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General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Sri Lanka

Faculty of Engineering

Department of Civil Engineering


Module Code/ Name : Psychology for engineering

Stream/Intake : CE/Intake 39
Group Number : Group 4
Group Members :
2. JADN Perera (D/ENG/22/0004/CE)
3. RA Pramuditha (D/ENG/22/0010/CE)
4. MR Prashan (D/ENG/22/0015/CE)
5. MAMA Rasees (D/ENG/22/0016/CE)
6.YA Allahudeen (D/ENG/22/0019/CE)
7.KG Ranasinghe (D/ENG/22/0024/CE)
8. JMKA Jayathilake (D/ENG/22/0026/CE)
9. NSV Rathnayake (C/ENG/22/6386/CE)
10.IHAC Iddagoda (C/ENG/22/6387/CE)

Date of submission : 15/04/2023
➢ A Professional who emphasizes a biological perspective would look at how the brain and
nervous system impact joy behavior.

➢ A Professional who emphasizes a behavioral perspective would look at how the brain and
nervous system impact joy behavior.

➢ A Professional who emphasizes a Psychodynamics perspective would look at how the

brain and nervous system impact joy behavior.

➢ A Professional who emphasizes a Cross-cultural perspective would look at how the brain
and nervous system impact joy behavior.

➢ A Professional who emphasizes a Cognitive perspective would look at how the brain and
nervous system impact joy behavior.
A Professional who emphasizes a biological perspective would look at how the brain and
nervous system impact joy behavior.

A specialist who places a strong emphasis on biology would concentrate on how the brain and
nerve system influence behavior related to pleasure. Here are some essential aspects of this
The incentive system in the brain: When we feel happiness or joy, the reward system in the brain
is triggered. Dopamine, a neurotransmitter that is produced in reaction to rewarding stimuli, is
mainly responsible for controlling this system. This mechanism assists us in seeking out
pleasurable behaviors and learning from pleasurable encounters.
Neuroplasticity: This phenomenon, which occurs as a result of our encounters, describes how the
brain is continuously evolving. This means that feeling pleasure repeatedly can cause the brain to
permanently change, increasing our likelihood of doing so in the future.
Hormones: Joy conduct is also influenced by hormones. For instance, the hormone oxytocin,
which is connected to emotions of happiness and wellbeing, is released during social bonding
Genetics: Our propensity to feel happy can also be influenced by our DNA. While some genetic
variants have been associated with increased sensitivity to pleasurable cues, others may make it
more challenging to feel joy.
Disorders:Brain and nerve system disorders can also affect how joyful a person is. For instance,
melancholy is linked to decreased activity in the brain's reward system, which can make it more
difficult to feel joy.

Overall, a scientific viewpoint highlights the significance of the brain and nervous system in
determining our feelings of delight and enjoyment.

Yes, these publications on the molecular aspects of the connection between the brain and
behavior, including happy behavior, are listed below:

Neuroscience: This is a multidisciplinary magazine that issues original research papers, reviews,
and method papers on all facets of neuroscience, including molecular and cellular neuroscience,
behavioral neuroscience, and cognitive neuroscience.
Biological Psychiatry: This is a top international magazine in the discipline of psychiatry that
disseminates original research papers and studies on the biological underpinnings of mental
disease and behavior.
Journal of Neuroscience: Molecular and cellular neuroscience, systems neuroscience, and
behavioral neuroscience are all covered in this prestigious journal in the area of neuroscience. It
also prints reviews and commentaries on these topics.
Neuropsychologia: The connection between brain function and behavior, including feeling,
memory, language, and perception, is the subject of original study papers, reviews, and theoretical
papers published in this magazine.
Original study papers, reviews, and commentary on the neural processes underpinning cognition,
feeling, and behavior are published in the magazine Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral

If you're searching for papers on the molecular foundations of joyful behavior, these publications
would be an excellent place to start.

