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“They said it's you who puts the gravity in the ground,

They said it's you who all the stars revolve around,
Scientists were wrong, and you suspected all along it might be true,
The world belongs to you.”
-Jonathan Coulton

This set of Charms for the Yozi Isidoros is intended to work alongside the Charm sets for other Yozis already
presented in Manual of Exalted Power: Infernals (and other sources, such as the Broken-Winged Crane and Ink
Monkey supplements), and includes an Urge and Act of Villainy. All the usual rules for Green Sun Princes
apply, as given in those books. I also recommend using my rewritten version of She Who Lives in Her Name
(and the Infernal version of Wyld-Shaping Technique), found ​here​.

Though this document contains the core of Isidoros’ power - 33 Charms as well as a General set - further
Charms exist, whether waiting to be invented by the heroic genius of the Infernal Exalted or simply unrecorded
in this document. A few of these were excised for reasons of space, and may be added to a separate document at
a later date.



The Age of Dreams was a time of wonder and madness, where the souls of titans played in the sandbox of
Creation and the newborn gods toiled beneath twin suns. Isidoros found it unbearably stolid, and welcomed the
futile invasions of the raksha as a brief distraction, herding them into the burning razor banks of his sister
Adrián. In this quietly dying Age of Sorrows, he imparts the heart of a frustrated anarchist upon those Green
Sun Princes who seek his patronage. This Urge leads the Infernal Exalted to cause chaos through their actions,
kicking out the legs from beneath established order. They provoke revolution, sow dissent, demolish tradition,
place peasants on thrones and hurl rulers from their towers.

Conviction and Valor are Isidoros’ core Virtues, teaching that none may force him to turn aside from his desires,
and that challengers must be beaten back from his position at the centre of the universe. Compassion allows him
to show mercy in the form of carelessness, forgiving the irrelevant everyone. Temperance reminds him of the
importance of self-mastery, though his egocentric might warps this lesson into a rejection of foreign authority.

Examples include:
• Split the Immaculate Cult in half over a point of irreconcilable doctrine.
• Slay the Celestial Censor of the North.
• Incite civil war in the Realm.
• Cause the Lintha to abandon their worship of Kimbery.
• Break the Perfect of Paragon’s control over his city.

The Torment of Isidoros​: When an Infernal with an Isidorite Urge accumulates 10 points of Limit he suffers
the Torment of Isidoros. For one full day, the world seems colourless and absent of life, an empty void that no
amount of effort will fill. The Infernal is stripped of all impetus – he is treated as having no Motivation, Virtues
rated at 1, and barely acknowledges his intimacies at all. Given the chance, he will simply wallow in his own
ennui for the duration, eating only if strictly necessary and sleeping through problems. He will act to defend his
own life, but otherwise cares nothing for the world or anyone in it – it is simply too much bother.


Isidoros regards authority as a lie invented by the insecure, to secure their power and knowledge. He is power,
and his opinion is the only one that matters – why should he heed the laws of the Yozis? Whenever a warlock
responds to a (seemingly) reasonable order or helpful proposal with a dismissal deliberately intended to cause
insult or injury, roll his Valor. Each success reduces accumulated Limit by one (minimum zero). The dismissal
must be directed at a character capable of exacting retribution in some way.


Cost​ : 1m per die; ​Mins​: Essence 1; ​Type​: Reflexive (Step 1 for attacker; Step 2 for defender)
Keywords​ : Combo-OK
Duration​ : Instant
Prerequisite Charms​: None
The Black Boar That Twists the Sky is ​shameless ​and ​proud ​of everything he is and does. He ​boisterously
indulges​in his every ​primal urge​, fuelled by a ​boundless vitality​that allows him to ​smash through
anything​between him and his ​desires​, for he knows that ​forbidden fruit​tastes sweetest. The Antarch
Stampede ​ stubbornly rejects all authority​, a ​self-absorbed ​creature who recognises only his own ​unstoppable
force​. He is ​wilful and contrary​, an ​anarchist ​who even scorns systems of law, nature and probability, but is at
least ​
honest ​ in his ​violent disrespect​for others. ​Competition ​and ​challenges ​especially rouse him, as he parades
his ​
awesome might ​by ​trampling imitators​. Isidoros is ​unconcerned ​by the ​senseless destruction​he causes in
such displays, for he does not consider anything but the present, a ​myopic carelessness​that allows him to act
with ​largesse​.

Characters can always use this Charm to help satisfy their ​base desires​, whether by foraging for food or
propositioning sexual partners. It cannot ever be used to enhance actions taken at the behest of others, unless the
Infernal takes special measures to make his ​independence ​clear. Isidoros can generally aid Infernals who are
engaged in opposed or exceedingly difficult actions, provided they ​trumpet their victory​to all; the Black Boar is
vain ​
and cannot understand humility.


Cost​: —; ​
Mins​: Essence 3; ​Type​: Permanent
Keywords​ : Native
Duration​ : Permanent
Prerequisite Charms​: First Isidoros Excellency
The Black Boar That Twists the Sky reinforces his own ego with his awesome might, such that whenever he
receives Willpower from stunting, he also regains a single Valor channel.


Cost​: —; ​Mins​: Essence 3; ​Type​: Permanent
Keywords​ : None
Duration​ : Permanent
Prerequisite Charms​: First Isidoros Excellency
Isidoros is a creature for himself, first and foremost, and expresses his majesty through his own form. Spells
which enhance the caster’s physical capabilities cost no Willpower when cast through this initiation – examples
include Becoming the Wood Friend, Blood Lash, Commanding Presence of Fire, Incomparable Body Arsenal,
God-Forged Champion of War, and Invoking the Eyeless Face. However, Isidoros’ rejection of authority
increases the cost of all spells that seek to override another character’s free will or beliefs by one point of
temporary Willpower. It is natural for lesser beings to be drawn to the Infernal’s majesty, so spells that summon
and bind entities are unaffected.


