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1.​​How was Germany divided up at the end of WW2?

- Death and destriction reigned on Germany (By US and GB)

- In turmoil

1a. How did this affect Berlin? ​​​​

- In hands of USSR, BR, US, etc.

2.​​What was unique about Berlin/Germany during the Cold War?/ 3.​​What was the situation like

in Berlin after the war? ​​​​​​​

- Battle field for Cold War

- Currency worthless

- “Black Market [was] king”

- Cigarettes as currency

​4.​​What did Ernest Bevin, British Foreign Secretary, plan for the city? ​​​

- An econ reconstruction of GR

​5.​​What did the Soviets want to do to Germany? ​​​​

- Make it another communist state

6.​​Why did the USSR become frustrated with their Western allies over Germany? ​​​​

- Capitalist secrets kept from USSR

- Not informed on planning

7.​​What did the allies introduce into West Germany in 1948?

7a. How did the Communists initially ​respond? ​​​

- Refused concessions

- Allies Introduced new currency

- Communists Rebuttled

​8.​​Why didn’t the Soviets bring in their tanks?

- Would have been to destructive

8a. What did they do instead? ​​

- They waited

- Resolve via diplomatic language​​

9.​​What two options did the allies have for breaking the blockade? ​​​

- Counterblockade East GR and Berlin

- Airlift use

- Delivered supplies and coal ​

10.​​How did America threaten the USSR during the Berlin Airlift? ​​

- By having solutions to USSR’s plans

- Being more powerful,smarter,etc.

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