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The 3 Branches of Government

& The Balance of Power

Lesson Plan for 1/25-26 Grade 8, Social Studies
Prepared by Mr. Jensen


This lesson will continue the government unit by reviewing the Bill of Rights which was
discussed in the previous lesson. Additionally, this lesson will continue to explain the
responsibilities of each of the three branches of government as well as introduce the
system of checks and balances on those branches. By the end of this lesson students
should be able to identify the rights granted by each of the first ten amendments to the
constitution. They should also be able to explain the responsibilities of each branch of
the government as well as understand the checks and balances they have on one


1. Colorado 8th Grade Civics Standard 4.8 - Analyze the origins, structures, and
functions of governments to evaluate the impact on citizens and the global society.


1. Students can explain the role and importance of the Constitution.

2. Students can use a variety of resources to identify and evaluate issues that involve
civic responsibility, individual rights, and the common good.
3. Students can analyze primary sources supporting democratic freedoms and the
founding of our government. For example: the Declaration of Independence,
Constitution, and Bill of Rights; and explain how they provide for both continuity
and change.

Essential Question & Learning Target

Essential Questions: How has the United States balanced individual rights and law? What
are the various roles of government and how did the people who created the government
distribute those roles?

Learning Target - Students will be able to identify the three branches of government, the
roles of each, and the checks and balances placed on each branch.


Class will begin with a review of the Bill of Rights which was introduced the previous
class period. We will review each amendment and the rights granted by them. Students
were shown simple hand gestures to help them identify the rights granted by each
amendment so those will be reviewed as well.

Students will then complete a table identifying each amendment and the rights granted
by it as well as choosing a school appropriate image to represent each. There are two
versions of this note table, one with the rights pre-filled and one where the students must
fill them in themselves. The selection of school appropriate images will be stressed.

Next, we will reconvene as a class and I will present students with a brief slide show
discussing the three branches of government, the roles of each branch, and the checks
placed on each branch by the framers of the constitution. Students will then read an
article and complete a worksheet covering the topics discussed in the slide show.

Lastly, if there is time, students will complete a CERC paragraph (Claim, Evidence,
Reasoning, Conclusion) to answer the following question.

If you were to work for one of the three branches of government (Legislative, Executive,
Judicial) which do you think you would enjoy the most and which role would you fulfill?
Remember to support your claim with evidence, reasoning, and a conclusion.

If there isn’t enough time to complete the CERC paragraph during this class period,
students will be given time next class to complete it. Any student requiring additional
time beyond that will able to turn in the assignment later without penalty.


Steps to check for student understanding

1. Students will complete a worksheet wherein they identify each of the individual
amendments which comprise the Bill of Rights. They will state what rights each
amendment grants to citizens and find a picture representing each right. Different
versions of the worksheet will be created for differentiation purposes.
2. Students will read an article and then complete a worksheet outlining the
distribution of powers within the three branches of the federal government.
Again, different versions of the worksheet will be available for differentiation and
accommodation purposes.
3. Students will write a paragraph explaining which branch they would enjoy
working in and what their role would be. This paragraph will include a claim,
evidence, reasoning, and a conclusion.


CERC Paragraph - Students will write a CERC paragraph (Claim, Evidence, Reasoning,
Conclusion) to answer the following question.

If you were to work for one of the three branches of government (Legislative, Executive,
Judicial) which do you think you would enjoy the most and which role would you fulfill?
Remember to support your claim with evidence, reasoning, and a conclusion.

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