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TERM 1 - 2023
Time: 2 Hours

1a) Aspects of human authorship in the Bible

⚫ Oral traditions -narrative
⚫ Song or wise sayings
⚫ Own teaching and prayers
⚫ Historical events
⚫ Laws and regulations
⚫ Letters e.g., Paul letter. (7x1)

b) Reasons why Prophet Elijah faced danger and hostility in Israel

⚫ He prophesied 31/2 years of drought which resulted into severe famine.
⚫ He tried to uproot false religion practised by Jezebel and wife of Ahab.
⚫ He rebuked Ahab for killing Naboth and taking his vineyard.
⚫ He ordered the killing of Baal prophets.
⚫ People attributed the suffering Israel at that time.
⚫ He condemned corruption in Israel.
⚫ He declared judgement on king Ahab and Jezebel.
⚫ He condemned the king of misleading the Israelites. (6x1)

c) Relevance of Elijah s prophetic mission to Christians today

⚫ Christians must be strong in faith and speak against idol or devil worship.
⚫ Christians should condemn any form of corruption just like Elijah condemned Ahab over
Naboth vineyard.
⚫ They should seek God’s guidance and protection through constant prayer.
⚫ They should be prepared to suffer as they fight injustice in society.
⚫ God punishes sinner through natural events.
⚫ One must be firm in faith even in the middle of temptations.
⚫ Church leaders should respect God in order to be successful.
⚫ Christian should learn to be assertive in critical and creative thinking to meet current
challenges. (7x1)

2a) The ministry of John the Baptist as stated in the Benedictus

⚫ He will be prophet of the most high.
⚫ He will teach people about salvation/forgiveness of sin.
⚫ Give light to those in darkness/shadow of death.
⚫ Guide people in the way peace.
⚫ Preparing them for the coming of the messiah.
⚫ Calling people to repentance. (7x1)
b) Healing of the Paralytic man (Luke 5: 17-26)
⚫ Jesus was teaching and in the crowd were Pharisees and teachers of the law.
⚫ some people brought a paralysed man on a stretcher.
⚫ Since the crowd was large, they let him down through the roof.
⚫ Jesus realized that they had great faith to go to all that trouble.
⚫ He told the sick man that his sins were forgiven.
⚫ The scribes and Pharisees asked why Jesus forgave sins, yet he was not God.
⚫ To show them that he had authority he ordered the man to rise, take his stretcher and go
home. (8x1)

c) Lessons Christians learn about Jesus from the healing of the Paralysed man
⚫ The paralysed man was cure because he and his bearers were full of faith.
⚫ Jesus proved to the Pharisees that he had authority to forgive sin.
⚫ Jesus refers to himself as the son of man because part of his duty was to reconcile people
to God.
⚫ Jesus has power to overcome diseases.
⚫ Jesus is merciful and loving.
⚫ The paralysed man left rejoicing similarly Christians should rejoice in the Lord.
⚫ Christians should always pray with faith. (5x1)

3a) Jesus’ teaching on faith and humility (Luke 9:37-50)

⚫ When Jesus came down from the mountain of transfiguration, he found a boy who was
the only child of his parents.
⚫ The boy had been possessed by evil spirits and the father was desperate. Jesus rebuked
the evil spirit and cured the boy.
⚫ Jesus made the second prophecy concerning death. Jesus took time to teach the disciple
about the kingdom of God.
⚫ He told the disciples that the least among them was the greatest in God’s kingdom.
⚫ The disciples wondered who the greatest among them was.
⚫ Jesus taught the disciples that as long as a person has faith and works through Jesus such
a person is a member of the kingdom of God.
⚫ Jesus taught his disciples about humility, love, self-denial, and self-sacrifice. He taught
the disciples these things in order to prepare them for his death and their future
responsibilities. (5x1)

b) The cleansing of the Temple

⚫ Jesus went into the temple and began to drive out the merchants.
⚫ He told them that it is written in the scripture that God’s temple will be a house of
prayer. The traders had turned it into a hide out for thieves.
⚫ Everyday Jesus taught in the temple. The chief priest, the teacher of the law and the
leader of the people wanted to kill him, but they could not find a way to do it.
⚫ This was because all the people kept listening to him, not wanting to miss a single word.
c) Significance of the teaching of Eschatology to Christians today
⚫ The second coming of Jesus is unknown.
⚫ Christian will be accused and persecuted as disciple of Jesus.
⚫ Christians should try to come up with their own defence against accusation as witnesses
of Christ.
⚫ Jesus will give them the wisdom with which to responds to the charges and they will not
come to any harm.
⚫ Christians should realise that the second coming will happen after many extra ordinary
⚫ Christians must remain steadfast in order to sustain their salvation.
⚫ Christians will have an opportunity to preach the gospel even when they are accused.

4a) Criteria for discerning the gifts of the Holy Spirit

⚫ Acceptance of Jesus as lord and messiah; one who is led by the Holy Spirit cannot
pronounce a curse upon Jesus. Only those who accept Jesus and his teaching and call
him” Lord” truthfully are led by the spirit of God.
⚫ Sincerity and honesty; A person who is filled with the Holy Spirit must act in accordance
with one’s prophecies and not be a pretender.
⚫ Biblical truth; whoever is under the influence of Holy Spirit must not contradict what the
bible says.
⚫ Fruit of the spirit; one who is under influence of the Holy Spirit must bear the fruit of
love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
One actions must be in line with the Christians way of life. (6x1)