Cost​: —; ​
Mins​: Essence 5; ​Type​: Permanent
Keywords​ : Native
Duration​ : Permanent
Prerequisite Charms​: First Isidoros Excellency
The ego of the Black Boar outgrows his body and Essence alike. An Infernal who suppresses his Valor loses the
extra dot of Essence permitted by this Charm for the rest of the scene. This Charm has no effect for characters
with a Valor lower than three.


Cost​ : —; ​
Mins​: Essence 1; ​Type​: Permanent
Keywords​ : None
Duration​ : Permanent
Prerequisite Charms​: None
Some compare Isidoros' endless stampede to that of the Silent Wind. They are fools. The Black Boar's rampages
are driven by his passions and his greed, and once his eye is set on something it is impossible to convince him to
let it go. The Infernal treats any and all of his desires as his Motivation for the purposes of calculating MDVs
and stunt ratings. However, the Infernal cannot roll to regain Willpower from sleeping unless he has satisfied at
least (Essence) desires since he last slept.


In the context of the Isidorite Charmset, desires are those intimacies which express the desire to perform some
physical activity toward an existing physical subject – the desire to eat something, the desire to fight someone,
the desire to sleep somewhere, etc. “Be the best swordsman in the land” would not qualify as a desire, while
“defeat the best swordsman in the land” would. Similarly, an intimacy of love would not qualify as a desire,
while one of lust would, as it represents a physical activity. Isidoros is little-concerned with the abstract. A
suitable Motivation can also be considered a desire, though an Urge never can.


Cost​: 6m or 3m or 0m; ​Mins​: Essence 2; ​Type​: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords​ : Combo-OK
Duration​ : Instant
Prerequisite Charms​: Indomitable Hedonism Drive
Isidoros is not to be denied. He smashes through walls and barriers, true, but his ability to shrug off less physical
restraints is just as impressive. This Charm can be activated in response to any mental influence that would force
the Infernal to abandon, postpone, or restrict himself in any activity. This includes persuasion rooted in the idea
that a given activity is impossible or inappropriate. He immediately gains a desire appropriate to that activity,
and perfectly parries the mental influence with an open declaration of his intent to fulfil that desire.

This Charm’s cost is reduced by three motes if the Infernal already possesses an appropriate desire, or if the
subject of the desire is immediately present in the scene. These reductions stack.


Cost​:—;​ Mins​: Essence 3; ​Type​: Permanent
Keywords​ : Overdrive
Duration​ : Permanent
Prerequisite Charms​: Stubborn God-Beast Indulgence
The Black Boar is not to be denied his sup. Let lakes of blood and mountains of rubble stand as testament to his
dissatisfaction. Or his satisfaction – that which he finds entertaining is often unhealthy for those less durable.
This Charm provides the Infernal with an empty Overdrive pool with a capacity of (Valor) motes, to which he
adds one offensive mote whenever his DV refreshes in combat, provided he believes the battle will further one
of his desires.

Cost​: 0m; ​Mins​: Essence 2; ​Type​: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords​ : Combo-OK
Duration​ : Instant
Prerequisite Charms​: Indomitable Hedonism Drive
When the Black Boar is engrossed in his interests, little can distract him. This makes him no more assailable.
This Charm can be activated in response to any unexpected attack, removing that label and allowing the warlock
to defend against it normally. However, if the attack fails to actually strike the Infernal, he remains unaware of it
– any successful dodge or parry seems merely a coincidence, as he leans or shifts in just the right way to avoid
the strike. If the attacker struck from stealth, that stealth is not automatically broken for the Infernal (though he
might receive another roll to notice his attacker).

Any other Charms he uses to enhance the defense are similarly forgotten, and if he has any Overdrive pools he
is refunded their cost with half as many offensive motes. While the player chooses when to activate this Charm,
the Infernal himself is (obviously) unaware of its activation.
Cost​: 3m; ​
Mins​: Essence 2; ​Type​: Simple
Keywords​ : Combo-OK, Emotion, Stackable
Duration​ : One scene
Prerequisite Charms​: Indomitable Hedonism Drive
Isidoros leaves heady need in his wake, rousing more than just rabbles. The warlock chooses one of his desires,
rendering it Obvious to anyone who can perceive him while this Charm is active. This applies an Emotion effect
inspiring the same desire in any characters who directly interact with the warlock or witness him indulging in it.
This unnatural mental influence lasts for one scene, unless resisted by spending one Willpower.

Cost​ :—;​ Mins​: Essence 2; ​Type​: Permanent
Keywords​ : None
Duration​ : Permanent
Prerequisite Charms​: Arousing Indelicate Passions
Some might think it lonely, to be one-of-a-kind even among the world-shapers, but Isidoros is proud of his
singularity. Those who would mimic him are deluding themselves. Other characters face an external penalty of
-(Infernal’s Essence) to convince others that they are the Infernal, and any disguise or imitation automatically
fails if they are present in the same scene with him. However, the Infernal suffers the same penalty when
attempting to hide or disguise his identity.

At Essence 3+, the warlock becomes incapable of using Craft or Linguistics to create an image in his likeness –
he cannot sculpt his image, or write a description of himself any more elaborate than his own name. However,
those who understand him find the thought weighs heavily on their minds; characters defending against one of
the Exalt’s social attacks reduce their MDV by the number of his intimacies that they understand, up to -3.

