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(AC-S04) Week 04 - Task: Assignment - Work

and study

Rafael Martin Contreras Poño



Angeles Celeste Cruz Gago Harumi Solange Sanchez Medina

Code U21319780 Code U21316930
More than a year ago a pandemic began around the world, which made all
educationalcenters have to close. Last semester I had to take all my courses in virtual
At thebeginning I was not happy, with the passage of time I had realized the difference
thatexisted between the current classes, with the ones I had before the Covid originated.
InPre pandemic I traveled by transport to get to the university and start my classes,
currentlyI do not have the need to travel somewhere I can take the class sessions that are
zoomedin from the comfort of my home. Although in the past in the face-to-face
classes thestudents participated more than now. On the other hand, the virtual modality
allows you tobetter adapt your class schedules, an example of this is when I return from
work, now I nolonger need to go elsewhere, I can be listening to the teachers while I rest.
the previoussemester I realized that I had to become more responsible with my own
learning since if Ineglected I could pull some of them, happily I managed to adapt and I did
well in all mycourses
Most of the university students work and study at the same time as in my and my partner's
case, it is very difficult because the courses are very demanding and important and for that
we need a lot of time to study. Also, we have to learn job skills to do a good job and we
also like to dedicate time to extra things like our family, going out with friends,etc.

In addition, working helps to help pay for the monthly tuition at the university or for the
expenses of the projects, in general it is a very important economic help. Also, we can
gain more experience in the work environment and we can even do internships in the
career we have chosen and learn more about this field.

However, also working and studying at the same time has several disadvantages, such as
suffering constant stress because of the many things we have to do, we can be constantly
tired, not being very present with the work that the university leaves us, getting low grades,
the crossing of schedules to work and go to study.

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