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Version 2
By Graywinter


I have played solo games of Warhammer 40k before, and I know lots of other people
who do the same. Maybe you are sick, the weather is bad, or you just can't manage to
get together with your friends at the moment to play a game. So, you draw up the forces
and duke it out, taking turns moving each army and trying to give yourself the best
battle for the circumstances. What happens, more often than not, is that you find
yourself stuck between making the move that you know is best and making the move
that you feel a live opponent would make since he would not be aware of your cunning

So - what I have presented here is a system of 'programming' the other army with a
personality. This system borrowns a bit from the classic miniatures wargames of the
past using playing cards. This system will simulate the differing and sometimes
frustrating personalities of unit commanders and troops. They may be hesitant and
seemingly unwilling to move forward and take the objective, or rush headlong into
danger and certain destruction without the slightest regard for the mission.

Draw a single card for each unit before the game. Consult the list below for the meaning
of the card in relation to the unit. It is a good idea to leave the card with the unit on the
table so you can remember to apply the special behavior rules during the game.
Toma una carta por cada unidad antes de comenzar el juego. Consulta la lista de abajo
para ver que significa cada carta en relación de la Unidad. Es una buena idea dejar la
carta junto a la unidad en la mesa para que recuerdes aplicar Las reglas de
comportamiento Durante el juego.

Jokers are "wild" meaning that they will behave exactly as the closest friendly unit is

La unidad se comporta de la misma forma, que la unidad amiga más cercana.

Hearts (Corazones) AVANCE

This unit seeks to accomplish the mission. It will deploy in a manner that will allow it to
best defend or complete the objective. line of sight and self protection are of secondary
importance during deployment.

Completar la misión es su objetivo. Despliega buscando la mejor defensa o ataque del

mismo. Línea de visión y autopreservación son secundarias durante el despliegue.
These units charge headlong towards the objective, without any real thought or tactical
approach. They seek to accomplish the mission by destroying all enemy units that are
between them and the objective. Once they achieve the objective, they will then
continue attacking the closest enemy unit in a preemptive attack designed to prevent the
enemy from mounting a counterattack on the objective.

Cargan directo hacia el objetivo, sin aproximación táctica. Buscan cumplir la misión
destruyendo todo lo que se encuentren entre ellos y el objetivo. Una vez en el objetivo,
continuaran atacando a la unidad enemiga más cercana.

These units advance on the objective using cover and attempting to minimize their
casualties. If they are able to assault or shoot at an enemy unit they will, but
accomplishing the mission is more important. Once they have reached the objective,
they will defend it until another unit arrives. At that time, they will move on to attack
new targets and prevent an enemy counterstrike.

Avanzan hacia el objetivo usando cobertura. Si son capaces de asaltar o disparar a una
unidad enemiga, lo harán, pero cumplir la misión es más importante. Una vez en el
objetivo, lo defenderán hasta que otra unidad amiga llegue. En ese momento, se
moverán para atacar nuevos objetivos.

These units try to remain out of sight until they are right upon the objective. They will
not divert themselves to assault or shoot unless doing so helps them with the mission.
Once they reach the objective, they then will pounce upon it and try to take the
objective quickly. Once the objective has been taken, they will defend it until the game
is over or they are wiped out or forced to fall back.

Intentan permanecer ocultas hasta llegar al objetivo. No se entretendrán en asaltar o

disparar a menos que hacerlo los ayude con la misión. Una vez en el objetivo, trataran
de tomarlo rápidamente. Luego, lo defenderán hasta el final.
Diamonds (Diamantes) OFENSIVA

The Diamond card signifies that this unit is primarily concerned with combat. It will
deploy in a manner that allows it the greatest field of fire or the best chance of reaching
an enemy unit quickly.

El combate es lo principal. Despliega de manera que su fuego cubra el mayor campo

posible, o tratando de alcanzar una unidad enemiga con rapidez.
These units will always behave in a manner that allows them to inflict maximum
casualties upon the nearest enemy unit. They will move to assault if that is their
specialty, or blast away with all the firepower they can muster. If some of the weapons
are out of range, the unit will advance attempting to bring more firepower to bear next
turn. If an enemy unit comes with charge range, these units always assault.

