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Organizational Behavior: Personality and Values

In today’s modern society, personality and values play a critical role in the stability of an organization.
Today, diversity is the key to the success of most organizations. However, diversity goes beyond
merely race, religion, color, national origin, gender, age, and disability. The diversity of personality
and the appreciation of the variety of talents and skills of our co-workers will go far in helping us make
our lives less stressful. The human resource department and hiring managers need to consider
personality and values when they hire new employees. It is also important that they understand and
appreciate the different personality and values of their current employees.

Personality and Values

In today’s competitive market it has become extremely important to hire the right people to help
execute the mission and vision of a company. The employee helps bring the slogan on the wall into
existence; therefore, it is important that employees display the right personality and values the
company would like to show the world. Gordon Allport produced the definition of personality we most
frequently use nearly 70 years ago. Allport said personality is the dynamic organization within the
individual of those psychophysical systems that determine his unique adjustments to his environment
(Robbins & Judge, 2013, p. 133). However, the definition has been tweaked over the years. For the
purpose of this paper, personality is defined as the sum total of ways in which an individual reacts and
interacts with others. The most important reason managers need to know how to measure personality
is that research has shown personality tests are useful in hiring decisions and help managers forecast
who is best for a job (Robbins & Judge, 2013, p. 133). Values are another area where companies
need to ensure the employees and managers are on the same page.

When values are divided, problems with the organization closely follow. Values represent basic
convictions that a specific mode of conduct or end-state of existence is personally or socially
preferable to an opposite or converse mode of conduct or end-state existence. They contain a
judgmental element in that they carry an individual’s ideas as to what is right, good, or desirable.
Values have both content and intensity attributes. The content attribute says a mode of conduct or
end-state of existence is important. The intensity attribute specifies how important it is. When we ran
an individual’s values in terms of their intensity, we obtain that person’s value system (Robbins &
Judge, 2013, p. 144). When a company considers the personality of their employees and the value
system of the owners and shareholders the company had now developed a company personality.

Personality Traits
Corporations often use personality assessments to understand how the people that belong in their
organization interact. Two popular frame works for indentifying and classifying traits are the Myers-
Briggs Type Indicator and the Big Five Model. According to Robins and Judge, the Myers-Briggs Type
Indicator is the most widely used personality assessment instrument in the world. It is a 100-question
personality test that asks people how they usually feel or act in particular situations. Respondents are
classified as extraverted or introverted (E or I), sensing or intuitive (S or N), thinking or feeling (T or
F), and judging or perceiving (J or P). These terms are defined as follows: * Extraverted (E) versus
Introverted (I). Extraverted individuals are outgoing, sociable, and assertive. Introverts are quiet and
shy. * Sensing (S) versus Intuitive (N). Sensing types are practical and prefer routine and order. They
focus on details. Intuitive rely on unconscious processes and look at the “big picture.”

* Thinking (T) versus Feeling (F). Thinking types use reason and logic to handle problems. Feeling
types rely on their personal values and emotions. * Judging (J) versus perceiving (P). Judging types
want control and prefer their world to be ordered and structured. Perceiving types are flexible and
spontaneous (Robbins & Judge, 2011, p. 56) These classifications together describe 16 personality
types, indentifying every person by one trait from each of the four parts. The Myers-Briggs Type
Indicator has been widely used by organizations including Apple Computer, AT&T, Citigroup, GE, 3M
Co., many hospitals and educational institutions, and even the U.S. Armed Forces (Robbins & Judge,
2011, p. 135).

The Myers-Briggs Personality Indicator may lack strong supporting evidence, but an impressive body
of research supports the thesis of the Big Five Model – that five basic dimensions underlie all others
and encompass most of the significant variation in human personality. Moreover, test scores of these
traits do a very good job of predicting how people behave in a variety of real-life situations (Robbins &
Judge, 2011, p. 136).

The following are the Big Five factors:

* Extraversion. The extraversion dimension captures our comfort level with relationships. Extraverts
tend to be gregarious, assertive, and sociable. Introverts tend to be reserved, timed and quiet.

* Agreeableness. The agreeableness dimension refers to an individual’s propensity to defer to

others. Highly agreeable people are cooperative, warm, and trusting. People who score low on
agreeableness are cold, disagreeable, and antagonistic.

