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Week 02 - Task: Assignment - My university class sessions:

then and now

Rafael Martin Contreras Poño


Angeles Celeste Cruz Gago
More than a year ago a
pandemic began around the
world, which made all
educationalcenters have to
close. Last semester I had to
take all my courses in virtual
At thebeginning I was not
happy, with the passage of
time I had realized the
thatexisted between the
current classes, with the ones I
had before the Covid
InPre pandemic I traveled by
transport to get to the
university and start my
currentlyI do not have the
need to travel somewhere I
can take the class sessions that
zoomedin from the comfort
of my home. Although in
the past in the face-to-face
classes thestudents
participated more than now.
On the other hand, the virtual
allows you tobetter adapt your
class schedules, an example of
this is when I return from
work, now I nolonger need to
go elsewhere, I can be
listening to the teachers while
I rest. In
the previoussemester I
realized that I had to become
more responsible with my
learning since if Ineglected I
could pull some of them,
happily I managed to adapt
and I did
well in all mycourses
My university class sessions: then and now

Since I entered the university all my courses were taken in a virtual mode because in that

year the pandemic had already started due to covid-19, at the beginning I was not happy,

but with time I had to adapt little by little. Last cycle I took some courses in which I liked

because I could interact with my classmates and professors, although it was also a little

difficult because to go to the university it took me almost 3 hours, so in this cycle I chose to

study virtually because for my career I could choose in which mode I would like to be, now

it is a little easier because I do not spend on airfare and much less in time.

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