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“Audiences find the play Ti Jean and His Brothers appealing because it reflects the Caribbean
Write an essay in which you describe TWO incidents that can be considered Caribbean. You
must also discuss why you find ONE of these incidents appealing or not appealing and examine
ONE dramatic technique the playwright uses to explore Caribbean culture.

 Two incidents:

1) - Historical/Cultural Setting: Colonial and postcolonial Caribbean society. (allusions to the

white devil planter, slavery) colonialism in the Caribbean i.e., working in plantations, not
appealing: associating whiteness with the devil.

2) Ti jean winning against the devil symbolizes his Caribbean identity

 Dramatic technique used in play: Symbolism

-as it associates the devil with whiteness, the devil is a slave/plantation owner,
-each brother symbolizes a phase in the opposition to colonial rule (Gros-Jean: use of
revolts/insurrection, Mi-Jean: use of intellect, TiJean: use of common sense, belief in
community and a supreme being, acknowledging the importance of the past in shaping the
-The Bolom: represents the postcolonial Caribbean society.

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