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BASKETBALL (3-3) Basketball (5-5) Football Women's

Women's Division Women's Division (1 Division (2 wins) Men's
win) Division (4 wins)
(2 wins)

Volleyball Women's Dodgeball Women's Dodgeball Women's

Division (2 wins) Men's Division (2 wins) Men's Division (2 wins) Men's
Division (4 wins) Division (2 wins) Division (1 win)

News Letter
Sports Fest is where many students are shown casting their
skills, abilities, as well as talents that will mold them as
individuals. They will be having some activities or some sports
that will lead them to a competition of different sports. At the
end of the sports fest, champions will be announced after
multiple group or individual elimination. Sports fest is not just
all about competition but, showcasing what you have and
what you can do as an individual and also having unity and
bonding to make friends and relationships with one another.

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