Cost​: 4m, 1wp; ​Mins​: Essence 3; ​Type​: Simple (6 long ticks)
Keywords​ : Combo-OK, Emotion, Obvious, Social
Duration​ : Instant
Prerequisite Charms​: Arousing Indelicate Passions
Isidoros is inspirer rather than inspired, a colossal muse who radiates a visibly crackling musk of desideratum.
Each purchase of this Charm allows the Infernal to project his idolatrous influence in different ways. Upon
activating it, he chooses one of these methods, rolls (Charisma + Performance + Valor) and applies unnatural
mental influence to every character who can perceive him. Those with a Dodge MDV lower than his rolled
successes can only resist this Emotion effect at a base cost of two Willpower. They can choose to spend just a
single point (regardless of any threshold successes the Infernal may have achieved over their MDV), but in this
case they instead suffer an altered effect, described below..

Draw-the-Eye Celebrity Urge​: The Exalt defines a desire with himself as the subject, inflicting that intimacy
on characters who fail to resist. Characters who spend just one point of Willpower to resist still acquire a desire
toward the warlock, but their player chooses the context.

Trend-Setting Indolence​: The Exalt defines a desire based on whatever activity he is currently engaging in,
inflicting it on characters who fail to resist. An Infernal who activates this Charm while kissing his husband
could inspire lust toward their spouse in everyone watching, for example. The Infernal cannot be the subject of
this intimacy. Characters who spend just one point of Willpower to resist still acquire a desire with that context,
but their player chooses the subject.

Helpful Cowards Everywhere​: The Exalt chooses one of his desires, inflicting an intimacy of “slavish
eagerness” toward fulfilling that desire on characters who fail to resist. Characters who spend just one point of
Willpower to resist still acquire a positive intimacy toward helping the Infernal, but can choose the intimacy’s
exact nature.


: — (1wp); ​Mins​: Essence 2; ​Type​: Permanent
Keywords​ : None
Duration​ : Permanent
Prerequisite Charms​: Indomitable Hedonism Drive
The Black Boar is ruled by nothing, not even his passions. He rejects any attempt to sway him from path, but
freely changes his own direction as he pleases, focusing just as fiercely on his new goal and seeing no
contradiction. The Infernal may may spend a single point of Willpower whenever his attention is drawn to a
physical thing, immediately changing the subject of one of his desires toward it. The context remains the same.
He may not alter a desire in this fashion if the current subject is present in the scene, nor if he has indulged or
been actively barred from that desire in the past day.

Additionally, he can always channel his Conviction to enhance pursuit of his desires, and need not suppress
Conviction to prioritize them over his Motivation (or each other). He must, however, roll Conviction to abandon
the pursuit of a desire, just as though they were his Motivation.


Cost​:—;​ Mins​: Essence 3; ​Type​: Permanent
Keywords​ : None
Duration​ : Permanent
Prerequisite Charms​: Raw Whimsy Diligence
The Antarch Stampede quenches himself in gore and rutting and travel and slumber alike. It is not what he does
that matters, simply that he is doing it. This Charm provides the Infernal with an additional Peripheral pool
capable of holding ten motes, to which he adds one mote for every hour he spends fulfilling one of his desires by
interacting with another character. Time spent merely working toward the fulfilment of a desire is not counted –
an Infernal with an intimacy of lust towards Nellens Malakai would not gain motes while courting him, only
during the actual sexual romp. Note that no Infernal can possess more than (Essence) additional mote pools
granted by Charms such as this.

Cost​ : 2m, 1wp; ​Mins​: Essence 3; ​Type​: Simple
Keywords​ : Combo-OK
Duration​ : Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms​: Raw Whimsy Diligence
Others place their long-term goals above their appetites, and live stark lives of self-denial. Others indulge when
action is called for, and live pointless lives of no consequence. Isidoros is greedy, and sees no reason to choose
one when both are within his reach. The warlock specifies a single short-term goal and chooses one of his
desires. The subject of that desire is immediately removed, leaving only the context – it affects his behaviour as
a general inclination toward that sort of indulgence, with no specific target. While this Charm is active, the
warlock is made subconsciously aware whether or not any existing physical thing (characters, objects, structures
or ongoing events) he can perceive would further his short-term goal. If it would, and he chooses to act upon
that strange instinct, this Charm ends and the relevant physical thing becomes the new subject of that desire.

Example: Karal Lohara activates this Charm, choosing to seek the hidden passageways of the Fool Dragon
Crypt. She chooses a desire based on lust, and so she wallows in ambiguous arousal until she comes across a
ghostly maid with access to useful information. The Storyteller informs her player of the wraith’s potential use,
and Karal elects to interrogate her on a subconscious whim, finding that her lust is immediately directed toward
her as the Charm ends.

Cost​ : 10m, 2wp; ​Mins​: Essence 3; ​Type​: Simple (Dramatic Action)
Keywords​ : Combo-OK, Obvious, Sorcerous
Duration​ : Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms​: Raw Whimsy Diligence
It is rare for one of such might to be impeded in the slightest, but at times even Isidoros must endure the tedium
of continued labour to achieve his goals. At such times, he is wont to shift his attentions elsewhere, assigning the
work to the only one he can truly trust. Through a dramatic ritual taking one hour, Infernal chooses one of his
desires and immediately suppresses it – while this Charm is active, it still counts toward the maximum number
of intimacies he may possess, but cannot be targeted with mental influence, has no bearing on his behaviour or
MDV, and cannot be used to enhance his stunts. Black waters of expression pool in this dent in his psyche,
before being spat out from one of his orifices to form a sorcerous spirit focused on bringing this suppressed
desire to fruition. This spirit, called a whim, is a creature of darkness and native of Malfeas, and appears as a
combination of shadow, fingerprint-flesh and rippling air in the shape of whatever parts of the Infernal would be
necessary to fulfil the suppressed desire.

