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My philosophy of education is centered around creating a positive and inclusive learning

environment for all of my students. I believe in the importance of fostering a sense of

community and making all students feel welcome, safe, and valued in the classroom. I want to
develop critical thinking skills, kind humans, and a lifelong love of learning that carries them
through their educational journey and beyond.

Empowering children and encouraging their natural curiosity and creativity are also
integral parts of my teaching philosophy. By creating an environment of safety to express and
explore their thoughts and ideas, students will feel free to explore their interests and express
themselves creatively. They will be motivated and more engaged in their learning.

When you walk into my classroom you will feel peace but also an enthusiastic hum.
Children may be in learning circles, self-guided stations and small groups. It is collaborative,
loving, and filled with joy and comfort. It would be natural that you would be welcomed into
the class or offered a seat, as all are welcome and safe here. Student’s work decorates the
walls because we celebrate each other’s accomplishments. Class handshakes, chants and songs
will also play a part in the class community. Connectivity and belonging will be central in the
early stages of establishing our procedures and routines.

I plan to build a family within the four walls of my classroom. The students will come to
see themselves as a vital part of the whole group and an integral part of the success of their
class family and the school community as a whole. I will build relationships with each of my
students. Knowing them as more than a data point, but a whole child entering my classroom,
like an iceberg, with parts that are visible to the outside world, but an entire part of themselves
that exists below the surface but must be equally nurtured. By creating a classroom of empathy
and respect, we will create opportunities for collaboration and self-expression.

Clear expectations, routines, procedures, and consistent follow-through of

consequences will be critical to creating a feeling of safety for the children. Behavior
management will be consistent but also frequently reviewed and used as opportunities for
praising what we want to see more of. The school family focus will also contribute to the
effectiveness of the class management, such as keeping each other safe, all having jobs and
clear expectations within the school family to make the daily routine run smoothly.
Engagement will occur naturally, in a way that encourages healthy self-regulation, respecting
ourselves, our families at home and our family members within the classroom walls. Together,
we will maintain an environment of community and accountability.

Effective and frequent communication with families is also critical in maintaining a well-
managed classroom. Positive reinforcement and praise, reflection and adjustments and even
going back to the basics as needed will all contribute to successful classroom management.
Opportunities for volunteers, experiences in nature, along with school/home connections will
be encouraged, as my school allows.
Assessing academic performance is critical when lesson planning and creating
meaningful classroom activities. I believe in using a variety of assessment methods, including
formative and summative assessments. Formative assessments are important because it
monitors progress and identifies area where additional support and guidance are needed. Exit
tickets, quick quizzes and 1-1 student meetings are a few examples of using formative
assessments in the classroom. The summative assessments are a snap shot of their progress,
but when used in conjunction with regular formative assessments, I will see where the students
are with their understanding of learning objectives. My own course correcting and constant
self-reflection are also important take-aways from these assessments. Data is used to focus my
instruction and help students set goals for their own learning. By giving the students
opportunities to be a part of their assessment data and setting personal goals, students will
learn internal motivation and feelings of pride and academic responsibility, even in the
youngest of grades.

Overall, my philosophy of education is centered on the classroom community, which I

believe directly impacts student achievement. The school family will create a supportive and
inclusive environment where students feel comfortable expressing themselves and taking risks
in their learning. This, in turn, can foster a positive attitude towards school and improve student
engagement and motivation. Additionally, when students feel connected to their peers and
teachers, they are more likely to collaborate, communicate and problem solve effectively,
which will lead to improved academic outcomes. Building a sense of community will promote
their emotional and social development by cultivating a space that values empathy, respect and
responsibility to themselves and their class family.

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