* Conscientiousness. The conscientiousness dimension is a measure of reliability. A highly

conscientious person is responsible, organized, dependable, and persistent. Those who score low on
this dimension are easily distracted, disorganized, and unreliable. * Emotional stability. The
emotional stability dimension – often labeled by its converse, neuroticism – taps a person’s ability to
withstand stress. People with positive emotional stability tend to be calm, self-confident, and secure.
Those with high negative scores tend to be nervous, anxious, depressed, and insecure. * Openness
to experience. The openness to experience dimension addresses range of interests and fascination
with novelty. Extremely open people are creative, curious, and artistically sensitive. Those at the other
end of the category are conventional and find comfort in the familiar (Robbins & Judge, 2011, p. 136).
Generational Values
Values within a person are oftentimes shaped by what generation and life events they may have
experienced during their formative years. Researchers have integrated several recent analyses of
work values into four groups that attempt to capture the unique vales of different cohorts or
generations in the United States workforce (Robbins & Judge, 2011, p. 145). There are some
limitations to this theory because a person born in one generation can have the characteristic of
another generation. Just because you are born on a certain date, does not automatically make you
have the same values as everyone in your own generation. Despite these limitations, values do
change over generations, and we can gain some useful insights from analyzing values this way.

Boomers (Baby Boomers) are a large cohort born after World War II when United States veterans
returned to their families and times were good. Boomers entered the workforce from the mid-1960’s
through the mid-1980’s. They brought with them a large measure of the “hippy ethic” and distrust of
authority. But they placed a great deal of emphasis on achievement and material success.
Pragmatists who believe ends justify means; they work hard and want to enjoy the fruits of their
labors. Boomers see the organizations that employ them merely as vehicles for their careers. In terms
of seniority, baby boomers make up the bulk of the employees in most large corporations, so it is
imperative that co-workers understand the values of the person sitting or standing next to them.
Terminal values such as a sense of accomplishments and social recognition rank high with them
(Robbins & Judge, 2011, p. 146).

The lives of Xers (Generation Xers) have been shaped by globalization, two-career parents, MTV,
AIDS, and computers. Xers value flexibility, life options, and the achievement of job satisfaction.
Family and relationships are very important. Xers are skeptical, particularly of authority. They also
enjoy team-oriented work. In search of balance in their lives, Xers are less willing to make personal
sacrifices for the sake of their employer than previous generations were. Generation Xers rate high on
true friendship, happiness, and pleasure.

The most recent entrants to the workforce, the millennials (also called Netters, Nexters, Generation
Yers, and Generation Nexters) grew up during prosperous times. They have high expectations and
seek meaning in their work. Millennial have life goals more oriented toward becoming rich (81
percent) and famous (51 percent) than do Generation Xers (62 percent) and 29 percent, respectively,
but they also see themselves as socially responsible (Robbins & Judge, 2011, p. 146). They are more
ethnically and racially diverse than older adults. They’re less religious, less likely to have served in the
military, and are on track to become the most educated generation in American history.

They embrace multiple modes of self-expression. Three-quarters have created a profile on a social
networking site. One-in-five have posted a video of themselves online. Nearly four-in-ten have a
tattoo (and for most who do, one is not enough: about half of those with tattoos have two to five and
18% have six or more). Nearly one-in-four have a piercing in some place other than an earlobe- about
six times the share of older adults who’ve done this. But their look-at-me tendencies are not without
limits. Most Millennials have placed privacy boundaries on their social media profiles and 70% say
their tattoos are hidden beneath clothing (Millennial, 2010).
Policy on Ethics
Often times the value system of a company can clearly be seen with the company’s ethical code.
Chrysler actually posts a code of ethics brochure on their website to ensure all employees and
customers know their value system. According to the website, Chrysler expects all of its employees to
contribute to a cooperative working environment in which the dignity of each individual is respected.
The conduct of management personnel should set an example to promote positive employee morale
and the open exchange of ideas. Chrysler is committed to high ethical standards in business
transactions. Chrysler does not tolerate unethical or corrupt practices by its employees or its business
partners. Chrysler strictly forbids engaging in or tolerating bribery or any other form of corruption. High
standards require hard work, courage and often present difficult choices. At times, choosing the
proper course of action means foregoing business or personal opportunities.

