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The proposed project Online Automotive Service Center Management System will offer a
user-friendly dashboard promoting usability to lessen the workload of employees under the
management team. The system will also provide a portal for service centers, where they can use the
portal as a market for their services, service centers will have different catalogs that will be customizable
according to their preferred design and services offered. The system will also offer an appointment
enlisting system for customers who are seeking automotive services in Davao Region.

The estimated time frame of this study will be approximately six months to a year.
Specifically speaking, the proponents will focus on documentation for three to four months and the
remaining period will be devoted to the implementation of the system.


 The system may not be able to accommodate all types of auto services or repairs available and
will only be able to accommodate company scale service centers only in the Davao Region.

 The accuracy of diagnostic reports generated by the system may be limited by the quality of data
entered by the service center or the vehicle's onboard diagnostic system.

 There will be no car pickup options and the car owner who has an appointment will have to
personally bring their vehicle to the service center.

 The system may require regular updates and maintenance to ensure that it remains functional
and secure, which could pose a challenge for service centers in the Davao Region with limited
technical expertise.

 The system will not have an integrated GPS system that can give live feedback to car owners of
their cars whereabouts.

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