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Princess Nicole E.


What do you feel about the activity last Wednesday?

Last Wednesday, I was tense since there was an unexpected power interruption in our

area. The power lost at almost 2:30 pm and our class in this subject will begin at 4:00 pm. It’s

already 4:00 pm and still, the power has not gotten back yet. Also, my mobile phone’s battery is

at 25%. I was really nervous because I might miss our activity. Later on, our instructor explained

what will be our activity for that day. He said that we will dance live and we’ll start at exactly

5:00 pm. I raised my hand in the google meet and explained my situation. I asked If I can pass it

exceeding the time he gave. I was relieved when he considered my situation and said he’ll

confirm first if I was saying the truth. But I was even more relieved when the power was restored

at 4:30 p.m. I informed my instructor that I can already perform the Zumba dance. I was happy

that I had time to practice it before performing.

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