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Submitted by : Jayant Kumar
Registration Number: 20932008
Under the guidance of : Mrs. Anju Yadav
Proposed Work
Scope of Project
Front end & Back end

In today's fast-paced world, maintaining a healthy lifestyle has become increasingly
important. A fitness application can play a pivotal role in helping individuals achieve their
health and wellness goals by providing personalized workout plans, tracking progress, and
offering valuable insights into their fitness journey. With the ubiquity of smartphones,
developing a fitness application for Android devices using Java offers a convenient and
accessible way for users to stay fit and active.

Our fitness application aims to revolutionize the way people approach fitness by leveraging
the power of mobile technology. By integrating cutting-edge features and intuitive user
interfaces, our application will provide users with a seamless and engaging experience,
making it easier than ever to adopt a healthier lifestyle.
The Purpose of a fitness Care app is to provide the
user with instructions and examples of one or more
types of exercise, physical activity, nutritional
programs or some other fitness topic.
Fitness Care App is used to count calories, record
statistic on workouts or collect data on walks, runs
and bike-rides.
Fitness Care Helps people find workout routines
and maintain health.
Creating Account
User Personalization
Goal Setting
Pre-Set Exercise Routine
Calories and water intake count
Give Free Health and Fitness Tips
Keep User Motivated
The main purpose of this project is to develop online fitness app named 'Fitness Care App’.
This Application will provide exercises and helps users to maintain their health by notifying
and providing proper guidance.
This Application will support Android.
With this Application User can perform actions like:
oAdministrative Task
oEasy Way to Test Health
oUser Friendly App for Easy Understanding
oReduce Usage of Time.
oStay fit and Motivated.
XML(Extensible Markup Language) it is a markup
language which is platform independent and
language independent.
XML is a software and hardware independent tool
used to transport and store data.
XML provides a framework to define
markup languages.
Java is an object oriented programming language.
Java allows you to write the code ones and run it
anywhere on any platform, making it perfect choice
for mobile application development, web
development database connectivity.
Monitor Your Diet Easily. Weight watchers or
people who want to gain weight can mention the
type and amount of foods consumed at each meal.
Monitor Your Progress.
Give Free Health and Fitness Tips.
Track Your Foot Steps.
Provide Personal Health Coaches.
All In One Health Tool.
Keep You Motivated.
Mobile applications' tips cannot be equated to a doctor's advice.
Do not forget to consult specialists before following tips suggested by
the fitness apps.
Sama PR, Eapen ZJ, Weinfurt KP, et al. An evaluation of mobile health
application tools. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2014;2:e19.
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Dennison L, Morrison L, Conway G, et al. Opportunities and challenges
for smartphone applications in supporting health behavior change:
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Thank you

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