Busca causar el mayor daño posible a la unidad enemiga más cercana. Asaltaran o
saturaran de fuego al enemigo, según su especialidad. Si tiene armas fuera de alcance,
avanzara intentando proporcionar la mayor cantidad de fuego el turno siguiente. Si una
unidad enemiga llega a distancia de asalto, será asaltada.

These units seek out the most damaging or expensive enemy units and attempt to
engage them. They will even go so far as to maneuver and seek out their preferred
targets. They will not bother to attack a target they cannot hurt, instead they will ignore
it in favor of one it can.

Busca a la unidad enemiga más peligrosa o costosa. Puede maniobrar y perseguir estos
objetivos. Ignora aquellos objetivos que no puede dañar, en su lugar buscara uno que si

These units attempt to achieve superior field position. They will move and attempt to
take out enemy fortifications or units in and around the objective. Units with this card
try to stick close to other Diamond cards to offer fire support and back up in the event of
an assault. These units try to be flexible, and survive as long as possible, harrassing the
enemy and then withdrawing to cover. If this unit is a combat type unit, it will always
consolidate after winning a fight and attempt to get back into cover.

Intenta adquirir una posición de superioridad. Mueve e intenta destruir fortificaciones

enemigas o unidades en o alrededor del objetivo. Tratara de estar cercas de otras
unidades ofensivas para ofrecer fuego de soporte y respaldo en un eventual asalto.
Intentara ser flexible y sobrevivir tanto como pueda, acosando al enemigo y retirándose
a cobertura. Si esta unidad es del tipo combatiente, siempre consolidara después de
ganar un combate e intentara regresar a cubierto
Spades (Picas) DEFENSIVA

Spade units are interested in self protection. They always deploy in a fortified position if
possible and out of sight of the enemy. It will deploy in a manner that is helpful to the
mission as long as the unit is protected from enemy fire by at least a 5+ cover save.
These types of units always rapid fire if they can in preference to moving.

Esta interesada en la autopreservación, Despliega en posiciones fortificadas y fuera de

la visión del enemigo. Despliega de manera útil a la misión mientras este protegida al
menos por una cobertura de +5. Prefiere el fuego rápido a avanzar.
Si una unidad llega en su fase de movimiento a distancia de asalto y no puede ser herida
por esta unidad, esta unidad se retirará. Intentando alejarse lo más posible.
These units do not move unless they have nothing to shoot at. If this is the case, they
move forward to another fortified position (or at least towards one) to take up a shooting
position. Once they acquire a target, they remain there, firing at that target until it is
destroyed or leaves their line of sight. If presented with multiple targets, it will choose
the one it can do the most damage to or has the best chance of wiping out. Preference is
always given to the weapon or weapons in this squad with the longest range. These
kinds of units will never assault unless the enemy is within 6" at the start of the assault
If an enemy comes within assault range that cannot be harmed by this squad, it will
move away in the movement phase and fleet of foot if it is able in an attempt to get as
far away from the enemy as possible.

No mueven a menos que no tenga nada a que dispararle. Si mueve, avanza hacia otra
posición fortificada para asumir una posición de tiro. Una vez que adquieren un
objetivo, permanece atacándolo hasta que lo destruya o lo pierda de vista. Con múltiples
objetivos, elegirá al que le pueda hacer más daño. Da preferencia al arma de mayor
alcance. No asaltará a menos que el enemigo comience a 6" en la fase de asalto.

These units will usually move forward towards the objective so long as there are other
friendly units within 12" of it's current position. If there are none, the unit will move
towards the closest friendly unit and take up a defensive position. Shooting is the same
as the 2,4,6,8,10 card, except that preference is given to the most numerous type of
weapon. Units of this type will launch an assault only if the enemy is within 6" at the
start of the turn.
If an enemy comes within assault range that cannot be harmed by this squad, it will
move away in the movement phase and fleet of foot if it is able in an attempt to get as
far away from the enemy as possible.

