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X: Hello, how are you today?

F: Hello, I’m fine, however I have been thinking about the

different Peruvians who made history in our country.

X: Seriously? A few days ago, I made an

exhibition about one of those people,
her name is María Jesús Alvarado
F: I think I have read something about her. Could you tell
me about her?
X: Sure, she was born on May twenty-
seven, eitin seventing , in Chincha Alta.
Years Later, she traveled to Lima
where her whole story began.
F: Oh, I remember her. She made his debut as a journalist
in the newspaper El Comercio in 1910. Also, she sent a
paper on the problems of Peruvian women to the
Internacional Congress of Woman, held in Dinamarca.
X: She is remembered as an
emblematic figure and precursor of
Peruvian and Latin American feminism
for promoting a bill in which women
had total freedom over their lives and
property, which was approved and
enacted in naitin firti six.
F: I read that she has died at the age of 100. But she was
able to see how human rights changed in favor of
women, and she has left a legacy that will last for
X: I loved talking about that topic with
you, it is very impressive to see how
thanks to one person there was a great
change today.
F: You are right, like her there are many other very good
and successful people in our country.
X: Well I have to go, see you some
other time, bye.
F: Until next time, bye.

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