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(AC-S03) Week 03 - Task: Assignment - A job


Rafael Martin Contreras Poño



Angeles Celeste Cruz Gago Harumi Solange Sanchez Medina

Code U21319780 Code U21316930

More than a year ago a

pandemic began around the
world, which made all
educationalcenters have to
close. Last semester I had to
take all my courses in virtual
At thebeginning I was not
happy, with the passage of
time I had realized the
thatexisted between the
current classes, with the ones I
had before the Covid
InPre pandemic I traveled by
transport to get to the
university and start my
currentlyI do not have the
need to travel somewhere I
can take the class sessions that
zoomedin from the comfort
of my home. Although in
the past in the face-to-face
classes thestudents
participated more than now.
On the other hand, the virtual
allows you tobetter adapt your
class schedules, an example of
this is when I return from
work, now I nolonger need to
go elsewhere, I can be
listening to the teachers while
I rest. In
the previoussemester I
realized that I had to become
more responsible with my
learning since if Ineglected I
could pull some of them,
happily I managed to adapt
and I did
well in all mycourses
T: Good morning miss. Welcome to the Popeyes family, right now we are starting the

T: ¿Tell me, have you worked before and do you have experience in customer service?

C: Good afternoon, miss. I was previously working at Papa Jhon's in customer service.

T: ¿Are you studying and if so, could you give me your schedule?

C: Yes, I am currently studying and my classes are in the morning

T: The person for this position must be available to work. And why do you think we should
hire you in the company?

C: If I have availability to work. I deserve this position since I am a hard-working, dedicated

girl, I like to keep order and responsible

T: That is very important, but you know that the person for the position has to be proactive

C: I have to know how to listen and have a good memory.

T: ¿Can you work part time in the evenings?

C: Of course, it would help me a lot since I can study in the morning and work at night.

T: Well Miss, we have finished the interview, I already have all your data registered and
one of our personal assistants will contact you.

C: Thank you, I will be waiting for your answer

T: Have a good day, see you later

C: see you later

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