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Words Book 4 Name 4

31. energy hook guest power lamp

Keep your room tidy. Hang your coat up on this 1. ____________.
Switch off the 2. ____________ when you leave the room so that
you don’t waste 3. ____________. Make your own bed. I don’t
have the time or the 4. ____________ to do that. Remember that
you are part of the family. You are not a 5. ____________ in a hotel.

32. latest entertain topic model find out

She enjoys reading the 1. ____________ fashion magazines in order
to 2. ____________ what the rich and famous are wearing. Talking
about clothes is always her main 3. ____________ of conversation.
She is sociable and likes to 4. ____________ her friends at home.
That is when she dresses up like a fashion 5. ____________.

33. technical neighbour neglect pipe professional

There is a burst water 1. ____________ under the house. I don’t
have the 2. ____________ know-how to fix this, so I will contact a
3. ____________ to come and repair it. If you 4. ____________
a problem like this, it will only get worse. My 5. ____________
has been very helpful in suggesting who to contact.

34. charge signal loyal perform firm

A horse can be a very 1. ____________ animal. You need to give it
2. ____________ commands, so that it knows you are the boss. A horse
can also 3. ____________ basic tricks, especially if you know how to train it.
It can even lie down when you give it a 4. ____________. The key to training
a horse is to treat it kindly and to let it know that you are in 5. ____________.

35. strength sloping stick sheep steep

Their house is on a hill with land 1. ____________ away from it.
There is a 2. ____________ section near the river. It is amazing
to see the 3. ____________ climbing up and down this land.
These animals have the 4. ____________ to climb and not
fall into the river. They always 5. ____________ to the tracks.

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36. while sufficient crisis starve solution
Many children still 1. _____________ to death in Africa. What is
the 2. _____________ to this problem? The rich are getter richer,
3. _____________ the poor are getting poorer. There is 4. _____________
food on this planet for everyone. What is the answer to this food
5. _____________ in Africa?

37. feel flame figure estimate note

The top of the 1. _____________ is yellow. If you put your
hand here, you can 2. _____________ the heat. Now open
your exercise books and take 3. _____________ of the different
colours in the flame. Can you 4. _____________ the height of the
flame? Write your answer down as a 5. _____________.

38. relief flight ankles standard stretch

We took an Air New Zealand 1. _____________ from Auckland to London.
The 2. _____________ of the service was very good. I managed to
3. _____________ my legs by walking up and down the aisle. I did have
some swelling in my 4. _____________ but that was all. Although it was
a great flight, it was a 5. _____________ to get off the plane after so long.

39. resist reduce remain remedy familiar

Wouldn’t it be great if there was a 1. _____________ for putting on
weight? I know I need to 2. _____________ the amount of food I
eat in order to 3. _____________ the same or start to lose weight.
I find it difficult to 4. _____________ the desire to eat sweet things.
I am sure many people are 5. _____________ with my problem.

40. drawer however mad somewhere hunt

I have lost my keys. I will have to 1. _____________ for them. I
am not going 2. _____________. I remember opening the front
door and then I put them down 3. _____________. But where?
I normally put them in a 4. _____________ in the kitchen.
5. _____________, they aren’t there!

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Words Book 4 Name 4
Words from Questions 31 to 40
Match up the words and the pictures. Write your answers below.

1. 2.

lamp flight energy sheep stretch

sloping flame pipe neighbour starve

ankle stick hunt drawer feel


4. 5. 6. 7.

8. 9. 10. 11.

12. 13. 14. 15.

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Words Book 4 Name 4
Replace the words in bold print with one word from the box which has the same meaning.

perform guest professional sufficient latest

1. We will look after the invited person very well in our hotel.

2. We have the most recent magazines for you to read.

3. In the evening we have well trained and experienced singers to entertain us.

4. Our dancers can move and dance with such skill.

5. You have enough time to enjoy everything on offer.

(5 marks)
One Word
Select one word from below to complete each sentence.

solution estimate mad somewhere remain

1. Using this method, you can _________________ the height of a tree.

2. You _________________ here while I go into the bank to get some money.

3. I left my watch _________________ at school, but I am not sure where.

4. I need help to work out the _________________ to this problem.

5. If I lose my jacket again, mum will be so _________________ at me.

(5 marks)
Word Class
Give the word class for the words in bold letters as used in the sentences. word class

1. It was so good to see his familiar face again.

2. I cannot resist going to speak to that beautiful girl.

3. What a relief that his mother is not as sick as we first thought!

4. Mum is going into the shoe shop, while dad has a coffee.

5. A pet dog is so loyal. It is said that a dog is a man’s best friend.

(5 marks)

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Words Book 4 Name 4
Crossword No. 4 uses words from Questions 31 to 40.

1. 2.

3. 4.

5. 6.

7. 8. 9.


11. 12. 13. 14.

15. 16.

17. 18.




22. 23.


Across: CLUES Down:
2. He caught the fish on a _______. 1. to make smaller in size
4. Your socks are in the top _______. 2. to search, look for, e.g. a treasure _______
5. It was a hard climb up the _______ slope. 3. a farm animal that gives us wool and meat
8. a person who is invited to a party 6. a tube conducting water
10. I am sick. I don’t _______ well. 7. Light the candle and watch the _______.
11. the joints between your feet and legs 9. crazy, stupid
14. a cure, medicine 12. to have nothing to eat
18. He is a very _______ friend. 13. well-known, easy to recognize
19. the noun from ‘powerful’ 14. the noun from ‘relieve’
20. late, later, _______ 15. a sign, a command, a gesture
21. to calculate the size or quantity 16. to not look after something properly
22. a number, a sum 17. a particular subject you write or talk about
23. a piece of wood, a small branch

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Words Book 4 Name 4
Write your own sentence for each word in the brackets. Remember to check your work.

1. (flight)

2. (while)

3. (neighbour)

4. (remain)

5. (solution)

Matching Words (10 marks)

Match up each word with its definition.

Words Answers (Letters) Definitions

1. find out A. having enough

2. energy B. having a sharp slope

3. professional C. to get to know

4. steep D. power, electricity

5. model E. to not look after well

6. strength F. a very difficult situation

7. entertain G. mentally or physically strong

8. neglect H. a trained person

9. sufficient I. a beautiful person who wears clothes

10. crisis J. to hold a party or celebration

(10 marks)

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