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1. Among Romans, the word “res publica” refers to the………

A. State
B. Republic
C. Law
D. Powerful
Answer: A; State.

2. Which of the following is a sub-field in the study of Political Science?

A. Governance and Leadership
B. Conflict and Peace Studies
C. Democracy and Good Governance
D. None of the above

Answer: D; None of the above. Governance and Leadership, and Conflict and Peace Studies
are both sub-fields in the study of Political Science. Democracy and Good Governance is also a
sub-field in the study of Political Science. Therefore, the correct answer is none of the above as all
the options are sub-fields in the study of Political Science.
3. The city state in modern times may be referred to as?
A. Municipality
B. City
C. State
D. Region

Answer: A; Municipality.
In modern times, the city state can be referred to as a municipality, which is a local
administrative unit that has the power to govern and manage the affairs of a specific urban area.
A municipality can have different levels of authority depending on the country and its political

4. The study of electoral systems is in the area of ……

A. Public Administration
B. Political Theory
C. Development Studies
D. None of the above

Answer:B;Political Theory. The study of electoral systems is a sub-field within political

theory, which focuses on the analysis of political concepts, institutions, and practices, including
the ways in which elections are conducted, and how electoral systems affect the representation and
legitimacy of governments. The study of electoral systems also examines issues such as voter
behavior, party systems, and the impact of electoral rules on political outcomes
5. Which countries in Europe, especially in the eighteenth century based their rule on the
principles under the divine theory?
A. Turkey and Britain
B. Netherland and Scotland
C. Scotland and Turkey
D. Britain and Netherland

Answer: B; Netherland and Scotland.

During the eighteenth century, the principles of the divine theory of rule were used to justify the
authority of monarchs in several European countries, including Britain and the Netherlands. The
divine theory of rule was based on the belief that monarchs had a God-given right to rule and that
their power was absolute and beyond question. This theory was challenged during the
Enlightenment, as philosophers and political theorists began to argue for more democratic forms
of government based on the consent of the governed.

6. One of the following is not an agent of socialization

A. Family
B. Mosque
C. Children
D. None of the above `

Answer: C; Children
Children are not considered agents of socialization. Instead, they are the recipients of
socialization as they learn and internalize the values, norms, and beliefs of their society from the
agents of socialization, such as the family, schools, peers, religious institutions, and media. The

agents of socialization are the sources or groups that teach individuals how to behave, think, and
act in accordance with the norms and values of their society.
7. According to Locke, for any society to be called liberal………

(I)The people must also be free to acquire property

(ii) individual must also be free to acquire property
A. I only
B. II only
C. Both I and II
D. None of the above

Answer: C; Both I and II.

According to John Locke, to be considered a liberal society, both conditions (I) and (II) must be
met. Locke believed that the right to own and acquire property was a natural right of individuals,
and that governments had a responsibility to protect these rights. He argued that a liberal society
must be based on the principles of individual liberty, limited government, and the protection of
property rights. Therefore, both (I) the people must also be free to acquire property and (II)
individuals must also be free to acquire property are necessary conditions for a society to be
considered liberal according to Locke.

8. The name given to the type of political culture where the level of participation, among citizens
is passive is referred to as
A. Participant political culture
B. Parochial political culture
C. Subject political culture
D. None of the above

Answer: B; Parochial political culture.

A parochial political culture is a type of political culture in which citizens have a passive attitude
towards politics and limited participation in the political process. In this type of culture,
individuals tend to be more concerned with their personal and immediate needs rather than the
larger political system. They have little interest in political affairs, and political participation is
limited to voting during elections.

9. One of the following statements is not true about the state

A. Membership of it is compulsory for all the people in it

B. Some of its symbols are coat of arms, flags and anthems
C. It is the only entity that houses the other entities
D. None of the above

Answer: A; Membership of it is compulsory for all the people in it.

Membership of a state is compulsory; however, it is not compulsory for all the people in it. This
is because, there can be migrants in the state, and yet are not citizens of the state.