The whim has traits identical to the Infernal’s, except that it lacks any Backgrounds or Yozi Charms. Instead, it
possesses the Materialize Charm and up to (Essence) Excellencies that would be useful for accomplishing the
desire in question, for which it uses the Infernal dice cap. It also possesses the Divine Prerogative Charm,
rendering any mental influence that would lead it to abandon, postpone, or alter the desire it embodies an
unacceptable order. It has no Intimacies save for the desire it embodies, and lacks a Motivation. Instead, it has
an Urge toward fulfilling the desire in question. It will not take actions other than to fulfil this desire and fend
off anyone trying to prevent it from doing so.

Once this whim has fulfilled the desire from which it was spawned, it immediately dissipates, ending this Charm
and providing the Infernal with all the memories of the desire’s fulfilment. The Infernal learns nothing of the
path his whim took to reach that point, gaining only the immediate gratification of its climax, and so gains a
single point of Willpower. Any intimacies the whim created toward itself in the course of its existence change
their subject to the Infernal himself – no need for the gawpers and romantics of this world to love but a shadow.
If the whim is killed or dispelled with countermagic before it can complete the desire, the Infernal instead gains
a point of Limit as frustration hammers into the back of his skull seemingly from nowhere, ending the Charm.
The Infernal can only have one whim in existence at a time.

A second purchase of this Charm at Essence 4+ allows the Infernal to use it to create up to (Valor) whims. In
addition, the countermagic necessary to destroy a whim is now based on its Permanent Essence rating, not the
minimum Essence of the Charm. Finally, the Infernal may suppress (and create a spirit embodying) an intimacy
that is not a desire, as he offloads unpleasant duties onto some more reliable piece of his soul. In this case, he
receives none of the whim’s memories when its work is completed, and therefore gains no Willpower (though
he still suffers as normal if the whim is destroyed).


Cost​:—;​ Mins​: Essence 2; ​Type​: Permanent
Keywords​ : None
Duration​ : Permanent
Prerequisite Charms​: Indomitable Hedonism Drive
No mere bacchanalia may lay Isidoros low! The warlock automatically succeeds on any roll to avoid nausea for
any reason. Further, every poison the warlock is exposed to is considered to have a Tolerance trait (​Exalted​, pp.
131) of (Essence/day). If they already have a Tolerance trait, it is simply increased by (Essence) and uses the
lower of the two intervals. If the Exalt actively ingested the poison as a result of pursuing one of his desires, its
Tolerance trait is increased by a further (Stamina). He adds (Resistance) successes to any roll to purge himself
of toxins.

Finally, if the Infernal actively exposed himself to a disease for the sake of one of his desires (such as by
copulating with an infectee or consuming diseased meat), he decreases its Untreated Morbidity by (Valor). This
has no effect on its Treated Morbidity, and only helps defend against actual diseases - it does nothing against
effects that are merely keyworded as Sickness.


: 2m; ​
Mins​: Essence 2; ​Type​: Simple
Keywords​ : Combo-OK
Duration​: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms​: None
The Black Boar is the centre of his own universe, his every action granted a dreadful, glorious, and all-too literal
weight. The Exalt increases his weight by a factor of (Essence). This does not affect his personal ability to move
or jump, though it does increase the load on a mount or vehicle, and may prevent him from being dragged or
lifted if his new weight is too heavy. He reduces the distance he can be thrown by any Knockback effect by
(Essence x 10) yards, to a minimum of zero, adds (Essence) automatic successes to any Blockade Movement or
Control Clinch rolls, and increases his effective (Strength + Athletics) for Feats of Strength by (Essence x 2).

Note that fragile surfaces may break beneath the Exalt’s tread – cosmetic damage in his wake reduces the
difficulty to track him by his (Essence) over surfaces where he had this Charm active. Surfaces he lands on after
jumping suffer more seriously, immediately taking (Essence x 2) dice of lethal damage.

Cost​ : 2m or 0m (+2m); ​Mins​: Essence 2; ​Type​: Reflexive (Step 9)
Keywords​ : Combo-OK, Counterattack, Obvious
Duration​ : Instant
Prerequisite Charms​: Weight-Exaggerating Ego Density
Attempts to force Isidoros from where he wishes to be are met with indifference at best. This Charm can be
activated at a cost of two motes in response to any Knockback effect (including Knockdown), perfectly negating
it as a ripple of force spreads out from behind the Exalt. He may then choose to spend an additional two motes
to redirect this invisible battering ram as an unblockable counterattack in Step 9. This attack targets anyone
within (Athletics x 2) yards of the Infernal, using a dice pool of (Strength + Athletics + Essence), and inflicts no
damage itself. Instead, if it hits the target, they are made subject to the negated Knockback effect. This Charm’s
initial cost is waived if the Exalt has Weight-Exaggerating Ego Density active.


Cost​: 8m; ​Mins​: Essence 2; ​Type​: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords​ : Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration​ : Instant
Prerequisite Charms​: Push-to-Shove Reply
Isidoros is an ideal, unreachable in his magnificent completeness. This Charm is a perfect dodge against any
attack that is not unexpected, as the Infernal’s own world-warping presence bends the attack around his form -
arrows slam into the ground before him and spear-shafts buckle as they whisper past his face. Despite being a
dodge, this can be used to protect another character through a Defend Other action, as the attack spins off course
into an abortive orbit. This Charm suffers from the Imperfection of the Black Boar That Twists the Sky.

A second purchase of this Charm allows the Exalt to spend an additional three motes upon using it to redirect
the attack into a character or object other than the attacker within (Essence) yards of himself. The attack is
resolved as normal against this new target, starting from Step 2, and includes all the magic used to enhance the
original blow. The attacker may try to pull their strike, apply an external penalty to the attack roll of up to their
(Wits), but cannot deliberately fail.


