw lessons from our past experiences.

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