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By: heidy Abigail acuña rojas

San Rafael
Educational psychology is a term that is used to delimit all those disciplines that are
involved in the teaching and learning processes. Although it uses several methods and
theories typical of conventional psychology, it also includes new approaches that allow a
better approach to the student stage of any person. Countless investigations have
revealed its importance for adequate social, cultural and family development, so that, in
this essay, I will seek to analyze the problems it faces and how they are addressed.

At the educational level, the work of psychologists increases in complexity according to

the socioeconomic status of a given community. This is because each context brings with
it a series of learning problems, as well as significant variations in man's
psychoevolutionary processes. It is also worth mentioning the theories applied in the
classroom, the curriculum, and the limitations that some educational institutions have. All
this implies the need to create study plans and programs according to each country,
constantly improving and updating its educational system.
To deal with the aforementioned problems, educational psychology focuses on certain
factors that are part of every society. Here are personal development, motivation and
metacognition. By carefully analyzing each one of them, you can have a more accurate
approach to understand and solve the present obstacles. However, it is essential to work
with the State to carry out the changes that are necessary, since education is the basis of
the progress of any nation.

On the other hand, educational psychology has as its goal self-regulation in the learning
process. Each person must have the ability to activate and maintain their thoughts,
behaviors and emotions, according to a particular goal. The objective of this is that
teachers become support elements in educational centers, instead of creating a
dependency based on the validation they provide. Students who manage to develop
academic learning skills, which are then complemented by self-control, feel motivated of
their own free will and will always seek to learn more.

Although hundreds of scientific discoveries have been made in recent years to understand
how the human brain works, there is no doubt that educational psychology continues to
face problems in being adequately implemented in different Latin American countries. The
conventional teaching model must be discarded and renewed, giving priority to reflection
and introspection. Students have to be placed in situations that motivate them to
understand their context, being guided at first through explanations, demonstrations and
group work.

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