Sure, here are a few instances of current Biological Psychiatry papers that discuss the biological
basis of happy behavior:

The Neural Basis of Positive Affect and Reward Processing in Adolescents: A Multi-Modal
Imaging Study" (2020): The neural correlates of rewarding and positive affective processing in
teenagers were examined in this research using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI).
The results imply that brain areas involved in handling rewards may control happy emotions.

Serotonin Transporter Binding in the Human Brain Reflects the Perception of Positively Valenced
Naturalistic Scenes" (2021): In order to better understand how serotonin transporter binding in the
brain relates to the perception of happy feelings in realistic scenes, this research used positron
emission tomography (PET) imaging. The results imply that serotonin transporter binding may
play a role in regulating how positive emotional cues are processed.

Genetic Predictors of Individual Differences in Emotional Reactivity and Reward Sensitivity

(2021) This research used a genome-wide association study (GWAS) to find genetic variations
linked to reward sensitivity and emotional response. The results imply that specific genetic
variants may add to individual disparities in joy behavior and associated characteristics.

These works show how biologists in biological psychiatry look into the brain and genetic bases of
happy behavior.
A Professional who emphasizes a behavioral perspective would look at how the brain and
nervous system impact joy behavior.

Behavioural perspective is a psychological approach which places less emphasis on mental

process and more emphasis on observable behaviours. It highlights the process of external
factors such as rewards and punishments in behaviour called shaping.

According to this perspective, happiness is viewed as a behavioral reaction that can either
be strengthened or suppressed depending on an individual's experiences and interactions
with their surroundings. Increased happiness is the result of positive experiences and
reinforcement, whereas decreased happiness or avoidance of specific stimuli may result
from negative experiences.

The external causes of happiness are the main focus of the behavioral approach to
experiencing joy. It implies that when people engage in pleasurable or rewarding behaviors,
they experience joy. This strategy places a strong emphasis on how conditioning and
reinforcement affect how people behave and feel. This viewpoint holds that joy is a learnt
reaction to certain stimuli rather than an innate or inherent emotion. Determining the
environmental factors that encourage pleasant experiences and supporting the behaviors
that result in them is therefore essential to understanding joy.

According to behaviorists, satisfying activities that give a sense of accomplishment or

mastery, such attaining a goal or finding a solution to a problem, are frequently linked to
feelings of joy. Social engagement, exercise, and pleasurable activities like eating,
engaging in activities, playing games or sports, listening to music, or watching movies are
other behaviors that foster joy. Through consistent reinforcement and pleasant experiences,
these behaviors come to be linked with joy and happiness.

Instead of seeking to alter a person's internal state or sentiments, this viewpoint places more
focus on altering the environment to encourage positive experiences and behaviors. People
can learn to experience joy more regularly and sustainably by fostering a happy atmosphere
and rewarding positive behaviors.

As an example, there are many journals published including this opinion/fact. One of the journals
is the Publication of Organizational Behavior Management (JOBM). If we categorized some
details according to our facts, below is some information regarding our facts extracted from the
above-mentioned journal.
This JOBM (Journal of Organizational Behavior Management.) is a publication that reviewed
behavior analysis in organizational contexts. This journal consists of different research articles,
case studies, and theoretical papers.
Below are some areas covered under the JOBM,
1. Behavioral findings in the workplace- The Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis (JOBM)
publishes articles on the use of behavior analysis to better organizational performance in
terms of safety, productivity, and other areas.

2. Culture of Organization- The magazine furthermore publishes articles on the application

of behavior analysis to the development of corporate culture, including subjects like
decision-making, leadership, and communication.

3. Development and Training- In order to create and carry out successful training and
development programs in corporate contexts, behavior analysis is used, according to
studies published in JOBM.

4. Management of Performance- The magazine also emphasizes how behavior analysis may
be used to create and put into place efficient performance management systems that
support employee motivation and engagement.

