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World of Byzantium 

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Posted by Eleftherios Tserkezis  16h

The topography of the Roman empire

Things to notice in relation to Byzantine history.

Thrace as a single unit, a plain stretching from the sea to the Rhodope and Haemus mountains.

The fertile lowlands of Bithynia (northwestern Asia Minor) standing out from the rest of Asia
The Anatolian plateau, powerhouse of the Byzantine empire.

The Haemus mountains separating the historical core of Bulgaria from the more Byzantine-
oriented region to the south, later known as eastern Rumelia.
The well-defined region of Cilicia (southern Asia Minor) with its tall mountains and fertile plain.

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Ben Fifi · 16h
What made Anatolia the powerhouse of the Eastern Romans while Rumelia was the powerhouse of
the Ottomans?
Eleftherios Tserkezis   · 15h
Horvath is correct. Asia Minor had the men, horses and resources that were necessary for the
defense of the empire and the wars against the caliphate(s). On the other hand, by the time of
the Ottoman conquest, Asia Minor had spent almost 4 centuries as a fragmented region, half
of which as multi-fragmented. The Balkans came under the Ottomans first and were —for the
most part— conquered fast, which helped internal structures remain in place.
Horváth Kristóf · 15h
To the Byzantines:

1. It was the main source of grain (provision for military campaigns) after the loss of egypt.

2. It was the main source of the empires land power (manpower wise)

3. It was a well defendable area- if properly manned, can be protected with limited
forces/power. The saved up power can be used elsewhere.
Swaminathan B · 14h
Wonderful! Also Eleftherios, I have heard that many ancient commentators (like Cicero) remarked
that Asia Minor was fabulously rich. What was the source of this wealth?
Eleftherios Tserkezis   · 12h
Provincia Asia (western Asia Minor) had arguably more cities than any other province in the
empire. They had access to resources, a great geographic position in the eastern
Mediterranean and a rich past.

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