10. A state with only two of the three components of territories are known as…….
A. Coastal
B. Landlocked
C. Island
D. Iceland

Answer: B; Landlocked.
A state with only two of the three components of territories (i.e., land, water, and airspace) is
known as landlocked. This means that the state is completely surrounded by land and has no
direct access to the sea or ocean. Examples of landlocked countries include Austria, Switzerland,
and Mongolia.

11. What caused the thirty-year religious war in Europe in the 1600?
A. Dictatorship and bad governance in the political administration of the states
B. The decision of the religious sects to expand their mandate
C. The protest against certain doctrines and practices in the Catholic Church
D. None of the above

Answer: C; The protest against certain doctrines and practices in the Catholic Church
The war was caused by a variety of factors, including political rivalries and territorial disputes,
but the main cause was the protest against certain doctrines and practices in the Catholic Church.
These protests were led by a German monk named Martin Luther, who criticized the sale of
indulgences and other practices of the Catholic Church that he believed were contrary to the
teachings of the Bible.
12. The territory of every state is made up of…….
A. Two components

B. Three components
C. Four components

Answer: B. Three components.

The territory of every state is made up of three components: land, water, and airspace.

13. The area of study under Political Science which deals with the origin, nature and limits of
human knowledge is called…………
A. Public administration
B. Comparative politics
C. International Relations
D. Political Theory

Answer: D; Political Theory

Political Theory is concerned with the fundamental questions of politics, such as the nature of
power, justice, equality, democracy, and the role of the state. It examines different perspectives
and ideologies that shape political thinking, including liberalism, conservatism, socialism
feminism, and post colonialism.
15. Which of the following statements is true about traditional authority?
A. The subjects always give such leaders unnecessary praises which makes them complacent

B. The excessive bureaucracy associated with the system has the tendency to affect all the
decisions in the state

C. Because succession is strictly by inheritance a life-long appointment, it sometimes becomes

difficult to remove a non- performing leader from office.
D. Such leadership finds it difficult to respond to all emergency situations

Answer: C; because succession is strictly by inheritance a life-long appointment, it

sometimes becomes difficult to remove a non- performing leader from office.
Traditional authority is a form of leadership in which the authority of a ruler is based on long-
standing customs, traditions, and hereditary succession. One of the drawbacks of traditional
authority is that succession is often strictly by inheritance, which means that a non-performing
leader may be difficult to remove from office.
15. What is the name given to the revolution led by Martin Luther in the Catholic Church?
A. Uprising
B. Restoration

C. Reformation
D. Revolution

Answer: C; Reformation
16. Which event gave official recognition to each of the kings in Europe?
A. The Reformation by Martin Luther and others
B. The signing of the Treaty of Munster and Osnabruck
C. The Glorious Revolution of 1688
D. The passage of the Law of the Kings in Europe

Answer: B; The signing of the Treaty of Munster and Osnabruck

17. One of the following statements is not true about politics being regarded as an art
A. Politics lacks precise and standard definitions on their own
B. Human behaviour cannot be studied under rigid scientific conditions
C. Most Political Science predictions are not accurate
D. The subject politics lacks coherence

Answer: C; Most Political Science predictions are not accurate

This statement is not true about politics being regarded as an art. While political science involves
studying human behavior, which cannot always be studied under rigid scientific conditions, and
politics often lacks precise and standard definitions, political science predictions can be accurate.
Political scientists use various methods, such as statistical analysis, case studies, and
experiments, to make predictions and test theories. While there may be uncertainty and
unpredictability in politics, accurate predictions are possible with rigorous research and analysis.
The subject of politics may have some lack of coherence, but this is not a defining characteristic
of politics being regarded as an art.

18. In ancient Greece, each of the poleis was made up of…….

A. Towns and villages
B. Suburbs and Cities
C. Towns and Cities
D. Suburbs and villages

Answer: A; Towns and villages.

19. What type of government did Hobbes recommend for the state?
A. Oligarchy
B. Democracy
C. Aristocracy
D. None of the above

Answer: D; None of the above.