So finally we can come to the conclusion that this magazine/journal JOBM (Journal of
Organizational Behavior Management) is a valuable source for finding new information on our
feeling joy from a behavior perspective. The above-mentioned represents us there are some facts
in the behavioral perspective that we want to know. The publication offers a venue for the
distribution of data showing how behavioral interventions may enhance organizational
Overall, a behavioral viewpoint shows that our environments and experiences greatly influence
how we behave, including how we behave when we are happy. We may better grasp how to
encourage wholesome actions and enjoyable experiences by comprehending how these
environmental influences affect our behavior.
A Professional who emphasizes a Psychodynamics perspective would look at how the brain
and nervous system impact joy behavior.

According to psychodynamic perspective, feeling of joy is unconscious psychological

process that operate within an individual’s mind. Joy is not simple emotion .it is complex
emotion that arises from a variety of psychological factors.
Idea of the unconscious mind is one of key concept in psychodynamic theory. According
to this concept part of our mind that contains thoughts, feelings, and memories that are
not currently in conscious awareness also joy is a product of unconscious desires and
wishes that are fulfilled.
Idea of defense mechanisms is another important concept. As psychodynamic theorists,
joy can sometimes serve as defense mechanism. defense mechanism is unconscious
strategies that individuals use to protect themselves from anxiety and other emotions. So,
feeling of joy can avoid facing difficult and painful emotions. For examples people can
distracted from their problem or avoid feeling guilt or shame by engaging activities that
may experience joy.
Idea of pleasure principal is also the important concept of psychodynamic perspective.
this implies that the impulse to seek pleasure and avoid suffering controls human feeling joy is satisfying this fundamental drive which is origins in our
irrational emotions and aspirations.
Role of early childhood experience is another important aspect of psychodynamic
perspective. Our early childhood experiences can shape our emotional responses.
according to psychodynamic theorists, experience in the first few years in life can majorly
impact on our emotional development and mold our patterns of behavior and thought as
adults. So, our early experiences of love, support, and encouragement may have an
impact on how joyful we feel.
So, According, to a psychodynamic viewpoint, the feeling of joy is directly related to the
satisfaction of unconscious needs and desires. These irrational demands and desires have
their roots in the many stages of psychosexual maturation that people go through from
childhood to maturity. These stages, according to Freud, are defined by particular sexual
and violent urges, and how they are resolved can have an ongoing effect on a person's
psychological growth.
The psychodynamic perspective also emphasizes how our emotional experiences are
shaped by unconscious conflicts and defenses. For instance, if a person struggles to feel
joy because of a specific need or emotion, they may find it difficult to feel guilt or shame
about it. Repression and denial are examples of defense strategies that can prevent people
from completely engaging with pleasant events or emotions, which might interfere with
the sense of joy.
The psychodynamic perspective also emphasizes the significance of the therapeutic
alliance in fostering emotional development and recovery. The therapist's role is to
establish a secure and encouraging environment where the patient may examine their
underlying conflicts and defenses and remove any psychological impediments that might
be keeping them from feeling joy and other uplifting emotions.
The psychodynamic perspective on experiencing joy emphasizes the intricate interactions
between unconscious wants, early experiences, unconscious conflicts and defenses, and
the therapeutic relationship in forming our emotional experiences. Therapists can assist
patients in better understanding their emotional experiences and working toward
improved psychological health and wellness by being aware of these elements.
In conclusion, the psychodynamic perspective of experiencing joy emphasizes the
significance of unconscious processes, early experiences, unconscious conflicts, and
unconscious defenses in influencing our emotional experiences. The fulfillment of
unconscious needs and desires, which have their roots in the numerous stages of
psychosexual development that people go through from infancy to adulthood, is
intimately linked to the sensation of joy, according to this viewpoint. Joy and other good
feelings can sometimes be hampered by unconscious conflicts and defenses, such as guilt,
shame, repression, and denial.
Another important factor in fostering emotional growth and healing is the therapeutic
relationship between the therapist and the client, which offers a secure space for the latter
to confront unconscious conflicts and defenses.
A Professional who emphasizes a Cross-cultural perspective would look at how the brain
and nervous system impact joy behavior.

● What is a cross cultural perspective?

