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It was only a learning experience for me

during this subject's first semester. I experimented
with a variety of learning methods while in college
and discovered what works best for me. I think. I
learn more effectively visually than auditorily. It is
simpler to watch a Powerpoint and remember the
information than to listen to a lecture and retain the
information. I assumed I would prefer working on
projects alone than in groups when I first started the class, but that has since
changed. I believe working alone is better for me since I can do more. When I
first started the course, I thought that reading the material closer to the due
date was a better idea since, if I didn't, I might not recall what I had read.

In my own learning during the course of the semester, I have learned a

huge amount. I discovered that I could read the content in advance, quickly scan
it, and recall almost everything despite my earlier belief that reading more
carefully was highly advantageous. Additionally, I realized that group work is not
really my strong suit. I rather like working alone because I can do far more and
don't have to worry about other people forgetting their contributions to the
project. I dislike having to worry about other people not doing what they say
they will. Furthermore, I discovered that preparing how to divide my work load
by taking a look at the daily record beforehand was helpful. On that point, I also
discovered that I absolutely dislike public speaking and that debate is something
I detest even more. I never realized how nerve-wracking debate could be.
Having mentor sessions allows me to work through any issues that may not have
been addressed in class or that I simply forgot to ask about. I have discovered
that the learning process is much simpler when you are in a class with individuals
who don't criticize or make fun of your queries.

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