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bisnis online shoop

Bisnis Online Shoop, or online shopping business, has become increasingly

popular in recent years. While some argue that it is a convenient and efficient way
to shop, others believe that it has negative effects on society.

One of the main advantages of Bisnis Online Shoop is convenience. Customers

can shop from the comfort of their own homes and have their purchases delivered
directly to their doorstep. This saves time and effort compared to traditional
brick-and-mortar stores.

However, critics argue that Bisnis Online Shoop negatively impacts small
businesses and local economies. Large online retailers often offer lower prices
due to economies of scale, which can put smaller businesses out of business.
Additionally, online shopping reduces foot traffic in physical stores, leading to less
revenue for local communities.

In conclusion, while Bisnis Online Shoop offers convenience for consumers, it

also has negative effects on small businesses and local economies. It is important
for consumers to consider the impact of their purchasing decisions on their
communities and support local businesses whenever possible.

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