The “integrity code,” while not all-inclusive, reflects the basic standards of ethical behavior expected
of Chrysler employees and should be read in conjunction with the company policies, guidelines, and
standards of conduct that also apply to Chrysler employees ("Integrity Code," 2009). Ineffective
company ethics policies can also be a detriment to the company’s public image, stature in the
business community, and ultimately to their profitability. Many people assume that running a
successful business often entails a systematic approach, however the personality and values of
employees of a company plays a crucial role in its success as well. It is can be detrimental when
executive decisions are not made and could result in them being extremely costly. For example,
according to Academy of Management executives “clean up costs are sometimes difficult to attribute
to any particular ethics failure. Consisting of such things as attorney and audit fees, investigative
costs…medical actions…”

The Enron scandal being the root example of a company destroyed due to simply unethical
individuals. Not implementing ethics in any company will always fail in some way whether a small loss
to an incomprehensible one (Schermerhorn & Dienhart, 2004). That is why it is imperative to ensure a
code of ethics as part of the system. The dynamics of decision making for any individual who is often
faced with issues regarding “ethics” becomes far more complex than it sounds. Every company, in
one way or another, are faced with difficulties of employees making decisions that sometime seem
ethical or not. Not everyone can make such decisions. The downfall of those who lack the ability to
make ethical decisions can be costly. A company’s inability to reinforce “ethics” in their business can
quickly become detrimental. One only has to look at Enron, Arthur Anderson, and Worldcom to
understand the catastrophic effects of having ineffective ethical policies and values (Thomas,
Schermerhorn & Dienhart, 2004).

Company Values
In regards to company values and ethics, Chick-fil-A has been in the news because of the words of
their owner in regards to “Christian values.” His comments have caused the business world to
examine the role of a business owner’s personal values and company values. At issue was the CEO’s
opinion of same sex marriage. The controversy came to a boil after an interview with the fast food
restaurant chain's president and COO Dan Cathy appeared in The Baptist Press on July 16 and he
weighed in with his views on family. "We are very much supportive of the family -- the biblical
definition of the family unit," Cathy said. "We are a family-owned business, a family-led business, and
we are married to our first wives. We give God thanks for that." Proponents of same-sex marriage
spread Cathy's comments, eventually creating a firestorm of criticism on social media, including
assertions that his comments and position were bigoted and hateful (Brumfield, 2012).

Corporations often demonstrate their values to customers by the way they treat their employees and
the opportunities that are available for citizens to become a part of the company. One way to quickly
rise in a company is to connect to their intern program. Chick-fil-A boasts about their internship
program on their website. According to their corporate website, the purpose of the Chick-fil-A
Internship Program is to provide a high-caliber group of students an opportunity to enhance their
educational experience and improve their career preparation. A key objective of the intern experience
is to help students and recent graduates understand and appreciate the importance of building and
maintaining strong work relationships in accomplishing results. We have designed the program to
involve students in real work projects while also allowing them time to experience many aspects of
the Chick-fil-A corporate culture. The cultural experience includes significant executive exposure and
numerous development opportunities ("Internship," n.d.).

The Chrysler Corporation also has an intern program that is called the Chrysler Leadership
Development program. The Chrysler Leadership Development (CLD) Program is a highly selective
two-year program that develops leaders by incorporating intensive on-the-job learning opportunities
with supplemental development and interaction with our global business leaders. You’ll have the
guidance and support of Chrysler leadership throughout your experience and opportunities to build on
your talents through high-impact assignments. The program will provide you an accelerated
opportunity to learn our business, executive mentor support, and an investment to grow your
leadership abilities ("Leadership Development Program," n.d.). As with most intern programs, the
potential employee must meet minimum requirements. To be considered for the Program, you must
meet the following requirements: * MBA/Master’s degree with a minimum

3.2 GPA
* 2-6 years of professional business experience * Demonstrated leadership experience ("Leadership
Development Program," n.d.). According to Chic-fil-A’s website, the organization values diversity.
What is diversity? According to the Civil Rights office of the Department of Interior, the term "diversity"
is used broadly to refer to many demographic variables, including, but not limited to, race, religion,
color, gender, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, age, education, geographic origin, and skill
characteristics. America's diversity has given this country its unique strength, resilience and richness
("Diversity," 2012).