Thomas Hobbes recommended an absolute monarchy as the best form of government for the
state. He believed that a powerful, centralized government was necessary to maintain order and
prevent chaos in society.

20. Which of the following is not a form of influence?

A. Manipulation
B. Coercion
C. Inducement
D. Authority

Answer: D; Authority
Authority is not a form of influence but rather a source of influence.
Authority refers to the power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience.

21. One of the following statements is not true about ancient Greece.
A. The country was not united under a single government
B. The country was made up of several city states
C. The basic units of the country were at war with each other
D. The efforts to allocate resources influenced a lot of the country’s politics.

Answer: C; The basic units of the country were at war with each other is not entirely true about
ancient Greece.
Although the city-states of ancient Greece were not united under a single government, they were
not always at war with each other. There were periods of peace and cooperation between some
city-states, as well as times of conflict and rivalry. The efforts to allocate resources did influence
much of the country's politics, as different city-states competed for control of land, trade, and
other resources.

22. Which scholar views politics as the act of assembling people with divergent views?

A. Bernard Crick
B. J.D.B. Miller
C. Allan Ball
D. Karl von Clausewitz

Answer: A; Bernard Crick

Bernard Crick is a political theorist who viewed politics as the act of assembling people with
divergent views. He believed that politics is about managing conflicts and differences among
people who hold different beliefs, values, and interests.

23. Which of the following is not true about legitimacy?

A. It thrives on consent
B. It relates to law
C. It centers on acceptance
D. It focuses on people

Answer: It focuses on people

24. According to Rousseau, the best interest of all citizens is ………..
A. Equality
B. Happiness
C. Consensus
D. Order

Answer: C; Consensus
According to Rousseau, the best interest of all citizens is consensus. He believed that the general
will, which represents the common good, should be the guiding principle of a just society.
25. What makes the state distinct from the nation?
A. While the state has borders, the nation has none
B. While the state has government, the nation cannot boast of one
C. While the nation is a recent creation, statehood is ancient
D. None of the above

Answer: D. None of the above

26. According to Harold Laski, the seat of the sovereign in the state can be located in………
A. An individual
B. The judiciary
C. A constitution
D. None of the above

Answer: A; An individual
According to Harold Laski, the seat of the sovereign in the state can be located in an individual.
Laski was a political theorist who believed that sovereignty should be located in the people,
rather than in institutions or legal frameworks. He argued that the ultimate authority in the state
should rest with the people, who should be free to exercise their collective will through
democratic processes.
27. A city-state in modern times may be referred to as a …………
A. Municipality
B. City
C. State
D. Region

Answer: A; Municipality
A city-state in modern times may be referred to as a municipality. A municipality is a political
entity that is typically governed by a mayor and a council.
28. The exercise of power cannot be complete without the presence of …………
A. Authority
B. A subject and a victim
C. An authority
D. All of the above

Answer: B; A subject and a victim

The subject exercises power over the victim. Without either of the two, the exercise of power
cannot be complete.
29. Which of the following scholars define politics with emphasis onmechanisms through which
political actors acquire and utilize power?
A. Austin Ranny and Harold Laski

B. Okwudiba Nnoli and David Easton
C. Robert Dahl and Ernest Baker
D. William Goode and James Bryce

Answer: B; Okwudiba Nnoli and David Easton

Okwudiba Nnoli is a Nigerian political scientist who defined politics as "the struggle for power
to make decisions that affect the lives of people in a society." This definition emphasizes the
importance of power in politics and the ways in which political actors seek to acquire and utilize
it. David Easton, an American political scientist, developed the concept of the political system,
which he defined as "the authoritative allocation of values for a society." This definition also
emphasizes the importance of power in politics, as the allocation of values involves making
decisions that affect people's lives and the exercise of authority to implement those decisions.