Isidoros is the centre of his own universe, and so his every action is lent a mighty gravity, a self-centered force
that weakens only when diluted. Whenever the Infernal acts against or denies one of his own desires, even to
pursue another, all Charms with this flaw suffer a surcharge of four motes for the rest of the scene. Altering a
desire through Raw Whimsy Diligence does not provoke this Imperfection.


Cost​ : 3m; ​
Mins​: Essence 2; ​Type​: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords​ : Combo-OK, Knockback, Obvious
Duration​ : Instant
Prerequisite Charms​: Weight-Exaggerating Ego Density
The world warps and twists for a single heavy moment, before snapping into a motion that sends bodies flying
like ragdolls. This Charm enhances an attack. If it hits, the target is thrown away from the Infernal in any
direction, at a rate of three yards for every die of raw damage. If they strike an unyielding object in their flight,
they stop there, and both they and the object suffer one die of Piercing damage for each yard they would have
otherwise travelled, to a maximum of the raw damage of the original attack. This damage is usually bashing, but
may be lethal if the object is suitably dangerous. Targets rooted in place instead suffer damage as though they
had immediately struck an object, the stresses of the Infernal’s might twisting and churning their insides.
Alternatively, the Infernal can simply knock his target prone. This version of the Charm inflicts no additional
damage to the target, but all characters within a number of yards equal to the attack’s raw damage must roll to
avoid knockdown at a difficulty of (Infernal’s Strength), and the object-sized section of the floor they are
knocked down onto suffers twice the raw damage of the attack. If the target is already prone, he can simply be
smashed directly into the floor, treating it as an object he has been immediately knocked into.


Cost​: — (+2m); ​Mins​: Essence 3; ​Type​: Permanent
Keywords​ : None
Duration​ : Permanent
Prerequisite Charms​: Foe-Hurling Gore Strike
Mere divinity is no more a defense against Isidoros than any other form of pretension. This Charm permanently
enhances its prerequisite, allowing the Infernal to increase its cost by two motes when targeting a dematerialized
target. If he does so, his victim is rendered fully solid at the moment of impact, allowing him to damage them
and send them smashing into objects as normal. This forcible materialization continues after the attack is
resolved, but does not prevent the target from dematerializing once more.

Alternatively, the Infernal can use this effect to target a materialized spirit (or another being inherently capable
of becoming incorporeal, such as another Infernal with Soul-Sand Devil Shintai), forcibly dematerializing them
after the initial damage of the attack is resolved but before the Knockback is applied – obviously, they do not
suffer any damage from phasing straight through objects.


Cost​: — (1m); ​Mins​: Essence 3; ​Type​: Permanent
Keywords​ : None
Duration​ : Permanent
Prerequisite Charms​: Foe-Hurling Gore Strike
The alien skyline of the Demon City remains intact only by the grace of Isidoros’ inattention. This Charm
permanently enhances its prerequisite, allowing the Infernal to activate it at a cost of only one mote when
targeting an object. In addition, any damage dealt to objects by a hurled target is doubled (this specifically
overrides the normal maximum). If an object is destroyed in this fashion, the target continues to fly in the same
direction, stopping only when they fail to destroy an object they strike or the range of the Knockback effect is
exhausted. However, they still only suffer damage from the first object they strike. As a final benefit, targets
hurled by Foe-Hurling Gore Strike travel an additional ([Strength + Essence] x 2) yards.


Cost​: — (2m); ​Mins​: Essence 3; ​Type​: Permanent
Keywords​ : None
Duration​ : Permanent
Prerequisite Charms​: Tower-Toppling Tantrum Toss
Destruction cascades from the Infernal’s blows, one strike becoming two as enemies become projectiles and
corpses tumble through the air. This Charm permanently enhances Foe-Hurling Gore Strike. Ordinarily, it is
assumed that other (non-extra) characters avoid the characters and objects sent flying by Knockback, but with
this Charm the Infernal may spend an additional two motes in Step 10 to unceremoniously smack his target into
another enemy. This is treated as a reflexive Thrown attack using the target as an improvised weapon, targeting
any one character in their path. The hurled target suffers damage from the Knockback as normal.


Cost​ : 3m; ​
Mins​: Essence 3; ​Type​: Simple
Keywords​ : Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration​ : Instant
Prerequisite Charms​: Foe-Hurling Gore Strike
Each step of Isidoros’ hooves sends Malfeas spinning in a new direction through the void outside the world. The
Infernal strikes at the ground with a contemptuous stomp of his foot or a vicious swipe of a weapon, making a
standard attack roll with any Ability. This sends a pulse of space-distorting force hurtling outward - rather than
its original target, the attack roll is applied to all characters and unattended objects within three yards of the
Exalt. Each target resolves defense and damage separately.
A second purchase allows the Exalt to instead choose a single “primary” target within (Strength) yards, and
resolve the attack against them alone. Once this has happened, the Charm’s effects are applied as normal to all
characters within three yards of the primary target’s final location, after applying Knockback.

Cost​:—;​ Mins​: Essence 2; ​Type​: Permanent
Keywords​ : None
Duration​ : Permanent
Prerequisite Charms​: Weight-Exaggerating Ego Density
He brushes great towers aside like dandelion-parachutes, sending them careening gracefully through the air
before they crash on the hapless insects below. The Infernal ignores any penalties for using improvised
weapons, and can throw any object he has sufficient (Strength + Athletics) to pick up. Finally, if he knows
Foe-Hurling Gore Strike he may use that Charm to enhance one of his throws, increasing the number of yards he
can hurl the object (or clinched character) – for this purpose, the “raw damage of the attack” is replaced by the
Infernal’s (Strength + Essence).