Diversity management makes everyone more aware of and sensitive to the needs and differences of
others. Diversity is much more likely to be successful when we see it as everyone’s business than if
we believe it helps only certain groups of employees. One method of enhancing workforce diversity is
to target recruiting messages to specific demographic groups underrepresented in the work force.
This means placing advertisement in publications geared toward specific demographic groups;
recruiting at colleges, universities, and other institutions with significant numbers of underrepresented
minorities; and forming partnerships with association like the Society for Women Engineers or the
Graduate Minority Business Association (Robbins & Judge, 2011, p. 56).

Values and Ethics

Organizational Development is an emerging profession, and its practitioners tend to describe
themselves as professionals. However, individuals working in the field may vary greatly in respect to
their degree of professionalism. By professionalism, we refer to the internalization of a value system
that is a part of the concept of the profession. Whether a person can be deemed a professional is
determined by the degree to which he or she has internalized certain values pertinent to the
profession. Although there is some disagreement, four areas appear to be important. * Expertise. The
professional requires some expertise. This includes specialized knowledge and skills that can be
obtained only through training (usually through academic study and experience). * Autonomy. The
professional claims autonomy. Professionals reserve the right to decide how their function is to be
performed and to be free from restrictions. * Commitment. Professionals feel a commitment to the
discipline. They are more likely to identify with members of their profession in other organizations that
with their own organization.

* Code of ethics. Finally there is a responsibility to society for the maintenance of professional
standards of work. They adhere to professional self-discipline and a code of ethics (Brown, 2011, p.
71). The values and ethics of prospective employees and the alignment of the values and ethics
advocated by the company are important consideration when it comes to hiring practice
considerations. If a company’s hiring practices are ineffective, it can have detrimental effects to its
bottom-line. According to a survey conducted by online payroll company SurePayroll, it found three
out of four surveyed business owners admitted to hiring at least one employee they later wished they
never had, and many indicated that the mistake resulted in a significant financial loss of more than
$10,000 per bad hire, according to 12 percent of respondents (Eddy, 2009). Most companies react to
hiring situations as emergencies; that might explain why so many do it so poorly. One Survey of fifty
CEOs of global companies along with a pool of executive search consultants who rated about 500
firms found the hiring practices for many of those companies are disturbingly vague.

Part of the findings, according to the respondents, indicated to a heavily reliance on subjective
personal preferences or on largely unquestioned organizational traditions, often based on false
assumptions (Fernández-Aráoz, Groysberg & Nohria, 2009) It is therefore imperative to avoid making
bad hiring decisions. As such, your hiring practices should have procedures that need to be followed
to ensure the candidates being considered for employment are good matches. Procedures should
contain effective methods for screening candidates during the pre-employment phase. Some of these
methods should include background checks or skills testing (Eddy, 2009). In order to avoid ineffective
hiring practices companies should consider seven steps within their hiring practices to cover the full
recruitment spectrum to include: anticipating the need for new hires, specifying the job, developing a
pool of candidates, assessing the candidates, closing the deal, integrating the newcomer, and
reviewing the effectiveness of the hiring process (“Harvard Business, 2009).

Continuous training and educational should be a part of everyone’s personal value system as well as
remaining as ethical as possible. The best way to stay smart when facing ethical dilemmas is to
remain current in your ethical training. In regards to ethics training a team of management
researchers recommended the following actions for improving on-the-job ethics. * Behave ethically
yourself. Managers are potential role models whose habits and actual behavior send clear signals
about the importance of ethical conduct. Ethical behavior is a top-to-bottom proposition. * Screen
potential employees. Surprisingly, employers are generally lax when it comes to checking references,
credentials, transcripts, and other information on applicant resumes. More diligent action in this area
can screen out those given to fraud and misrepresentation. Integrity testing is fairly valid but is no
panacea. * Develop a meaningful code of ethics.

* Provide ethics training. Employees can be trained to identify and deal with ethical issues during
orientation and through seminar, video, and internet training sessions. * Reinforce ethical behavior.
Behavior that is reinforced tends to be repeated, whereas behavior that is not reinforced tends to
disappear. Ethical conduct too often is ignored or even punished while unethical behavior is
rewarded. * Create positions, units, and other structural mechanisms to deal with ethics. Ethics needs
to be an everyday affair, not a one-time announcement of a new ethical code that gets filed away and
forgotten. “A growing number of large companies in the United States have chief ethics officers who
report directly to the CEO, thus making ethical conduct and accountability priority issues.

