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Face Recognition System

for Room Security

Kushagra Singh, Harsh Shukla, Samadesh Poudel 
Computer Science & Engineering Department, B. Tech 
Sharda University, Greater Noida

1. Abstract: Facial recognition technology is becoming increasingly popular in

security systems due to its accuracy and efficiency in identifying individuals. This
research paper focuses on the development of a face recognition system for room
security, which utilizes advanced computer vision techniques to provide an effective
and secure access control solution. The proposed system utilizes a database of facial
images and a matching algorithm to compare the face of an individual attempting to
gain access with those in the database. The system's accuracy and reliability are
evaluated using various metrics such as false acceptance rate (FAR), false rejection
rate (FRR), and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves. To evaluate the
performance of the system, a dataset of facial images is collected and used to train and
test the system. The study also investigates the impact of different environmental
factors such as lighting, pose, and expression on the performance of the system. The
results show that the proposed system is capable of recognizing individuals with high
accuracy, even under challenging environmental conditions. The system also exhibits
low false acceptance and false rejection rates, indicating its reliability and
effectiveness in providing access control.

Keyword—Room security; facial recognition; Surveillance

2. Introduction: Facial recognition technology has gained a significant place in
modern-day security systems. This technology is based on the use of computer
algorithms and mathematical models to detect and recognize faces with a high level of
accuracy. It is an effective solution for providing security and access control in
various settings such as airports, banks, offices, and residential buildings. The primary
goal of the facial recognition system is to authenticate the identity of an individual
based on their facial features. The use of facial recognition technology for security
systems has been growing in popularity in recent years, and this trend is expected to
continue in the future.

The development of facial recognition technology has been driven by the increasing
demand for security and the need to combat terrorism and other criminal activities.
Facial recognition systems are capable of identifying and tracking suspects in real-
time, and they can also be used for forensic investigations. The use of this technology
in security systems has also been facilitated by the advancements in computer vision,
machine learning, and deep learning techniques. These advancements have made it
possible to develop highly accurate and reliable facial recognition systems that can
operate in various lighting conditions and facial orientations.

The use of facial recognition technology in security systems has raised concerns about
privacy and civil liberties. There are concerns that facial recognition systems could be
used for mass surveillance, tracking of individuals, and other forms of unauthorized
monitoring. To address these concerns, various regulations and guidelines have been
developed to ensure that facial recognition technology is used ethically and
responsibly. Despite these concerns, the benefits of facial recognition technology in
security systems cannot be overlooked. The technology provides a highly efficient
and effective means of securing access to restricted areas, preventing fraud, and
enhancing overall security. This paper focuses on the development of a facial
recognition system for room security, which aims to provide a secure and reliable
access control solution.

3. Methodology:
3.1 Dataset Collection:
Dataset collection is the first and most critical stage in developing an accurate and
reliable facial recognition system for room security. The dataset should contain a
diverse set of facial images captured under various conditions, such as different
lighting and poses. These images are captured using a high-resolution camera and
stored in a database.
To create a comprehensive dataset, publicly available datasets like Labelled Faces in
the Wild (LFW) and Extended Yale Face Database B (EYBFB) can be used.
However, the dataset should also include newly captured images to enhance the
diversity and complexity of the dataset.
The dataset should be labelled with everyone’s identity and split into a training set
and a testing set. The training set is used to train the face recognition algorithm, while
the testing set is used to evaluate the system's performance. The dataset's size should
be large enough to ensure that the algorithm is trained on a sufficiently diverse range
of images, but not so large that it becomes computationally intensive to process.
3.2 Image pre-processing:
The first step in image pre-processing is to crop the images to focus on the
individual's face. This reduces the amount of background noise and helps to isolate
the facial features. Next, the images are resized to a standard size to ensure that all
images have the same dimensions. This step is important to ensure that the feature
extraction stage is consistent and effective.
Normalization is also an essential step in image preprocessing. This involves
adjusting the brightness and contrast of the images to reduce any variations caused by
differences in lighting conditions. Normalization helps to ensure that the extracted
features are consistent across different images.
Finally, the preprocessed images are converted into grayscale to reduce the
computational complexity of the feature extraction stage. Grayscale images are also
less sensitive to variations in color and lighting, making them more robust to changes
in the environment.

