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- The cessation of monthly menstrual cycles.

- A change that generally occurs between the ages of 45 and 55 years
- Reproductive hormone levels decline, and ovarian ova gradually degenerate
- With unpleasant symptoms such as hot flashes, headaches, insomnia, mood swings and
urinary problems
- There’s also some atrophy of the reproductive tract with vaginal dryness
- Most importantly, the decline in estrogen levels is associated with bone weakening
- Antidepressants and Vitamin E may help relieve menopausal symptoms while locally applied
estrogen and moisturizers relieve vaginal dryness


- Used to alleviate menopausal symptoms

- This treatment is also called menopausal hormone therapy (MHT)
- Consist of administering estrogen in combination with progestin, a synthetic progesterone,
given to minimize the risk of endometrial cancer
- Concerns about HRT safety have caused reconsideration of this therapy beyond the early
postmenopausal year
- However, studies with the most widely used form of HRT showed an increased risk of
endometrial cancer and breast cancer and increased risk of thrombosis and embolism,
especially in women who smoke
- Risks increase the duration of therapy so HRT should be given at the lowest effective dose
for the shortest possible time
- Women with history of breast cancer or circulatory problems should not take HRT


- The use of artificial methods to prevent fertilization of the ovum or its implantation in the


- Block sperm penetration of the uterus (e.g., condom, diaphragm)

- Prevent implantation of the fertilized egg (e.g., Intra-uterine Device or IUD)
- Prevent ovulation (e.g., hormones). Hormonal methods differ in dosage and route of
delivery, such as oral intake (birth control pill), injection, skin patch, and vaginal ring

- Intended for emergency contraception

- Reduces the chance of pregnancy if taken within 72 hours after unprotected sexual
intercourse. One such product, Plan B, consists of two progestin doses taken 12 hours apart


- Provides the most effective and permanent contraception

- Vasectomy (for male) and tubal ligation (for female)


- Uterine tubes are cut and tied on both sides

- Performed by laparoscopic surgery through the abdominal wall


- Terminates an early pregnancy by blocking progesterone, causing the endometrium to break

- Technically, it is an abortion- causing agent (abortifacient), not a contraceptive

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