* Create a climate in which whistle-blowing becomes unnecessary. Whistle-blowing occurs when

an employee reports a perceive unethical and/or illegal activity to a third party such as government
agencies, news media, or public interest groups (Kreitner & Kinicki, 2008). On May 15, 2002,
President Bush signed into law the Notification and Federal Employee Anti-Discrimination and
Retaliation (No FEAR) Act to increase federal agency accountability for acts of discrimination or
reprisal against employees. The No FEAR Act became effective on October 1, 2003. This act requires
that federal agencies post on their public web sites certain summary statistical data relating to equal
employment opportunity complaints filed against the respective agencies (State, n.d.).

Project Team
Project teams have two universal measures; to satisfy the customer, and to deliver on time, on budget
and within specification. The rationale for using teams is simple: high performing teams save money
and satisfy customers. Unfortunately, there is the other side of the coin: poor performing teams cost
money and disappoint customers. In many cases, individuals are assigned to a cross functional team
and attempt to jump right into work without first attempting to address the relationship of team
members and the behavioral disposition of the individuals. If the behavioral aspects of the team are
not understood, then the team can become mired in conflict and lose momentum which results in lost
time and effectiveness. Behaviors that can affect productivity include: the inability to work together
towards a common goal, fear of sharing ideas, fear of negative feedback, self interest driving actions,
expectation that the team leader will solve all of the problems and assume all of the responsibility,
confusion between individual tasks and relationships with other people, and lack of appropriate
acknowledgement for accomplishments (Henkin, 2012).

The other consideration in deciding to form teams is what size team should be put together. When it
comes to the workplace, teamwork is increasingly widespread. Research indicates there is not a fixed
or optimal number to have on a team. Professor Wittenberg, Director of the Wharton Graduate
Leadership Program, notes that team size is "not necessarily an issue people think about
immediately, but it is important." According to Wittenberg, research on the optimal team numbers is
not conclusive. In the work world, Professor Wittenberg suggests that it has been "reinforced that five
or six is the right number (on a team) but it really depends on the task” (Knowledge Wharton, 2006).
The other dynamic that needs to be addressed relates to teams is how they resolve conflicts.

Conflict management is a very important part of team dynamics. Choosing the right members for a
group can help prevent some of these issues. One strategy involves designating a project manager, a
strong individual that can competently take charge. The project manager must be experienced and
understand how to deal with both the interpersonal as well as behavioural aspects of the teams. They
must also understand the normative stages of development most all teams go though as they come
together. The project manager must allow the team to communicate effectively, create rapport,
resolve conflict, lead team members, and motivate the whole team (Gountanis, n.d.).

Team Development
Team development is an iterative process. This is readily understood when looking at the ‘forming-
storming-norming-performing’ model for team development that has become a standard team
development model introduced by Bruce Tuckman. The theory is based on the premise that each
team goes through a distinct iterative process. The first phase is described as the forming phase
where the team first comes together with energy, expectation, and limited knowledge of assigned
task. The next phase is the storming phase where individuals start jockeying for position and
recognition. The team internally struggles with why and how decisions made will affect the individual
members. The next phase is the norming phase where stability starts to emerge and goals are
established with plans and associated defined roles/responsibilities. The last phase is the performing
phase where the plans are implemented, outputs are generated, and work gets done.

Every team goes through these phases. (Tuckman, 1965). Therefore, it is natural to expect conflicts
to arise between team members; however, management as well as the project manager must be
cognizant there can be both constructive conflict and destructive conflict. Constructive conflicts exists
when people change and grow personally from the conflict, the conflict results in a solution to a
problem, it increases involvement of everyone affected by the conflict, and it builds cohesiveness
among the members of the team. Destructive conflicts exist when no decision is reached and problem
still exists, it diverts energy away from more value-add activities, it destroys the morale of the team
members and it polarizes or divides the team (Cappozzoli, 1995).