Usualmente avanza hacia el objetivo mientras tenga a 12" de su actual posición otra
unidad amiga. Si no hay ninguna, avanza hacia la unidad amiga más cercana y toma una
posición defensiva. Dispara igual a las unidades 2,4,6,8,10 pero prefiere el tipo de arma
más numerosa. Sólo asalta sí el enemigo se encuentra a 6" al inicio del turno.

These units keep themselves in a position of cover and attempt to inflict maximum
casualties on the most expensive enemy unit within range of at least one weapon in the
squad. The unit will move towards the objective cautiously, and only if there is another
friendly unit within 12" of the objective.
Units of this type will launch an assault only if the enemy is within 12" at the start of the
turn and if there is another friendly squad within 12" of the enemy squad to be
If an enemy comes within assault range that cannot be harmed by this squad, it will
move away in the movement phase and fleet of foot if it is able in an attempt to get as
far away from the enemy as possible.
Se mantiene en una posición de cobertura e intenta causar el máximo daño en las
unidades enemigas más caras que estén al alcance de al menos un arma de la escuadra.
Avanza hacia el objetivo con precaución y sólo si hay otra unidad amiga a 12" del
Asalta si el enemigo se encuentra a 12" al inicio del turno y además hay otra unidad
amiga a 12" de la unidad enemiga que será asaltada.

Clubs (Treboles) APOYO

Club units are protection based. They deploy in a manner that would allow them to
screen or reinforce an HQ, elite or heavy choice. They will not stray any further away
from these units than can be covered in a single move and assault. (Usually 12")

Basada en la protección. Despliega de manera que puedan apantallar o reforzar unidades

HQ, elite o pesadas. No se alejara de estas unidades más de lo que pueden cubrir en un
sólo movimiento y asalto (usualmente 12")

These units never move more than their "protection range" from the chosen protected
unit. They will fire upon the closest enemy unit to their protected squad. They will move
to assault any enemy that comes within move/assault range of the protected squad. If an
enemy unit assaults the protected unit, this squad will move imediatly to join the fight.

No mueve más allá de su "rango de protección" de la unidad elegida para proteger (UP).
Disparara a la unidad enemiga más cercana a la (UP). Mueve para asaltar a cualquiera
que llegue a distancia de asalto/movimiento de la (UP). Si una unidad enemiga asalta a
la (UP), esta escuadra se unirá inmediatamente al combate.

These units roam about, usually in front of their protected unit (PU) but within their
protection range. They will attempt to clear out any opposition that comes within range.
This unit will attempt to screen enemy fire and keep a solid line to block enemy line of
sight. If an enemy unit assaults the protected unit, this squad will move imediatly to join
the fight.

Avanza por delante de su unidad protegida (UP) pero en su rango de protección. Intenta
deshacerse de cualquier oposición que este a su alcance. Intenta apantallar el fuego
enemigo y mantener una línea sólida para bloquear la visual del enemigo. Si una unidad
enemiga asalta a la (UP), esta escuadra se moverá de inmediato para unirse al combate.

These units attempt to form up into the protected unit. They will usually intermingle
with or stay within 2" of the PU for maximum assistance during assaults. (optionally,
you can allow casualties to be taken from this unit rather than the protected one as long
as the entire squad is within 6" of the PU.) They will never move more than 6" away
and will always try to interpose themselves between their PU and enemy units. They
never assault unless an enemy unit comes within 6" of the PU.

Intenta formarse con la unidad protegida (UP), esto lo hará usualmente permaneciendo a
2" de la UP para máxima asistencia en los asaltos (opcionalmente puedes permitir que
las bajas las asuma esta unidad En lugar de la (UP), siempre que la escuadra completa
se encuentre a 6" de la (UP). Nunca se moverá a más de 6" de la (UP) y siempre
intentará interponerse entre la (UP) y el enemigo. No asaltará a menos que el enemigo
se acerque a 6" de la (UP).

As an optional rule, when a unit rallies after falling back, draw a new card for that unit.
The unit behaves in accordance with the new card. This would represent the unit getting
reorganized and deciding to be more careful, or seeking revenge against the enemy that
tried to kill them.