Cost​:—;​ Mins​: Essence 2; ​Type​: Permanent
Keywords​ : Obvious
Duration​ : Permanent
Prerequisite Charms​: Weight-Exaggerating Ego Density
To attempt to slow the Boar is futility itself. He is unstoppable, moved only by own will, and impeded by
nothing. This Charm permanently enhances its prerequisite. While it is active, the Infernal ignores all unstable
terrain, his own self-centred Essence keeping him steady. He also ignores all mundane penalties to his
movement, whether internal or external, pushing through pain, water and thick mud as though they were
nothing. While he does so the air around him shudders and steams, causing Weight-Exaggerating Ego Density to
become Obvious.

At Essence 4+, this Charm also negates magical penalties, though outright obstructions must still be dealt with.


Cost​ : 2m; ​
Mins​: Essence 2; ​Type​: Supplemental
Keywords​ : Combo-OK
Duration​ : One Aim action
Prerequisite Charms​: Impeded by Nothing
At times, the chatter and babble of the Demon City will pause for a long moment, before even musicians
abandon the instruments that ward off Adorjan. Isidoros has chosen his new trajectory, and it is time to pray or
flee. This Charm enhances an Aim action, allowing the Infernal to move toward his target without aborting the
Aim action, increasing the maximum number of dice it can add to (Essence + 1) and adding any dice to the raw
damage as well as the attack roll. An Aim action enhanced in this fashion can also be used in social combat,
with its Speed changed to long ticks, adding dice to the social attack roll as normal. If this Aim action would add
more than three dice to an attack roll, it becomes Obvious to its target, breaking the Infernal’s stealth if he is
hidden, as the warlock draws their eye with the inevitable gravity of an oncoming stampede.


Cost​: 4m; ​
Mins​: Essence 4; ​Type​: Reflexive
Keywords​ : Combo-OK, Compulsion, Obvious, Overdrive
Duration​ : One scene
Prerequisite Charms​: Oncoming Inevitable Impact
The damnéd Black Boar rampages across existence, leaving maddened bacchants and vengeful cripples in his
wake. They have no hope of harming him, though they spit their last breaths at his unbothered back. The
Infernal’s anima flares through his mouth, turning it into a grinning vortex of black-on-red with swirls of
bruise-purple, as the chants of those he has wronged through his debauchery become delicious sweetmeats. The
Infernal gains an empty Overdrive pool with a capacity of ten motes, to which he immediately adds (Essence)
offensive motes, and adds a further one mote whenever a grudgebearer attacks him. He may gain a maximum of
one mote per character per tick in this fashion. Grudgebearers are characters who the Infernal has no negative
intimacy toward, but who either bear a negative intimacy toward him, or possess an unhealed injury (health
levels, Crippling, Poison or Sickness effects) caused by him before this scene.

All grudgebearers who are rolled into battle against the Infernal have their wounds (physical or emotional)
enveloped by an Obvious stream of primal dark Essence that swirls into the Infernal’s mouth, adding
(grudgebearer’s Essence) automatic successes to any roll they make to locate him (or vice-versa).

The air around this cloud of resentment is filled with a medley of groans, screams, and foul imprecations
repurposed from their memories of the Infernal, forcing them to roll (Valor) whenever they try to spend an
action without directing at least one attack against the Infernal – if they roll even one success, they must try to
attack him (or, if that is impossible, move toward him). This unnatural Compulsion can be resisted at a cost of
one Willpower, and characters who have spent three points of Willpower resisting are immune for the scene.


Cost​: — (0m or 1m); ​Mins​: Essence 2; ​Type​: Permanent
Keywords​ : None
Duration​ : Instant
Prerequisite Charms​: Impeded By Nothing
Walls splinter and worlds crumble before the warlock’s tread. Whenever he comes into contact with an
inanimate object (including objects that are part of a structure) as part of a Move, Dash or Jump action, he may
make an immediate reflexive attack against that object. The first such attack he makes on each tick is free, with
every subsequent one costing a single mote, to a maximum of (Essence) attacks per tick. Objects currently on
another character’s person cannot be targeted in this fashion.

This reflexive attack does not slow the warlock’s passage in the slightest, manifesting as a casual sideswipe or
simply the natural result of the object being in his way - if he has any move distance remaining, he may use it to
move past or through a destroyed object, while jumps are unimpeded by objects destroyed mid-leap.

Cost​: 1m; ​
Mins​: Essence 2; ​Type​: Reflexive
Keywords​ : Combo-OK, Stackable, Obvious
Duration​ : One scene
Prerequisite Charms​: Impeded By Nothing
Isidoros surrounds himself with whatever he wants, and it seldom survives the experience. Such refuse swirls in
his wake like dirt around the jowls of a pig. This Charm can be activated whenever the Infernal damages an
object or kills a character, eliminating any corpse or debris as he draws the aftermath of his destructive urges
about him in a dark shroud of hypercondensed matter. This swirling aura serves as an expansion of his own
form, so each activation grants him a single temporary -0 health level (​Scroll of Errata​, pp. 12), which vanishes
when this Charm deactivates.


Cost​: 1m, 1wp; ​Mins​: Essence 3; ​Type​: Reflexive
Keywords​ : Combo-OK, Action-Only, Obvious
Duration​ : Instant
Prerequisite Charms​: Sinew Debris Corona
With a crash to shame thunder, Isidoros shakes off the dirt that encrusts some part of his body, and new
continents form on the world below. Activating this Charm, the Infernal chooses up to (Stamina) of the
temporary health levels granted by Sinew Debris Corona and cleanly removes them. Those applications of the
Charm immediately deactivate, supplying the warlock with an equal number of offensive motes which he can
add to any of his Overdrive pools. Any damage carried by temporary health levels removed in this way is lost –
counter to the usual rules, it is not transferred into his normal health track.

