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My name Dr. (Postdoc) Muhammad Abbas Khan, I belong to tehsil Tangi of

district Charsadda of Khyber Pukhtoon Khwa (KPK). I am currently Assistant
professor in Electrical Engineering department in Balochistan University of
information technology Engineering and management sciences (BUITEMS) for the
last of 10.9 years, I have also 1.4 industrial experience as an Electrical engineering
GBR Juices PVT LTD. I did Post doctorate in electrical engineering from
international Islamic university Malaysia in 2021, PhD from Changchun
University of science and technology China in 2019, master degree in electrical
engineering from Linnaeus University Sweden in 2012 and bachelor in Electronic
engineering from UET Peshawar Pakistan in 2008. I am not PhD in English but I
have a desired to express my surrounding life in my motivational quotes, there may
be grammatical errors but you focus on ideas.
1. Respect and Love Humanity because it’s a reality that a parents beloved is
always separated by a cruel Bullet.
2. Donate hard work to Success and gain respect in return.
3. Apply your skills and knowledge at the correct place like a zero digit, at a
correct place it has worth otherwise nothing.
4. The main differentiating factors between a genius and fools are mission and
vision towards goals.
5. Pashtun likes daughter to born but hates the heirship of a daughter.
6. Education has a key role in the development of a country, and you can
concentrate peoples towards education, when deflation rate is higher than
inflation rate.
7. Your relationship with loyal peoples are just like a piece of sweet thing, you
grind and squeeze it, but they maintain their sweetness (loyalty).
8. Do not be arrogant in this globe, because it’s a reality everything flying
towards sky must be landed at earth in the end.
9. The deadlock between success and failure is called hardworking.
10. Explode your sorrows of life with positive thinking and positive attitude.
11. Real Love is just like a gravitational force always point towards earth (Heart).
12. Your progress towards your goal with a positive attitude is just like a growing
plant that cannot stop by dirty water (negative thoughts)
13. Resolute in this globe because it’s a reality every autumn (sorrows) follows by
a spring (happiness).
14. Your real professional life will be incomplete if you ignore the importance of
15. All human beings are cute and equal but your favourite person is just like a
red flower among bushes.
16. Your future Aims will be accomplished if you prefer independency more than
17. For a good Professional Life, you have to live like a seasonal bird change your
position according to food (opportunities).
18. Life is a best teacher and lesson, and you will be happy and thanks to God
when your fake perception bent in front of reality.
19. You are the director of your own bright future, it depends on whether you go
towards the best direction (Success) or the worst direction (Failure).
20. Every human being are equal do not compare yourself to others, because
comparison killed your present joy and create jealousy in your mind.
21. Your Parents advises in your youthfulness are just like a medical injection, it
will gave you pain at that time, but recovered you from illness (bad deeds).
22. Your good planning in the present is your future success, and it does not
matter you are genius or idiot.
23. Pakistan looks like for corrupt peoples like the prey of hungry vultures, no
one’s try to save it, every one try to reduce their hunger.
24. Do not blame people for your mistakes and blunders, you are the culprit of
your own best teacher called your conscience.
25. Always lift your own burdens of life, even a tree leave its own dry leaves.
26. Used your knowledge in a right place, otherwise rain in a desert or in a fertile
land have different results.
27. This world is mortal for every human being, even a tree fall its own fruit when
they are ripe.
28. Life is beautiful or not beautiful its decided by yourself, compared or not
compared yourself to others.
29. Responsibilities are the key factors of life to move you towards maturity,
otherwise you will be immature.
30. Stronger the immune system of your bright future by hard work and
consistency, and weakened it by idleness.
31. Life will show you a glimpse of joy, if you ignored this sentence in life “Do
not interfere”
32. All human being are equal, but the difference is created by our judgmental
views who is good, and who is bad.

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