b) Saint Paul's teaching on the similarities between the church and husband and wife
⚫ The bride represents the believers in Christ.
⚫ The believers are united to Christ who is the bridegroom.
⚫ The church is to be committed to Christ just as a bride is to be committed to the
⚫ Christians as the bride of God should be pure.
⚫ God’s relationships to His people are perfect.
⚫ The bride’s patience in the union with Christ will not be in vain.
⚫ The bride should dress ready for the bridegroom.
⚫ Committed Christians will be taken to a new home (heaven) just as the bride is taken to a
new home by the husband. (8x1)
c) Cause of disunity in the church today
⚫ Splinter groups breaking away from mainstream churches; Christians must tolerate and
accommodate each other because they preach the same gospel.
⚫ Use of spiritual gifts; some Christians who are blessed with gifts like speaking in tongues
and healing look down upon those who aren’t. Gift should be used for the general benefit
of the church.
⚫ Discrimination against some members of the church e.g., women, the youth the poor. All
Christians are children of God and Jesus came for the salvation of all. Christians should
not judge others and should treat all equally.
⚫ Leadership wrangles: ambition for leadership has resulted in infighting in some churches
and even court cases.
⚫ Interpretation of the Christian doctrine; churches do not agree on important matters like
sacrament and salvation. Some recognise more sacraments while others consider
salvation as an ongoing process
⚫ Difference in procedure of baptism; some churches believe in spiritual baptism while
others immerse the body in water or sprinkle water on the head. Each church believes
that its method is the correct one and does not recognize that of the others.
⚫ Celebration of the last supper; this is done differently in various churches, and each
insists that their method is the correct one.
⚫ Leadership for women in the church; some churches look down upon women and deny
them the opportunity to exercise their leadership talents in church. (6x1)

5 a) Relationship between the Old Testament prophecies and the New Testament
⚫ The teaching of the prophets in the Old Testament laid the foundation for and were
fulfilled in the new testament.
⚫ Malachi prophesied that a forerunner would prepare the way before the coming of the
Messiah. This was fulfilled in the birth and mission of John the Baptist.
⚫ Isaiah foretold about a young woman who would conceive and bear a son and name him
Immanuel. This was fulfilled when the angel Gabriel announced the conception to Mary
who was betroth to Joseph.
⚫ Micah prophesied that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem. This was fulfilled with
the birth of Jesus.
⚫ Isaiah prophesied about Christ who is the anointed one, while Jeremiah predicated that
the Messiah would be a descendant of David.
⚫ Jeremiah foretold about a new covenant to be made between God and the faithful
remnants. This was fulfilled during the last supper when Jesus inaugurated the New
⚫ Isaiah prophesied about the suffering servant who would die to redeem humankind. This
eventually came true as Jesus was persecuted and killed.
⚫ Joel prophesied about the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and this was fulfilled in the New
Testament on the day of Pentecost. (7x1)
b) The Historical background of Prophet Amos
⚫ Amos was a native of Judah from a village called Tekoa.
⚫ He was a shepherd and tender of sycamore tree.
⚫ He prophesied during the reign of king Jeroboam II of Israel and Uzziah of Judah.
⚫ He was called by God to prophesy to the kingdom of Israel around 756 BCE.
⚫ The Assyrian threat was eminent which became a reality which became a reality during
the reign of Tigleth.
⚫ It was a period of political stability which led to a false sense of security among the
ruling class.
⚫ There was oppression of the poor by the rich through the grabbing of the land of the
poor, selling of the children of the poor and injustice for poor in the courts.
⚫ There was massive corruption and bribery in Israel and in law courts.
⚫ There was insincere worship among the Israelites. This was characterized by external
observance of rituals rather observance of God’s commandments. They practised
syncretism by worshipping Yahweh alongside Pagan gods.
⚫ Idolatry was practised by some Israelites. (8x1)

c) Relevance of Amos teaching on social justice and responsibility to Christians today

⚫ Christian should condemn corruption in the judiciary today. Some judge and magistrates
have been accused of soliciting bribes, thus denying justice to the poor.
⚫ We should show compassion to victims of other social evils today e.g., child defilement,
rape and robbery with violence.
⚫ Christians should condemn sexual immorality today e.g., pre-marital sex and adultery
which has contributed to the rising cases of HIV/AIDS.
⚫ We should preach against drunkenness since it causes death and blindness to those who
⚫ Christians should condemn dishonest merchants today. (5x1)

6a) Traditional African ways of venerating and communicating with Ancestors.

⚫ Prayer and sacrifice are either made directly to God or through spirits.
⚫ Spirits may play an intermediary role between God and humans.
⚫ During time of trouble sacrifice may be made directly to the spirit concerned to appease
⚫ Some communities set up altars represent ancestors where sacrifice is made.
⚫ People pour blood sacrifice animal and drinks on such altars.
⚫ This is done to seek blessings and protections from ancestral spirits.
⚫ Elders and priests at time communicates with spirits on behalf of the people. (8x1)
b) Importance of kinship it in the Traditional African Society
⚫ Unites members of the family giving them a sense of belonging
⚫ Preserves people cultures and identity.
⚫ Defines social relationships.
⚫ Creates security by initiating strong social bonds between people.
⚫ Defining duties of individuals within the community.
⚫ Links the living to the dead.
⚫ Makes individuals seek assistance in times of need.
⚫ Establishes norms and values for a community. (6x1)

c) Moral values expected of initiates in African Traditional society

⚫ Hospitality/generosity/kindness
⚫ Honesty
⚫ Integrity
⚫ Tolerance/perseverance/endurance
⚫ Chastity/faithfulness/self-control
⚫ Loyalty/obedience
⚫ Love, responsibility
⚫ Co-operation, unity, courage, hard work. (6x1)

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