Como regla opcional, cuando una unidad se reagrupe después de una retirada, roba una
nueva carta para esta unidad. La unidad se comportara de acuerdo a la nueva carta. Esto
podría representar a la unidad reorganizándose y decidiéndose a ser más cuidadosa, o
buscando venganza contra el enemigo que la trato de liquidar.


Most important of all, don't look at the cards to tell you everything about a unit. You
have to use common sense as well as the cards to determine a basic guideline of how the
models will behave. Try to be consistent and remember if you cheat, you aren't cheating
anyone but yourself.
Where the cards may contradict basic unit principles, try to make the card fit the unit.
Interpret what the card means within the context of the unit’s abilities and format.

Lo más importante de todo, no dejes que las cartas te digan todo acerca de la unidad.
Usa el sentido común además de las cartas Para Determinar el patrón básico de
comportamiento de la unidad. Procura ser consistente, y recurrir su haces trampa, Sólo
te engañas a Ti mismo.
Cuando las cartas contradigan los principios básicos de una unidad, intenta hacer
encajar la carta co la misma, interpreta el Significado de la carta con el contexto de las
habilidades de la unidad y el formato de juego.


They are not new abilities for units. It may be possible to get the impression that certain
units may defy restrictions placed upon them in the game or become fearless, ignore
terrain, or what not. These rules were, by necessity, broad and unfocused. They had to
apply to all types of units in all armies. The vocabulary is not exclusive, nor is it
inclusive. Just use common sense to apply the card results to your units (See above)
If the card suggests that the unit should do something which is impossible due to the
scenario, terrain or other game factor, just have the unit do the next most logical thing.
The whole purpose of the cards is to generate a "Personality" for the other side in a solo
battle, so do whatever you think is most feasible.
No hay nuevas habilidades para las unidades. Aunque podría dar la impresión que
ciertas unidades desafían las restricciones impuestas en el juego o se convierten en
fearless, ignoran terreno o no. Estas reglas son por necesidad amplias y no enfocadas a
un tipo en particular. Deben poderse aplicar a todo tipo de unidades en cualquier
ejercito. El vocabulario no es exclusivo ni inclusivo tampoco. Solo utiliza el sentido
común al aplicar las cartas a tus unidades (ver arriba).
Si la carta sugiere que la unidad haga algo que es imposible debido al escenario, terreno
u otro factor del juego, solo haz que la unidad haga la siguiente acción más lógica. El
propósito de las cartas es generar una “Personalidad” para el “otro lado” en una batalla
en solitario, así que haz lo que creas más probable.


This system offers several exciting possibilities –

Este sistema ofrece excitantes posibilidades
• Deal cards to both armies and play them out to test army ideas and get new
Reparte cartas a ambos ejércitos y juégalos para probar ideas de ejercito y obtener
nuevas estrategias
• Let a new player draw cards for his units to aid in his decision making process,
and help him to concentrate on learning the rules.
Deja que nuevos jugadores tomen cartas para sus unidades como ayuda en el proceso de
decision y asi se concentra en el aspecto de aprender las reglas
• Use the solo system for allied units during your regular battles. It makes sense
that allies may not be all that cooperative with your commander. This will help give
your allies a unique and separate feel.
Usa este sistema para las unidades aliadas durante tus batallas regulares. Esto cobra
sentido si piensas que tus aliados pueden no ser del todo colaboradores con tu
comandante. Esto ayudara a darle a tus aliados un comportamiento propio.
• Agree to play a regular game with an opponent and both of you use these rules
on your units. Roll a d6 for each unit and draw a card for it on a 3+.
Acuerda jugar un juego regular con un oponente y ambos usen estas reglas en sus
unidades. Lanza un d6 por cada unidad y toma una carta con un +3
• Adapt the rules to Warhammer, Necromunda, Mordheim, Warmaster, Battlefleet
Gothic, or any number of miniature war games.
Adapta las reglas de Warhammer, Necromunda, Mordheim, Warmaster, Battlefleet
Gothic, o cualquier juego de miniaturas


I will be the first to admit that these rules are rough around the edges. They are
presented here for your playtesting. Please use them and submit your playtesting
observations to me HERE. I will be adding a list of playtesters to this document and
making revisions as time progresses.

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