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Hi Brett,

It was really pleasure to speak with You, to hear Your ideas and brainstorm together.

I have been thinking about the project and here are my points:

• One page website
• 2 input fields
• Ingredients field having auto-complete (drop-down list of tags), connected to the MongoDB
or another one free plan database (there are some options) with all tags that should be
available for input
• If the user used its free trial, do not allow it to do it again and prompt it to enter email and
save it to our database and in the browser memory so when he comes again, he will be able
to access because he already gave us the email
• The recipe suggestion from the GPT
• Display the image returned from the DALL-E or relevant AI image generator (ex.
• Some kind of protection from the overuse per user.
• Launch the app on the web (domain, host, database)

• About 15/30 h for the front-end part of the app (the looks of the app)
• About 20/30 h for back-end (part where I am connecting to the OpenAI and databases, the
whole logic of the app behind)
• About 3/10 h for setting/launching the app on the web

Running costs:
• - there is a free plan of MySQL database – their free plan is
more than we need for now.
◦ GPT – it is about one/two recipes per 1k tokens which is roughly $0.002, $0.0005 or
$0.02 depending on which model of GPT we use, you can use this tool to roughly see
how many tokens are spent for some text size.
◦ DALL-E – the image generator - $0.018 per image (Midjourney is another option)
◦ Domain Name – about $10 on Cloudflare with free security
◦ And our app could be hosted on Vercel for free too if we do it in Next.js

So the app should be done in about 38/70 hours if everything goes well (no problems with
connections to the 3rd party systems like OpenAI or database, but these thing do not happen often,
they are mostly well documented and maintained).

Also, I am willing to lower my hourly rate to $15.

Hope to hear back from You soon.

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