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Revision worksheet(Introduction to Algebra)

Name: _____________ Class: V Subject:Mathematics Date:


Q1: Fill in the blanks

i. we can use a _________ to represent an unknown number.
ii. x+5 means add _____to_____.
iii. x_7 means subtract _____from_____.
iv. 3x means _______ times of _______.
v. x/4 means divide __________in _________equal parts.

Q2. Write Algebric expressions

I. Add 9 to X
ii. Remove x from 7.
iii. Subtract 90 from y.
iv. 9 less than m.
v. 15 more than p.
vi. 7 less than x.
vii. 7 groups of s.
Viii.Multiply 9 by d.
ix. Multiply x by 2.
x.Divide h by 9.
xi. Divide 6 by m.
xii. Divide n+7 in to 3 equal parts.
xiii.Divide the sum of 2d and 5 by 12.
xiv. Subtract 2times of m from 25.
xv. Half of the sum of a and b.
xvi. Sum of 6 and third of x.

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