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camila mojica

300 grams of spinach
100 grams of Mozzarella cheese
1 branch of Parsley
6 Eggs
2 tablespoons of oil
1 pinch of salt
1 pinch of Pepper
Today I'm here to show you a delicious
recipe that my grandmother prepared for
me when I was little
I hope you like it as much as I do, without
further ado let's get started.
steps to follow
1. We must place the spinach in water for 4 minutes until it
reaches the cooking point

2. After 4 minutes, we must take out the spinach and chop it

3.then we chop our cheese and mix it together with the


4.Once we have the spinach and cheese in a bowl, we head to

beat the eggs with a pinch of salt, pepper and add parsley to

5.After following the previous steps we must add the egg to

the bowl of the spinach and mix until we create a exelente

6.Now that we have our mixture ready, we take a frying pan

and add oil to it

7.Already when the oil is hot, we lower the flame, we added

the mix and let it warm up until we see it start to curdle

8.When we see that it is curdling, with the help of a plate

larger than the pan, we head to turn the tortilla over and
leave it for 3 more minutes

9. Finally, we serve our delicious spinach tortilla,

accompanied by a delicious lunch

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