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Nama : Rokim Sugiarta

1. C . Tomorrow night
2. C . Between eight o clock and half past eight
3. A. 7.30
4. B. Jamie
5. B. Close to the kitchen
6. C. 8.00
1.can i book a table for tomorrow night
2. How many people is it for!
3. What time would you like ?
4. Can i make it for six people ?
5. Is it possible to change the time?
6. Is eight ok for you ?

1. C. She has a doctor's appointment

2. B. Chapters 17 ,19 and 20
3. A. Online
4. B. Friday
5. B. By email
6. A. Note from the doctor.

1. Im sorry but i cant come to class

2. Can you give me the homework assigment?
3. You need to read chapter 17 to 20
4. You need to read chapter 17 to 20
5. I'll post the links online
6. I can give you the practice test

1. Earth : is closer to the sun ,has stronger gravity ,hes more nitrogen and oxygen than
carbondioxide ,has mor air
Mars : is colder ,has a longer day ,used to have water,is sopericent sdaller.
2. suport
3. Same
4. Frozen
5. Nitrogen
6. Gravity

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