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Name: Pauline Faith E. Bernate Yr. & Sec.: Major: Science Date of Submission: October 7,
4SM / 4E2 2022

Intended Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this Learning Episode, I must be able to revisit the concept of learning environment in the
context of the current teaching and learning situation.

I. Analyze (Answers should not be less than 300 words for each Learning Environment)

Learning Environment 1:
1. What have you noticed of the display in the class bulletin board? What message or theme does it
2. What makes it attractive to the learners?
3. Does it help in the learning process? How?

I observed that the bulletin boards in each classroom differ in each grade level. In grade 7, their bulletin board
used more lighter colors that helped the students stimulate their learning. While in grade 10, they also used
lighter colors, but their bulletin boards have trendier themes that help the students become more interested.
Themes and colors also help the bulletin board be more attractive to learners and the section that contains
students' birthdays, school announcements, and subject reminders would help the students in their learning
process. Through the subject reminders, students will be more interested in their topics and this will help
them remember their due activities. Bulletin boards will also help the students in becoming more interested in
the events that the school prepared for them and by them becoming aware of the events, they will know
more things about events that will help them in their learning process.
Learning Environment 2

1. If the teacher is using a distance delivery of learning through the modules, where is most likely the
learning space of the students?
2. Can you describe the situation?
3. How can you as a teacher help to make such environment conducive for learning?

If the teacher is using a distance delivery of learning through the modules, students are most likely to study
in their homes. Based on my observations, some students have a learning space and some do not, and I
believe that is what affects the students learning through modules. Some students do not have an effective
learning space at their homes because maybe their house is enough for their whole family or their internet
connection is not reliable. While there are also students that have a learning space where they can study or
even have a strong and stable internet connection that will enable them to learn and do activities faster. As
a teacher, I would create home based experiments that are effective and efficient because I believe to
really process and learn Science, experiments are needed. Experiments is also a fun activity that will help
the students be more interested in learning the concepts of different topics in Science.

As a teacher, in which of the two situations would you prefer to manage for learning? Choose between the Learning

II. OBSERVE (In 100-150 words)

What probable problem may result from the two situations of the learning environment?

The problem that may arise during face to face classes is that discussion will take longer because there are some
unpredictable distractions that makes students not focused on the discussion. Another problem is that some
school are still not prepared to go back to school because of the pandemic. While during online learning,
students and teachers will experience internet connection problems that will greatly affect their studies and

III. REFLECT (In 100-150 words)

What solutions can I think to solve the problem?

For the face-to-face learning environment especially in public schools, the government should allot enough
budget that will ensure that the schools are prepared and organized to conduct face-to-face classes. The schools
also should make adjustments to schedules that will greatly help the students in focusing on their class
discussions. While, in online classses, the schools should prepare many ways that could help the students learn
and attain the subjects’ objectives even they do not have internet access or weak connection,

IV. PLAN (In 100-150 words)

How should I do it?

As a teacher, I should pay attention to my students need in face-to-face discussions or classes because I know
that they are still adjusting to face-to-face because of the pandemic. I will create stimulating activities that will
help the students to learn and discover new things that will help them to really learn. Even during online
learning, I will give online simulation or activities that will not need any internet connection so all my students
could explore and learn the concepts of science in the comfort of their homes.

In not less than 300 words, write an essay on the topic “My Conducive Learning Environment”

My conducive learning environment is where I will be comfortable studying, be with my friends to talk with
when I have a hard time studying, and a place where I can truly learn and absorb the concepts I need to learn.
As a student, I know that I have the duty to study and do tasks no matter what my learning environment is, but
I know that studying will be more effective when I am happy and comfortable in the space that I am studying in
too. My conducive learning environment is also one of the most important spaces that I should have in my
home or even inside the school because, through this learning environment, I would be able to study with all
my focus. Honestly, I am more comfortable studying in a library or in a quiet classroom because I know that
when I am in these places, my mind will be more organized and conducive to learning, which will help me
focus. But when I am in crowded or noisy places, I tend to be disorganized and lose focus on the things that I
should do. I believe that it will lead me to procrastinate on my delayed task. So overall, my conducive learning
environment is a place where there is silence, something interesting and having fun at the same time.

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