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"Development of a mobile app for diabetes self-management and monitoring"


Medication tracking: Users can log their insulin or other medication dosages, as well as any other
supplements or vitamins they take.

Meal tracking: Users can log what they eat and track their carbohydrate intake to help them manage
their blood glucose levels.

Activity tracking: Users can log their physical activity levels and see how exercise affects their blood
glucose levels.

Education and support: The app could provide educational resources and support for users, including
tips on diabetes self-management, recipes, and community forums where users can connect with each
other and share their experiences.


User interface: The app should have an intuitive and easy-to-use interface, with clear instructions for
how to log different types of data.

Data visualization: The app should display data in a way that is easy to understand and interpret, such as
graphs or charts.

Notifications: The app should have a notification system to remind users to take medication or check
their blood glucose levels.


Better medication adherence: By setting reminders and logging medication dosages, users can improve
their adherence to their medication regimen.

Improved glycemic control: By tracking meals, physical activity, and blood glucose levels, users can make
more informed decisions about how to manage their blood glucose levels and potentially improve their
glycemic control.

More efficient healthcare visits: By having all their diabetes data in one place, users can share this
information with their healthcare provider and potentially have more productive visits.

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