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Final writing

Jhon looked at the map and decided to go left. He wanted to travel to Cuzco
alone. It was his first time, He has never done something like that, however he
could enjoy a lot his trip. There he had the chance to visit one of the seven
wonders around the world, he was so excited. In Cuzco he met tourists and as
he studies tourism at National University of Trujillo he was able to interact with
them. In addition, he could take photos of the beautiful landscapes. He would
like to go back there with his girlfriend.
One day Jhon decided to go back there with his girlfriend Anna to discover
interesting things together. Nevertheless, unexpectedly bad things happen to
them. They were walking in Cuzco at night when a strange man appeared. The
man was maked and dressed in black.
After two days, they didn't see each other again. The news informed that the
students got lost in the city. It was something weird because something like this
had never happened before and that's why their families began to look for them
Finally, after a long search Jhon was found on the ground in a cemetery, but he
was still alive. However, Anna was found dead in Qorinkancha. Anna's mother
was shocked, she couldn't believe that.

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