3.3 Feature Extraction:

Various techniques can be used for feature extraction, including principal component
analysis (PCA) and linear discriminant analysis (LDA). PCA involves finding the
principal components of the image, which are the most significant features that
capture the majority of the variance in the dataset. LDA, on the other hand, seeks to
maximize the class separability of the features by projecting them onto a lower-
dimensional space that maximizes the distance between classes.
Both PCA and LDA can be used in combination to create a hybrid feature extraction
technique that combines the strengths of both methods. This hybrid technique has
been shown to be effective in reducing the dimensionality of the feature vectors while
maintaining their discriminative power.
Once the feature vectors are created, they are normalized to ensure that the individual
features are of similar magnitude. This is important because some features may have a
much larger range than others, which could result in them having a more significant
impact on the overall feature vector. Normalization ensures that all features contribute
equally to the final feature vector.

3.4 Face Recognition Algorithm Implementation:

The choice of face recognition algorithm depends on the specific requirements of the
room security application, such as the size of the dataset, the computational resources
available, and the desired accuracy. Once the algorithm is selected, it is implemented
and tested on the preprocessed images and feature vectors.
In summary, the implementation of the face recognition algorithm is a crucial step in
the methodology of developing a facial recognition system for room security. There
are different algorithms to choose from, including eigenfaces, fisherfaces, and LBP,
and the selection depends on the specific requirements of the application. Once the
algorithm is implemented, it is tested on the preprocessed images and feature vectors
to evaluate its accuracy and performance.

3.5 System Evaluation:

The final stage in the methodology of developing a facial recognition system for room
security is system evaluation. System evaluation involves testing the performance of
the system on a separate set of images that were not used in the training or testing
The performance of the system is evaluated using different metrics, including
accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score. Accuracy measures the proportion of
correctly identified faces, while precision measures the proportion of correctly
identified faces out of all the faces identified by the system. Recall measures the
proportion of correctly identified faces out of all the actual faces in the testing set. The
F1 score is a harmonic mean of precision and recall.
Cross-validation is another method used for system evaluation, where the dataset is
divided into subsets, and each subset is used for training and testing the system. This
approach helps to ensure that the system is not overfitting to the training set and can
generalize well to new faces.
Furthermore, system evaluation can also involve testing the system's robustness to
variations in lighting, pose, and facial expression. These variations can have a
significant impact on the system's performance and can affect its accuracy in real-
world scenarios.

4. Workflow:

Fig 1: System Flow Diagram

5. Result:
After carrying out the above tests, it resulted in a significant development both in terms of
the accuracy of the image reading which has increased, and the processing is quite faster.
Complete data can be seen in Table I and Table II. After testing four times at three
different times and based on Table I and Table II, it can be concluded that this system is
running well which has test results in the morning, afternoon, evening, and night with
three conditions and it can be concluded in Table III.

TABLE I: Home Owner Test Results

TABLE II: Test Results are not Home Owners

TABLE III: Calculation of Accuracy Value

6. Conclusion:
This experiment was carried out several times and it resulted in 97.5% accuracy rate
which makes it pretty much reliable technology to be used for security at home and
offices. In conclusion, face recognition technology has become an essential tool for
ensuring room security in various industries, such as banking, healthcare, and law
enforcement. This technology provides an accurate and efficient means of identifying
individuals and granting access to restricted areas. By using facial recognition technology
for room security, organizations can significantly reduce the risk of unauthorized access,
theft, and other security breaches.
However, it is important to acknowledge that face recognition technology also presents
some challenges, particularly with regards to privacy concerns. It is essential that
organizations using this technology adhere to strict ethical guidelines to ensure the
protection of personal information and privacy rights.
Despite the challenges, the benefits of using facial recognition technology for room
security far outweigh the risks. With advances in technology, facial recognition systems
are becoming more accurate and affordable, making them a viable option for businesses
of all sizes.

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