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Loona Marchal English


1)a. « I wish I could be invisible » → Auggie might have said it.
« Oh my god, what’s the matter with his face ? » I think Auggie’s schoolmates during the first
weeks might have said it.
« Yeah, that’s Auggie, he is in my class ! » Auggie’s schoolmates a month later might have said it.

b. If an adjective had to sum up each attitude, it would be stressful or sad.

c. Towards school, Auggie feels awful.

2)a. A group of teens insulted Auggie’s face so his frend, Jack wanted to defend him but there
weren't enough so their classmates came to help them and then ran away. When they finally felt
safe, they laughed and Jack and Auggie thanked them.

b. « Whoa ! That was intense » l4 & « And I got up started running as fast as I could ! » l9 prove
that it was an intense moments for his friends and the last 5 lines prove that it wad a big moment for
Auggie, specially these sentences « I kept on crying » and « Amos lookes at me » because Auggie
already said that « None of them lookes at me » so he might feel loved now.

3) The spectator may feel sad and sorry for him mainly in the first scene, and for the second one, he
may feel annoyed because of the teens, but also emotional and proud of Auggie and his friends
because they inclued him despite his disability at a low age, so they are good kids.

4) These scenes can help to chance mentalities because for the first one, we see that kids do not
inclued August because of his disability, but now if kids feel moving looking at this scene, they will
maybe be kind and respectful with disabled child. Then I think the second scene can help because
we see that little kids are more smart than teens because they are nice with Auggie and they treat
him as an equal, so I think people who think like the teenagers here can challenge themselves and
treat disabled people better now.

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