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Candle Wisdom Oracle Cards

Candles are beautiful and different colors of candles mean different things. I have created

these oracle cards, keeping the colors and meanings of different candles in mind.

1. The protection that you need is courage

This is a very simple and straight forward message. Everyone feels insecure and faces trials

and challenges but with bravery, courage, and valor you can overcome any challenge that you

are facing. Courage is the armor that can protect you from any hardship.

In a love reading this card would mean that you need to act with courage to protect your

emotions, your soul and also your loved ones.

In a career reading this card would mean that you should learn to stand for your rights and

take bold steps with courage.

2. Determination is your strength

You are a determined person and you overcome any obstacle and challenge that might come

your way with your strong will and determination. You should use this strength of yours with the

wisdom that you have.

In a love spread this card would mean that you should live your love life with the

determination of adding more beauty and more passion to it every day.

In a career spread this card would mean that you should use your strength of determination

and willpower to achieve your goals.

3. Choose Joy
Joy, happiness, pleasure and contentment are true colors of life. No matter how things may

go, choose joy. Being happy is a choice that you make.

In a love reading this card would mean that make a deliberate effort to add more happiness

to your life and to the life of your partner. If you are single then learn to be happy in your

circumstances and you will attract the right person.

In a career reading this card would mean that do what gives you joy. Joy and happiness will

bring success to your work life.

4. Open the Lines of Communication

Communication is the strength of any relationship, whether it is a love relationship or a


If you get this card, analyze your life. Have you cut communication with someone? Is it a

relative? Is it an old friend? Are you inaccessible and difficult to talk to?

Open the lines of communication and the universe will take care of the rest.

5. Love yourself a little more

Self-love is the most important thing. This card gives you the message to love yourself more

as you deserve it. Stop focusing on the negative aspects of yourself but enjoy and cherish what

you have. Love to appreciate your body and your soul. Love the blessings that surround you.

Love the beauty that you have, inside and out. Love yourself more and love will surround you.

6. Purity of heart will make you see

Sometimes we get blindfolded by the hate, jealousy and negative thoughts that we hold

inside. We are unable to see the true nature of the people and cannot appreciate the true light in

which things should appear. It is time to purify your heart from all the negativity. Let go of all
the grudges and all the hate that you had been nurturing for a long time. A clean and clear heart

will make you see the true colors of your soul and others.

7. You will make your own luck

Nothing is unchangeable, fixed or set in the stone. You have the ability and potential to make

your own luck and you will make it. All you need to do is to put some effort. If this is about your

love life, take the initiative and make it work. If this is your career then everything is also in your

own hands.

8. We are alive within mysteries

Everything is a mystery, our existence, our universe, the way we think, the way we perceive.

These are the mysteries that we live in since we open our eyes. If the situation is hiding itself or

the other person is not being very clear, do not fret, as we are alive within mysteries.

9. Love is what you do

Red candle is all about love, passion, desires and relationships and no relationship can

survive without love. Love shouldn’t be the thing that you should demand, or you should get.

Love is something that you should do, that you can do and that you actually do. Love what you

do and do what you love.

10. Beauty is being in harmony with what you are

This pink candle is beautiful and so are you. You are beautiful because you know how to get

in tune with your soul. Learn about your talents, explore your potential and learn to use your

inner resources, whether it is creativity, wisdom, or purity of heart. Bring your positives to the

surface, polish your talents and bring beauty to your life.

11. Creativity is just connecting things

But how good are you at it? Do you need to connect the dots in a past situation or do you

need to connect some new dots? It is time to connect the things and let your creative energies

flow, whether it is your love life or work life, be creative.

12. Healing is in control now

If you were ill or facing a challenge, now you have to be sure that healing is in control. It is

time to revive and revitalize. Just give charge to healing and enjoy the bounty of health and well-


13. Be true to your friend

We cannot survive living this life alone. All of us need company and a companion.

You have to be true to that one person who cares. This friend can be anyone, your parents,

your kids, your spouse or literally a friend. Just be true to them. Vent out in front of them if you

need to. You need this support and they will give you that.

14. Find stability in yourself

Brown is the color of steadiness and stability. If you are seeking stability now, you need to

look no further. The stability is within you.

15. Gratitude builds a bridge to abundance

If you want to bring abundance to your life, start with being thankful for what you already

have. Tell the universe that you deserve all that you already have and you are worthy of more.

Enjoy the blessings with a thankful heart whether it is love, money or health and abundance of

all these pleasures will be there.

16. Forgiveness is just another name of Freedom

If you want to live a free life, start with forgiveness. Forgive others but first of all, forgive

yourself. All of us are fighting a battle here and we do not know what we are doing. Just forgive

and forget. Set them free and more importantly, set yourself free.

17. Fortune favors the Brave

Take bold steps and act bravely. Truth and bravery are two most important traits. When you

are brave, no one would be able to take what is yours. Remember that fortune favors the brave.

18. Life depends on change and renewal

When an old thing is gone, it makes room for a new thing. Life depends on change and

renewal. If you get this card, learn to accept this reality. Do not mourn about what is gone but

get ready for a change. This card also tells you to DE clutter your home and your life. Make room

for changes and be open and flexible.

19. Vibrate good energy, attract good energy

Life is all about Karma. You get what you give so vibrate good energy, spread love, greet

others with kindness and universe will return all this to you.

20. You are worthy of the trip

Take it in the literal meaning, travel, enjoy life and also trust yourself. You are beautiful

inside and out and full of qualities. You are totally worthy of the trip.

21. You are a Soul, you have a body

We always thing that we are a body and we have soul, but the reality is totally different. You

are a soul and you have a body, so learn to get connected to your soul. Make a connection with

the spiritual world. There is much more to life than what is visible.

22. Focus on what excites you

Living life to the fullest is about joy, happiness and excitement. It is not necessary if one

thing excites a person; it excites the other as well. Focus on what excites you. This is the key to


23. You should be real, not perfect

The standards of perfection, set by others are not necessarily right for you. Everyone has

their own purpose and their own reality. Being real is all that matters as perfection doesn’t have

a set standard.

24. When it hurts, observe

Wisdom comes from learning from your experiences. What is done is done but you shouldn’t

repeat this mistake again. If it hurts, observe and introspect the situation. You will learn a lot for

the future. Also if this card appears in a relationship, try to understand that what is hurting the

other person so they hurt you. Just observe and you will understand much deeper wisdom.

25. Admit it, say it

Being quiet is sometimes good but in some cases admitting your true feelings and expressing

those helps more. So just admit it and say it.

26. Be neutral if you cannot take stand

There are many situations when we cannot take stand for someone and also not for

ourselves. In such cases, just be neutral; do not turn against the weak.

27. Trust but verify

Trust the other person, trust your guts, trust the situation but be careful. Verify first.

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