Cross-cultural psychology explores the effects of cultural influences on a person's

thoughts, feelings. This field of study shows how people from different cultures might
exhibit diverse behaviors such as, motivation, self-esteem, social behavior, and
communication, depending on their cultural background. Human thought and behavior
are significantly influenced by cross-cultural psychology. The field recognizes the
significance of cultural environment in influencing human behavior while also looking
for potential behavioral and psychological universals that may exist across cultures.

● Cross cultural perspective in joyful behavior

People from different cultures can all feel the complicated sensation of joy. It frequently
results in feelings of joy, pleasure, and contentment. Nonetheless, there are numerous
additional methods to express and experience joy, depending on the cultural and social
situation. The cross-cultural viewpoint on the emotion of joy and how it is seen and
manifested in many cultures will be covered in this essay.
The experience and expression of joy across cultures is a crucial component of this
approach. Joy may be exhibited more loudly and visibly in individualistic societies, such
as the United States, through jubilant actions like jumping, shouting, or high-fiving. In
contrast, the expression of joy may be more subdued in collectivistic countries like Japan,
with an emphasis on internal fulfillment rather than outward displays of emotion. Joy can
also be conveyed spiritually or religiously in some cultures, such as via prayer or
Cultural differences might also exist in the sources of joy. A promotion at work or the
purchase of a new car are examples of personal accomplishments or individual success
that can bring joy in individualistic cultures. In societies that value cooperation, happiness
may result from collective achievements, such as a job well done or a child graduating
from school. Moreover, joy may be related with family and community in some cultures
while it may stem from a sense of oneness with nature or the spiritual world in others.
Cultural norms and values also play a significant role in shaping the experience and
expression of joy. In some cultures, it may be considered inappropriate or impolite to
express too much joy in certain situations, such as at a funeral or during a time of national
tragedy. In other cultures, it may be expected to express joy in these situations as a sign of
respect and gratitude for the person’s life or for the community’s resilience and strength
in overcoming adversity. Additionally, cultural values such as humility or modesty may
also shape the way that joy is expressed and experienced
Culture to culture can differ in how they view the relationship between joy and other
emotions. In Western societies, happiness is frequently regarded as a distinct feeling from
others like melancholy or rage. While joy can be experienced in conjunction with other
feelings in some Eastern cultures, it is frequently considered as being associated with
them. For instance, the emotion of joy is frequently associated with gratitude in
traditional Chinese culture and is conveyed via deeds of kindness and giving.
Finally, it is important to recognize that the experience and expression of joy can vary
greatly even within cultures. Moreover, individuals may have their own unique ways of
experiencing and expressing joy based on their personal history, personality, and cultural
In conclusion, happiness is a universal emotion that takes many forms depending on the
society. Many forms of experiencing and expressing joy exist depending on a variety of
factors, including social context, cultural norms, and values. By recognizing and
appreciating these cultural differences, we may promote greater cultural understanding
and empathy and help build more inclusive and fair societies.
A Professional who emphasizes a Cognitive perspective would look at how the brain and
nervous system impact joy behavior.

● What is cognitive perspective?

The cognitive perspective is a way of seeing how the mind functions and how information
processed. Skills including problem solving, perception, memory, and concentration are e
mphasized. Basically, it's about understanding how we think
and the brain functions that help us make sense of the
world. For example, cognitive approaches can explore how we obtain new information,
make decisions, or remember important events. In general, it is a way to understand how
the mind functions..

● Cognitive perspective in daily life

The cognitive perspective offers us a framework for comprehending how we think,

perceive, and process information, which can have a profound impact on how we live our
daily lives. We can learn to respond to situations in a more positive and effective manner
by becoming more conscious of our cognitive processes and beliefs. For instance,
cognitive techniques like cognitive restructuring and positive thinking can help us better
our interpersonal connections, manage our stress and anxiety, and increase our general
well-being. We can lessen the influence of unpleasant emotions and enhance our capacity
to cope with difficult situations by developing the ability to recognize and confront
negative thoughts and beliefs. Additionally, practicing mindfulness can make us more
present and conscious in our daily activities, which can improve our capacity to cherish
good times and appreciate the environment around us. We can increase our resilience and
adaptability in the face of adversity by learning to pay attention and control our emotions.
Overall, a cognitive perspective can help us develop more optimistic and
constructive thinking, which can improve our overall quality of life and enrich our daily
● Cognitive perspective in joyful behavior

Our perception of happy emotions can be greatly influenced by a cognitive perspective.

