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Name _______________________________

Unit test 5 TOTAL ___/ 70

1 Complete the dialogue with the words below.
amount average height length percentage width
Salesperson Can I help you?
Tom I want to paint my bedroom, but I’m not sure what ______________ of paint I need to buy.
Salesperson I need to know some measurements first. How high are the walls?
Tom The ______________ of the room is 2.2 meters. I can’t remember any other numbers, I’m afraid.
3 4
Salesperson Well, a(n) ______________ bedroom usually has a ______________ of 3.5 meters across and
a ______________ of around 5.5 meters.
Tom Great, thanks. Will I need to mix the paint with water?
Salesperson Yes, it will tell you the ______________ of water you’ll need on the label.

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2 Choose the correct prepositions to complete the sentences.

1 I was surprised when I saw your name appear on / at / in my inbox.
2 Can you search to / for / in the address on your cell phone?
3 The book provides you for / with / at the answers in the back.
4 She insisted on / to / in speaking French, but I wanted to practice my English!
5 The spelling rule “i before e except after c ” doesn’t apply with / to / at the word “leisure.”

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3 Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first using the words below.
There is one extra word.
afford bargain budget debt earn sale save
1 We don’t have enough money to go on vacation. We can’t ______________ to go on vacation.
2 How much money did you make at your summer job? How much did you ______________?
3 This coat was very cheap to buy. This coat was a ______________.
4 I need to pay back $500. I have a ______________ of $500.
5 Did you buy it when the price was reduced? Did you buy it on ______________?
6 We have spent more money than we have. We have gone over our ______________.

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4 Answer the questions so they are true for you. Write full sentences.
1 What is the probability that you will pass your English test?
2 Name one thing you regularly borrow from other people, and one thing you often lend to people.
3 Do you receive an allowance? If yes, what do you spend it on? If no, what would you spend it on?

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Unit test

1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of be able to.
1 She ______________________________ get Wi-Fi where she lives, she has to go to a local cafe.
2 We ______________________________ guess the exact weight in the quiz yesterday, so we won.
3 They ______________________________ get tickets for the concert yet.
4 You ______________________________ see the full moon tomorrow, because there will be too many clouds.
5 I might ______________________________ help you later.
6 I ______________________________ take a good photo because it was so dark.

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2 Find one error in each sentence. Write the correct words.

1 Did you manage to read and write before you started school? ________________________
2 You’ve been dancing for three hours. You can be exhausted. ________________________
3 He must have finished his homework already. He only started ten minutes ago. ________________________
4 After a long phone call, I’m happy to say I could convince them to come. ________________________
5 Do you think he can have missed the train? ________________________
6 You might still be hungry! You’ve eaten two pizzas! ________________________

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3 Choose the correct words to complete the email.

Hi Gemma,

How are you? I’m exhausted!

Last night, that strange sound woke me up again! It 1 couldn’t have / must not have been anyone in my family
because it came from the street. Eventually, I 2 could / managed to fall asleep again, but I need to find out
what the noise is because this is the third night it’s happened! It 3 might / must be an animal because no human
can / may make a sound like that! Do you think it 5 could / must be the cats next door? If I have time, I
might / can be able to talk to the neighbors later and ask them to keep their cats inside tonight!

See you soon!


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4 Complete the questions using verbs to talk about ability. Answer them so they are true for you.
1 Where do you need to work to __________________________ do your homework?
2 Name one thing that you ____________ do better when you were younger than you ____________ do now.

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Unit test

1 3.05 Listen to three conversations. Match conversations 1–3 with situations a–d.
There is one extra situation.
Conversation 1 ___
Conversation 2 ___
Conversation 3 ___

a in a classroom
b at a science conference
c at home
d at an airport

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2 3.05 Listen again. Answer the questions.

Conversation 1
1 What is the heaviest the man’s bag can be?
2 What is the maximum height for bags?
3 How is the man feeling?
Conversation 2
4 How likely is it to rain on Friday?
5 What do you think the relationship between the two people could be?
Conversation 3
6 What number for Pi does the woman write?
7 When is World Pi Day?

___/ 7
Unit test

1 Read the article about the connection between money and happiness. Are the statements true (T)
or false (F)?
1 Your happiness will always increase as you earn more money. T / F
2 The benefits of prosocial spending depend upon who we are giving money to. T / F
3 Giving money to charity has a physical effect on our bodies. T / F

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Spend Money, Be Happy!

___ This is a question which fascinates many psychologists and research reveals some interesting findings.
Studies show that our levels of happiness increase as we earn more money. However, this only happens until we
earn a certain amount of money and then the boost to our happiness stops. For example, researchers at Princeton
University in the U.S. showed that when people started earning more than $75,000, any further increase in the
amount of money they received no longer had an effect on their feelings of well-being.

Other research suggests that it isn’t the amount of money you have that is important for your happiness. 2 ___
People often think about making money to benefit themselves, but spending money on others can actually make
you happier. This kind of spending is called “prosocial spending.”
___ Half of them were told to spend it on another person. The results showed that they reported feeling happier
than the people who spent the money on themselves. These results were the same across the world, and even
with people who didn’t have much money. Psychologists came to the conclusion that the action of giving does
make people happy.
___ One study showed that when people donated money to charity, this resulted in the release of endorphins.
These are the hormones in our bodies that make us feel happy. Playing sports helps produce these endorphins,
___ First, how we spend our money has to be our choice. Second, giving money to someone must make us feel
connected with that person. Third, we have to be able to see the positive influence that this has on the person
who receives the money.
___ Many people are busy and stressed. They work long hours and don’t have enough time to spend with their
families or do things they enjoy. Paying people to do jobs for you, such as cleaning or cooking, is one way of
“buying” time. This extra free time has been shown to promote happiness in people who are stressed.
___ This can lead to feelings of sadness. However, the solution isn’t to go out and buy new things so that you
can have what everyone else has. We need to start thinking less about what we want and more about what we
already have and how we can use it to benefit others, and ourselves, in the process.
Unit test

2 Read the article again. Match blanks 1–7 in the article with topic sentences a–h below. There is one
extra topic sentence.
a So, what happens to people when they give that makes them feel good?
b There are also other ways people can spend money to increase their happiness.
c To research the effects of prosocial spending, people were given money to spend.
d We are happier when we spend money on things we can afford.
e Does money make us happy?
f People often compare themselves to others and see things they don’t have.
g It is how you spend it which makes the real difference.
h However, prosocial spending only brings happiness in some situations.

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Unit test

TASK Write a report about how students in your class use their cell phones.
Use the results of the survey below.

1 Think of the aspects of the topic that you want to write about. Make a paragraph plan and make notes for
each paragraph.

2 Write the first draft of your report (140–190 words). Include an introduction and conclusion. State your
aims in the introduction and say what the report will include. Use approximate language in the main body
of your report.

3 Read through your first draft. Check it and revise it if necessary. Then write your final draft.

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