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Chapter 7: The Judicial Branch

1. Power of the Supreme Court to determine if a law passed by Congress is constitutional:

a. remand c. precedent
b. jurisdiction d. judicial review

2. A judge on the Supreme Court is called:

a. juror c. magistrate
b. justice d. marshal

3. Who appoints Supreme Court Justices?

a. the President c. the House of Representatives
b. the Senate d. popular vote

4. What requirements must be met to be a Supreme Court Justice?

a. must have been a practicing lawyer c. there are no requirements
b. must have previously served on a lower court d. must be a native-born US citizen

5. Which of the following types of laws define what acts are crimes?
a. criminal law c. civil law
b. administrative law d. constitutional law

6. Which of the following is the law that prevails over all other laws in the United States?
a. administrative law c. criminal law
b. constitutional law d. statutory law

7. How many justices are on the Supreme Court?

a. 6 c. 12
b. 9 d. 15

8. This is written when a justices agrees with the majority decision, but for a different reason:
a. an opinion c. a dissenting opinion
b. a concurring opinion d. a demand

9. The only courts in the federal court system in which jury trials are held:
a. courts of appeals c. appellate courts
b. the Supreme Court d. district courts

10. Behavior that is illegal because society considers the behavior harmful:
a. crime c. appeal
b. precedent d. statute

11. In a court of appeals, a panel of _______________ makes a decision on the case brought before it:
a. 12 jurors c. at least 3 judges
b. at least 6 judges d. 1 judge

12. Type of law that comes from judges’ decisions that are based on common sense or previous cases:
a. constitutional law c. criminal law
b. administrative law d. common law

13. What are the 2 basic categories of laws?

a. constitutional and civil c. civil and criminal
b. administrative and statutory d. criminal and common

14. Laws passed by law making bodies:

a. statutory laws c. administrative laws
b. common laws d. constitutional laws

15. Cases such as contract disputes, divorce proceedings, and property boundaries are settle using:
a. criminal law c. civil law
b. constitutional law d. common law
Chapter 7: The Judicial Branch
16. There are _________ federal district courts in the United States.
a. 10 c. 50
b. 12 d. 94

17. A justice that disagrees with the majority might write a(n):
a. concurring opinion c. opinion to serve
b. dissenting opinion d. remand

18. Earlier decisions made by a judge:

a. statute c. appeal
b. precedent d. commonality

19. Type of law that covers many areas of daily life, such as health, safety, education and banking:
a. common law c. constitutional law
b. administrative law d. statutory law

20. Type of law based on the Constitution and on Supreme Court decisions:
a. constitutional law c. civil law
b. administrative law d. congressional law

21. The ____________________________ reviews cases that are appealed from district courts.
a. Court of Appeals c. District Courts
b. Supreme Court d. Circuit Courts

22. Process by which a person asks a higher court to review the result of his/her trial.
a. precedent c. statute
b. remand d. appeal

23. Group of laws that refer to disputes between people:

a. criminal law c. constitutional law
b. civil law d. administrative law

24. The power of judicial review allows courts to…:

a. decide if a judge must be impeached c. send cases to Congress for review
b. decide whether a law/presidential action is d. reject cases

25. The case that established the “reading of rights” to a suspect:

a. Brown v. Board of Education c. Miranda v. Arizona
b. Plessy v. Ferguson d. Marbury v. Madison

26. A court with ______________________ has the power to review decisions made by lower courts.
a. original jurisdiction c. secondary jurisdiction
b. appellate jurisdiction d. supreme jurisdiction

27. ___________________ is defined as the scope of authority a court has to hear and decide a case brought before it:
a. jurisdiction c. statute
b. appellate d. power

28. describes how a person accused of a crime should be tried in court & punishment for crimes:
a. civil law c. criminal law
b. constitutional law d. common law