Diversity within the team is another consideration with respect to group dynamics. Professor Klein
from the Wharton School of Management and Professor Lim from Nanyang Business School,
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore as part of their research looked at the value of diversity
and found that there was conflicting theory. Some research suggests diversity represented by gender,
race, and age leads to conflict and affects behavioral integration among team members. The general
assumption is that people tend to associate better with people who are similar to themselves which
suggest too much diversity is bad for cohesion. Other research suggests diversity helps creates more
ideas, more perspectives and more creativity for better solutions. In their research, Klein and Lim
found a distinct value in having some similarity between team members which enhances coordination
and effectiveness in performing tasks that are complex, unpredictable, urgent, and/or novel (Klein &
Lim, 2006). It is possible that a balancing of both theories within a team construct might be beneficial
in forming a high performance team.

Employees’ performance and satisfaction are likely to be higher if their values fit well with the
organization. The person who places great importance on imagination, independence, and freedom is
likely to be poorly matched with an organization that seeks conformity from its employees (Robbins &
Judge, 2013, p. 154). Chick-fil-A’s senior leaders are very vocal about the fact their company is
owned and operated on Christian values. In fact, their policy and procedure of closing on Sunday so
their employees can enjoy time off with their family and perhaps even attend church is rare in the
quick service restaurant business. Chrysler is also very serious about their company values and has
placed a code of ethics manual on their website to remind internal employees and external customers
about their value systems. One of the roles of managers is to both exhibit and vocalize company
values. This works well when your personal values are similar to the company and other senior
leaders. The higher an individual rises within an organization, the more important it is that your
personality and value system aligned with your company.

Both the hiring process of the employees and the ethical standards of behavior for those employees
are a critical dynamic supporting the mission objectives of the company. When a company fails to
implement effective hiring and ethical policies, the implications can be costly in a variety of
quantifiable ways. Finding the right mix of individual employees is a difficult task in terms of attracting
and retaining people who are the best fit to the company. The success of the company relies on both
the individual as well as those members who become part of teams. The composition of those
members to a particular team must be carefully considered by management. The size, makeup,
diversity, selection of the team lead, and objective of the team are all important considerations to
ensure success. Management must recognize there is some inherent inefficiency in putting teams
together as they go through an iterative process of maturity but they must be convinced the benefits
of the outcomes outweigh the delays by putting together that particular team.

The profitability and long term survivability of companies are keys to their success. One of the most
important assets to any business entity is human capital resources or personnel. As with any asset,
management and leadership hire personnel with the belief they will contribute to the company in a
positive manner and demonstrate a return of investment from the standpoint that the hiring and
training process requires an investment of both time and money. Therefore, it is imperative that
companies seek out, attract, and retain individuals whose personality and values match that of the
company. In addition, they must be able to work well within teams to further the objectives of the
company. It is also important that the company’s continue to communicate and reinforce their values
to the workforce. That message must come from the top down. Senior leadership must convey that
message at stockholder meetings, all hands meetings, town hall meetings, and via electronic means.
While it is imperative that message be communicated, it must be supported and reinforced at all
levels of management.
In addition, the compensation and reward system must recognize behavior and performance
consistent with that message. The other important consideration is that leadership and management
must be conveying the right message, with the right behaviors, and enveloped by a sense of ethical
behavior. One only has to look at Enron, Worldcom, and Arthur Anderson to recognize the
catastrophic and costly effects of engaging in behavior as individuals, groups, or management that is
conflict with stated values.

Academy of Management Executive, Volume 18, No. 2, (2004), Strategic leadership of ethical
behavior in business, Schermerhorn, Thomas, and Dienhart, John.

Brockmann, Erich. (1996, May). Removing the paradox of conflict from group decisions.

Brown, D. R. (2011). An Experiential Approach to Organization Development (8th ed.). Upper Saddle
River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Brumfield, B. (2012). Retrieved from


Cappozzoli, Thomas K. (1995, Dec). Resolving conflict within teams. Journal for Quality and
Participation. v18n7, p. 28-30

Eddy, Nathan (June 25, 2009). Businesses Losing Money on Bad Hiring Practices Retrieved from

Gountanis, Chris (n.d.). Team Dynamics – Conflict Resolution Strategies.

Harvard Business Review (May 2009), The Definitive Guide to Recruiting in Good Times and Bad,
Fernández-Aráoz, Claudio; Groysberg, Boris; and Nohria, Notin, retrieved from

Henkin, Sid (2012). The Behavioral Side of Project Team Effectiveness.

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