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Daisuke was the most good-looking male student in Takaoka, he was the perfect boyfriend every female
student dreamed of. He was smart, handsome, always top 1, but everyone has their secrets, right?

Daisuke had a small crush on a male student, it was just a small tinny tiny crush on that specific male
student, but Daisuke fell for him harder. He met this male on the rooftop, seeing him eat his lunch, all
alone, he was good looking, Daisuke can say, he also was cute. Daisuke managed to strike up a
conversation between the two, he was able to get his name as well, Haruki, Haruki was a cute name too
Daisuke thought, Daisuke never saw him again for a month but saw him again in the cafeteria.

Daisuke wanted to talk to him, again, he thought for a second, thinking if he should talk to Haruki, but
also thought it may be another person and not Haruki, but still, Daisuke still did. Daisuke walked up to
Haruki; he was the first one to speak. “Hey! Meeting each other once again after a while.” Daisuke said,
but Haruki’s face was plastered with bewilderedness. “Sorry, who are you? You got the wrong person.”
Daisuke was felt sheepish, thinking that never talking to this male wouldn’t have led to this embarrassing
situation he was in. “I apologize, I thought you were someone I knew.” Daisuke said with a tone of
awkwardness, and left with a smile and ran off to the table with his friends. Haruki just stared at the male;
he also felt an intimate feeling with the male he just had spoken to.

NOTE: We only know that this is Haruki, yet!

After lunch, Daisuke went to class, as an A plus student himself, he listened carefully to the teacher as the
lesson started, until, someone barged in, he immediately was out of focus on the lesson, he looked at the
student that just barged in the classroom, wait, isn’t that the male he just talked to whom I thought was
Haruki? He thought, “I’m sorry, I was late.” The male spoke, “Surprising to see you here, I thought you
would skip my class but I guess this Is better than skipping, right?” The professor said, obviously not
happy at all. Haruki stared at the ground and bowed, once again, apologizing, he then continued to search
for an open seat, seeing there was one, but it was beside the male he just talked to in the cafeteria, well,
Haruki didn’t mind it, but it was a big deal for Daisuke. As Haruki sat down beside Daisuke, Daisuke
side-eyed him, his face may look like he’s judging the male beside him.

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