29. The decisions of the ____________________________ are final and cannot be appealed.
a. appellate courts c. circuit courts
b. district courts d. supreme court
Chapter 7: The Judicial Branch
30. The lowest courts, trial courts, have _____________________- the authority to be the first to hear federal cases.
a. appellate jurisdiction c. original jurisdiction
b. common jurisdiction d. supreme jurisdiction

31. The highest court in the land is called …:

a. the Supreme Court c. the Congressional Court
b. the US District Court d. the Appeals Court

32. What can Congress do if the Supreme Court rules a law unconstitutional?
a. nothing- the law is dead c. impeach the justices
b. rewrite the law d. ignore the ruling

33. In which case did the Supreme Court rule that school segregation was unconstitutional?
a. Brown v. Board of Education c. Miranda v. Arizona
b. Plessy v. Ferguson d. Marbury v. Madison

34. Which body must confirm/approve Supreme Court Justice nominees?

a. Senate c. Congress
b. House of Representatives d. the current Supreme Court Justices

35. Which of the following is NOT covered under civil law?

a. child custody c. property
b. divorce d. all of the above are civil law

36, Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of statutory law?

a. sets clear limits/boundaries c. they are voted on by concerned citizens
b. they are established by Congress, states, or d. they are only found at the national, not the
local governments state level

37. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of common law?

a. they are based on society’s principles & customs
b. judges are free to make their own rulings as they see fit
c. judges must follow a precedent if there is an existing one
d. it relies on common sense & previous decisions

38. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of administrative law?

a. they are made by government agencies
b. they are made by Congress
c. they cover many areas of daily life
d. They are established to protect the health/well-being of the people

39. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Constitutional law?

a. supreme Court decisions are final & can never change
b. based on Supreme Court rulings/decisions
c. can change as the interpretation of the Constitution changes
d. based on the Constitution

40. Which of the following is FALSE concerning the case of Brown v. Board of Education?
a. separate but equal is inherently unequal
b. it called for the immediate desegregation of public schools
c. separate facilities were okay as long as they were equal
d. it overturned Plessy v. Ferguson

41. Which of the following is NOT a check on the judicial branch?

a. the president can appoint justices/federal judges
b. Congress can rewrite a law if the Supreme Court has ruled it unconstitutional
c. the president can remove judges through impeachment
d. the Senate must approve of all justices/federal judges appointed
Chapter 7: The Judicial Branch
42. Who appoints the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court?
a. Congress c. the president
b. other justices d. popular vote

43. Which Supreme Court case established judicial review?

a. Roe v. Wade c. Miranda v. Arizona
b. Plessy v. Ferguson d. Marbury v. Madison

44. In which type of case does the Supreme Court NOT have original jurisdiction?
a. cases concerning diplomatic representatives of other countries
b. cases between states
c. cases between states and the federal government
d. cases that have been appealed to the Supreme Court

45. Which of the following court ranking, from the lowest to the highest, is correct?
a. 1. Appeals Court; 2. Supreme Court; 3. District Court
b. 1. District Court; 2. Appeals Court; 3. Supreme Court
c. 1. Appeals Court; 2. District Court; 3. Supreme Court

46. In which of the following ways are Kentucky Appellate Courts like the Federal Appellate Courts?
a. judges serve for life
b. judges travel on a “circuit” to hear cases
c. they are the highest court of appeals
d. judges work together in teams of 3 to review cases

47. Which of the following courts is the HIGHEST court in the state of Kentucky?
a. Kentucky State Supreme Court c. Kentucky Circuit Court
b. Kentucky Court of Appeals d. Kentucky District Court

48. Which of the following types of cases is NOT heard in Kentucky family court?
a. divorce proceedings c. adoption cases
b. criminal cases d. child abuse & neglect cases

49. Which of the following statements about Circuit Court Clerks is FALSE?
a. they manage circuit/district court records c. they select the juries for cases
b. they administer oaths d. they issue driver licenses & state ID cards

50. Which of the following types of cases is NOT heard/tried in a Kentucky state district court?
a. cases involving US treaties c. civil cases less than $5,000
b. juvenile matters d. domestic violence & abuses cases

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