30. Which of the following is true about the Treaty of Westphalia?

A. It established the city state
B. It gave official recognition to each of the Kings in Europe
C. It ended the 20 year religious war
D. It introduced political accountability to the religious world
31. What type of government did Hobbes recommend for the human society?
A. Weak
B. Strong
C. Moderate
D. Mass

Answer: B; Strong
Hobbes recommended a strong government for human society. He believed that a powerful
government with a strong leader was necessary to maintain order and prevent individuals from
acting on their natural impulses, which he believed would lead to chaos and conflict. Hobbes
famously described this type of government as a "Leviathan," a metaphorical sea monster that
represents the all-powerful state.

32. A nation which is seeking to attain statehood, but has not yet been successful is called

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A. Stateless nation
B. Nationless-state
C. Nation-state
D. State-nation

Answer: A; Stateless nation

A stateless nation is a group of people who share a common identity, language, culture, and
history but do not have their own independent nation-state. They may live within the borders of
one or more existing nation-states, but they do not have their own sovereign territory. Examples
of stateless nations include the Kurds, Palestinians, and Basques.
33. Traditional authority is problematic because ………
A. It is the rule of the best people in society
B. The means of selecting leaders is undemocratic and discriminatory
C. It is sometimes fast in responding to emergencies
D. It relies on both citizens and aliens to operate it

Answer: B; The means of selecting leaders is undemocratic and discriminatory

Traditional authority is problematic because the means of selecting leaders is undemocratic and
discriminatory. In traditional authority, leadership is based on custom, tradition, and lineage
rather than on merit, skill, or popular election.

34. One of the following statements is not true about Rousseau’s view of social contract
A. Improved public sector management
B. Legal and regulatory framework
C. Political communication
D. Stakeholder participation

Answer: A; Improved public sector management

The statement that is not true about Rousseau's view of the social contract is "Improved public
sector management." Rousseau's concept of the social contract was primarily concerned with the
relationship between individuals and the state. He believed that individuals would willingly give
up some of their natural freedom and autonomy to the state in exchange for protection, security,
and the common good. The social contract would establish a framework for the legitimate
exercise of political power and establish the rights and responsibilities of both citizens and the

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35. One of the following statements is not true about Comparative Politics
A. It seeks to compare, contrasts and evaluate different political systems
B. It focuses on different forms of government
C. It covers topics such as institutions, democracy and governance
D. It centers on the formulation and implementation of public policies

Answer: D; It centers on the formulation and implementation of public policies

Comparative Politics is a subfield of political science that seeks to compare, contrast, and
evaluate different political systems. It focuses on different forms of government, including
democracies, dictatorships, monarchies, and others. It covers topics such as institutions,
democracy, governance, political economy, and political culture.

36. What will occur when a subject decides to order a victim to perform a task by using physical
means? A. Force
B. Inducement
C. Blackmail
D. Manipulation

Answer: A; Force
Force is the use of physical power or violence to make someone do something against their will.
When a subject uses physical means to order a victim to perform a task, they are exerting force
over the victim to achieve their desired outcome.
37. Sovereignty is limited by the following factor except
A. Fundamental rights of people
B. The existence of a constitution
C. International laws
D. Traditional authority

Answer: D; Traditional authority

Sovereignty refers to the ultimate and supreme authority of a state or government over its people
and territory. It is limited by various factors, including: fundamental rights of people,
constitution, international laws etc.
38. Which type of sovereignty relates to institutions that are used to govern the state?
A. Political

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B. Social
C. Legal
D. Economic

Answer: A; Political
Political sovereignty relates to institutions that are used to govern the state. Political sovereignty
refers to the power and authority vested in the government to make and enforce laws, policies,
and regulations within its jurisdiction.
39. The sovereign power of the state is not ……….
A. Universal
B. Absolute
C. Permanent
D. Transferable

Answer: D; Transferable
The sovereign power of the state is not transferable to another entity, as it is an inherent attribute
of the state itself.
40. Political actors do not use the media to
A. Provide information for the public
B. Educate people
C. Make public policy
D. Make and unmake society

Answer: C; Make public policy

While political actors may use the media to promote their policy proposals or to advocate for
particular policy solutions, they do not typically use the media to make public policy itself.

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