Our emotions, especially joy and happiness, are influenced by our thoughts and
perceptions. For example, if you approach a situation from a
positive perspective, you will feel more excited and happier. How we cognitively interpre
t events can also affect how we relate to them. Positive or fun situations tend to make us
happier than negative ones. Additionally, cognitive skills such as mindfulness and
optimistic thinking can help develop positive emotions such as joy and
contentment. By focusing on positive thoughts and experiences, we can train our brain to
be more sensitive to pleasurable emotions, which can lead to an overall improvement in
happiness and well-being.

❖ Here are a few instances of how the cognitive perspective may affect how pleased
we feel:

1. Positive thinking. We can become happier and more fun by developing a positive
mindset and focusing on the positive aspects of our lives. For example, we may
decide to focus on positive events, such as spending time with loved ones or
engaging in activities we enjoy, instead of thinking about adverse events or
2. Thank you. By cultivating gratitude, we can better appreciate the good things
in life and feel happier and more fulfilled. We can develop a
more optimistic and grateful mindset by taking time each day to think about the
things we need to be grateful for.
3. Mindfulness. By engaging in mindfulness practice, we can improve our ability to
feel joy and happiness by being more engaged and engaged with the world around
us. We can improve our overall well-being by developing the ability
to enjoy the good things in life and appreciate the small things.

4. Strong and stimulating relationships with others can increase levels of happiness
and joy. Investing in connections with loved ones, friends, and neighbors can help us feel
more connected, part of our community, and improve our overall quality of life.
In general, the cognitive viewpoint can assist us in cultivating a more upbeat and
constructive mindset, which can improve our capacity for joy and raise our level of
wellbeing generally.

Biological Perspective

1. Cloninger, C. R. et al. (2011) “Biological perspectives on psychiatry for the

person,” International journal of person centered medicine, 1(1), pp. 137–139.
doi: 10.5750/ijpcm.v1i1.35.

2. Dfarhud, D., Malmir, M. and Khanahmadi, M. (2014) “Happiness & health: The
biological factors- systematic review article,” Iranian journal of public health,
43(11), pp. 1468–1477.

3. Grinde, B. (2012) “An evolutionary perspective on happiness and mental

health,” The Journal of mind and behavior, 33(1/2), pp. 49–67. Available at:

4. (No date) Available at:
e_on_happiness_and_mental_health (Accessed: April 11, 2023).

Behavioral Perspective

1. Anon., 2023. Behavioural Design. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 11 April 2023].

Psychodynamics Perspective

1. Freud, S., Strachey, J., Freud, A., Strachey, A., Tyson, A. and Britain, G. (2001).
The standard edition of the complete psychological works of Sigmund Freud. Vol.
15 (1915-1916), Introductory lectures on psycho-analysis, (Parts I and II).
London: Vintage.

2. Bowlby, J. (1969). Attachment and loss. London: Pimlico.

3. Kernberg, O.F. (1995). Borderline Conditions and Pathological Narcissism. Jason

Aronson, Incorporated.
Cross-cultural Perspective
1. Cherry, K. (2022, April 6). What Is Cross-Cultural Psychology? Verywell Mind.
2. B. (2021, September 5). Cross-Cultural Psychology: What it is and why it’s so Important?
Exploring Your Mind.

Cognitive Perspective

1. Albert Resources. (2019). Cognitive Perspective: AP® Psychology Crash Course | [online] Available at:

2. Quora. (n.d.). How do we use cognitive processes in daily life? [online] Available
[Accessed 15 Apr. 2023].

3. StudySmarter UK. (n.d.). Cognitive Approach (Psychology): Definition &

Examples. [online] Available at:


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