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Minutes of meeting

Session no. 4

Name of Company: KRG Strategy Consultants Pvt LTD.

Date of Meeting: 14/04/2023

Time: 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Conducted By- Mr. Kailash Sir

Intern Name- Abhishek Kumar

Intern Code- KRGSIPAPR23EQ97

Time: 5:30 PM-07:05 PM

Agenda –

 Data collection task review

 Data analysis and writing short reports on data collected.

Learning from Meeting:

Data Collection Task Review: During the meeting, we discussed the data collection task and reviewed
the progress. We identified the sources of data and evaluated the quality and reliability of the data. We
also discussed the tools and techniques used for data collection and analyzed the strengths and
weaknesses of each method.

Data Analysis and Writing Short Reports: We then discussed the progress of data analysis and reviewed
the short reports that were prepared based on the data collected. We discussed the findings and
identified trends and patterns in the data. We also evaluated the accuracy and reliability of the data
analysis and discussed potential limitations and challenges.

Learning: As an equity analyst, I learned the importance of accurate and reliable data collection and
analysis in making informed investment decisions. I also learned the importance of collaboration and
effective communication within the team. The meeting provided an opportunity for me to learn from my
colleagues and to contribute my own ideas and insights. Overall, the meeting was a valuable learning
experience for me as an equity analyst.

Next meeting on: To be informed.

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