The compacted clouds of flesh-space that comprised those health levels do not go quietly, however. Their
violent detonation is a one-time magical environmental hazard centred on the Infernal. It has a radius in yards
equal to the number of removed health levels and deals an equal amount of Bashing damage, with a Trauma of
(Essence) and an Evade of (Resistance x 2)P. The Infernal himself is immune to this hazard.

Cost​: 1m; ​
Mins​: Essence 2; ​Type​: Reflexive
Keywords​ : Combo-OK
Duration​ : Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms​: Impeded By Nothing
The entire world revolves around Isidoros and his movements. At times, the myriad denizens of the Demon
Realm walk along a cobbled ceiling, or fly through an infinite abyss lit from far below by a Green Sun. This
eccentricity has little impact on the travels of the Black Boar. The Infernal alters his personal definition of
“down” to another direction, causing him to fall in that direction and allowing him to move across appropriate
surfaces as though they were the ground – to one who plummets upward, the ceiling is the floor. This Charm
automatically deactivates if he moves more than (Essence x 2) yards from the nearest surface he would “fall”
toward. Though falls are considered to happen “instantly” in Exalted for the sake of simplicity, this Charm does
not provide a dodge – it cannot be activated in response to an attack.

At Essence 3+, this Charm gains the Touch keyword, allowing the warlock to apply it to any character or object
in contact with him as a Sorcerous effect with a cost of five motes. This version of the Charm automatically
deactivates if the target moves too far from the nearest appropriate surface, or from the warlock himself.


Cost​: 3m, 1wp; ​Mins​: Essence 3; ​Type​: Simple
Keywords​ : Combo-OK, Leader
Duration​ : Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms​: Impeded By Nothing
At times, Isidoros will be lost to the Brass City, a titan vanished, and Hell becomes a little quieter for a time.
Then he will re-emerge in some improbable location, having sated his wanderlust in the cold outer reaches of
Malfeas, and the rampage begins anew. While this Charm is active, the Infernal is rendered untrackable over
dramatic travel distances. Any attempt to trace his movements, follow his path or determine his intended
location over a period of travel no less than an hour automatically fails, as eyewitness reports arrive from all
Directions of Creation, his physical tracks seem contradictory and backward, and the Pattern Spiders scurry and
mutter. This Charm’s effects also apply to any characters deliberately following in his wake, to a maximum
Magnitude of (Essence); the Infernal’s player chooses which characters have priority in benefiting from this
effect, but cannot outright withhold it when “spare” Magnitude is available.


Cost​: 5m, 1wp; ​Mins​: Essence 3; ​Type​: Simple (Dramatic Action)
Keywords​ : Combo-OK, Stackable
Duration​ : One Journey
Prerequisite Charms​: Feckless Giant Wanderings
The passage of the Black Boar is incomprehensible to those who concern themselves with logic, continuity and
responsibility, for his weight distorts the universe. He does not move, contrary to appearances. Rather, the world
moves around him. Activating this Charm, the Infernal chooses a single destination, which must be an actual
fixed location that the Infernal is aware of. This must be a place that is not outright impossible to reach through
more conventional travel – Malfeas, Yu-Shan, or Whitewall would all qualify, though Autochthonia or the
unsteppes of Nirguna would not. He sets off in any fashion or direction he pleases, beginning an extended
navigation roll with a pool of (Wits + Survival) and an interval of one full day of solid travel.

This travel benefits from the full effects of Feckless Giant Wanderings, and at its end he reaches a random
location chosen by the Storyteller. This location must be one the Infernal could have reached through
conventional travel, will never be outright lethal (i.e. the bottom of the Western Ocean for an Infernal unable to
breathe water, though the definition of "lethal" narrows as the Infernal becomes more able to survive in hostile
climes) and up until the fifth interval it must be in the same realm of existence (or, in futuristic settings, planet)
as his starting location. His method of travel has no impact on this location – he can reach the middle of the
Eastern jungles by taking a ship from Feixu, or end up in a subterranean cavern after acquiring passage on a
zeppelin. He remembers little of his journey – it is shrouded by a haze not unlike intoxication, with a few flashes
of memory that match up to any eyewitness reports he cares to track down.

The warlock can spend as long as he likes in this general area (usually around [Essence] miles in radius), but if
he leaves it by normal means this Charm ends. Otherwise, he must set off in another interval of random daylong
travel. This continues until he reaches 50 accumulated successes, at which point he arrives at his chosen
destination. This Charm does not allow the Infernal to bypass anything but mundane security – an Infernal
sauntering through Yu-Shan could not find himself within the Jade Pleasure Dome, though he might end up at
its sealed doors, and one who enters Malfeas must still spend five days crossing Cecelyne.

A second purchase of this Charm at Essence 4+ allows the warlock to bring along other willing travellers,
increasing the cost of this Charm by two motes per dot of Magnitude, to a maximum Magnitude of (Essence).
Further, it can now lead the Infernal to the position of one of his desires, rather than a fixed location. This forces
the warlock to use the lower of his Survival and Investigation, and the Charm leads the warlock to the desire’s
location at the time of activation, regardless of how much time passes while he is travelling. If the target is
protected from scrying or supernaturally-enhanced tracking by magic, he must make a roll-off at the end of each
interval, with failure ending the Charm.


