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Laura:I’m Laura and this is my friend Patri,and today we have two special guests. They’re the
famous couple of tv show!

Come in and welcome to our show. obama and gem Franchesco.

So tell me how have you been?

Obama(Dani): we’ve been doing so good and we’re so glad to be in here.

Patri:today we’re gonna ask you some questions about your hopes for the future,are you okay
with that?

Gem(gema):sure,why not? I don’t hide anything from you all.

Laura:okay,here you go, question for Obama. How did you meet?

Obama(Dani):we met at Golden’s bar and i was with some friends of mine and i was
drunk,then suddenly she appeared and gave me some water because I was getting dizzy.

Gem(gema):yeah I remember that of course! You were almost dead. So funny!

Obama (Dani):and after that I asked her phone number when I got sobber.

Patri:that’s nice to hear! And do you want to have kids?.

Gem(gema):yes! Of course! We want two kids!

Laura:such a lovely story! Later we’ll see more about this lovely couple! See ya after the

Patri:see ya!

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