Cost​ : 2m; ​
Mins​: Essence 2; ​Type​: Reflexive (Step 1 or 2)
Keywords​ : Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration​ : Instant
Prerequisite Charms​: Weight-Exaggerating Ego Density
What Isidoros wants, he gets. Why should he need to haul himself after it in the process? The Infernal opens a
hand, his will visibly folding space to drag an object that he owns and could physically lift into his grasp. This
Charm has a maximum range of (Essence) yards, and requires a clear flight path to the Infernal. Weapons called
to him in this fashion (improvised or otherwise) can be reflexively readed. This Charm can be used to target
objects that are part of a structure, inflicting (Essence) dice of bashing damage on the surrounding sections – if
this is enough to damage them, the object is ripped free and flies into the warlock’s grip.

A second purchase increases this Charm’s range in yards and the structural damage it inflicts to (Essence x 2). It
also allows the warlock to target objects he does not own, so long as they are not on the person of another
character, and reduces its cost by one mote if used to target an object that does not belong to another character.

A third purchase at Essence 3+ increases its range even further, to (Essence x 5) yards, and reduces its mote cost
by one when used to target unanchored objects within (Essence) yards. At this level, the warlock can spend an
additional mote to target objects currently on the person of another character, forcing them to make a reflexive
(Strength or Wits + Larceny or Athletics) roll at a difficulty of (Infernal’s Strength) to keep hold of it. He cannot
attempt to steal the same object more than once each action.


Cost​: 4m (+3m); ​Mins​: Essence 2; ​Type​: Simple (Speed 5, DV -0)
Keywords​ : Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration​ : Instant
Prerequisite Charms​: Remote Satisfaction Demand
Isidoros is inescapable, his all-consuming gravity claiming that which he desires with ultimate force. This
Charm functions in the exact same way as its prerequisite (including the effects of any additional purchases),
except that its range and the structural damage it inflicts is doubled. Further, he may use it to target characters he
could physically lift, as an attack with a dice pool of (Strength + Athletics + Essence). This attack is normally
unblockable, though characters can “parry” it by gripping an object firmly rooted to the ground, as though it was
a parrying weapon with a Defense trait equal to their (Strength or Athletics).

If the attack hits, it does no damage. Instead, the character is dragged toward the Infernal a number of yards
equal to his attack successes (prior to applying DV). The Infernal may spend an additional three motes to make a
reflexive clinch attack against his target if this Charm would bring them within range.


Cost​: 1m; ​
Mins​: Essence 2; ​Type​: Simple (Speed 3, DV -0)
Keywords​ : Combo-OK, Obvious, Touch
Duration​ : Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms​: Remote Satisfaction Demand
Within Isidoros’ form is an entire universe, compressed to bone-crushing density, a place where time and
motion slow to a glacial pace and treasures devoured in Time Not spin complacently. This Charm targets any
one object that the Exalt owns, is touching, and could physically lift, “crushing” it into a swirl of darkening
vapour in his grip. That object is now stored in Elsewhere, where it remains for the Charm’s duration.
Deactivating this Charm causes the warlock to eject a cloud of churning black matter that swirls around him for
five ticks, after which it condenses into the object when his DV next refreshes. He may then grab it with a
miscellaneous action or let it fall to the ground. This Charm is only Obvious at the moment of activation.

There is no limit on the number of objects the Infernal can store at once in this fashion. Should he die, any
objects he had stored in Elsewhere through this Charm are immediately destroyed, their debris flung from his
body in a spray of churned matter that can be used as an exotic ingredient. Artifacts are not outright destroyed,
but are buckled and broken, and require extensive repair.


Cost​: 20m, 1wp; ​Mins​: Essence 5; ​Type​: Simple
Keywords​ : Combo-Basic, Form-type, Obvious
Duration​ : One scene
Prerequisite Charms​: Behemoth Shock Pound, Boar’s Inescapable Gravity, Midnight Belly Stockpile
The warlock stomps a foot as his anima flares into a burning image, a vast totem that calcifies around him into a
statue of pure jade. As darkness falls across his sight and he falls into infinity, the Exalt’s senses are dominated
by a steady, pounding heartbeat. Time does not pass within the totem, so it does not matter how long it takes the
Exalt to realize that the heart is his own - once he does so, the mantle of the Unstoppable One becomes his, and
the jade encasing him shatters into dust, consumed by the empty awesomeness at its heart. A dark star steps
forth, a jet-black divinity who sweeps out his anima once more as a shimmering cloak of destruction. This form
confers the following features:

• The Infernal becomes a wavering, oversized silhouette, his features replaced by a window into an endless
black void edged with a corona of distorted light. He becomes immune to all environmental hazards, and cannot
starve or suffocate. Further, he benefits from the effects of Weight-Exaggerating Ego Density (cancelling any
existing activation), which instead multiplies his weight by (Essence x 10).

• The immense forces that emanate from his singularity-body inflict an unsoakable environmental hazard on
every character and object within (Essence) yards of himself, with the following traits: Evade N/A, Trauma
(Essence)L, Damage 1B/tick. He himself is immune. He can target any object that would be damaged by this
hazard with Midnight Belly Stockpile, as though touching it. Ranged attacks are especially broken and diffused
by his aura of crushing gravity, and suffer from a -2 external penalty when targeting the Infernal.

• His movements are traced by shuddering afterimages as reality rushes to fill the gap left by his destructive
presence, with a noise like a constantly-crashing wave. The mote cost of Behemoth Shock Pound is waived. The
warlock also reduces the final cost of any activations of Foe-Hurling Gore Strike by (Essence ÷ 2) motes, to a
minimum of zero.

• The least gods that manage the air currents begin to scream with exhausted terror as a strong wind picks up,
noticeably drawing in toward the warlock. The mote cost of Remote Satisfaction Demand is waived, and Boar's
Inescapable Gravity can be used to drag all valid targets within its range (or a smaller radius chosen by the
Infernal), rather than just one, at no additional cost.

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