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Activity 4

Guide page 30-39

1. You have taken final exams. Your score in science 101 was 80. Your score in
math 101 was 95
n Σ𝑥 Σ𝑥2
Science 101 120 7120 2800
Math 101 75 2275 325

a. Compute for the means of both classes.

b. Compute for standard deviations of both classes
c. Convert the final score into z-scores
d. Plot the standard scores on a z-scale, include the appropriate raw
score scale values for the two classes.
e. In which class did you do better? Explain how did you analyze it.
a. The mean score for Science 101 is 80 and the mean score for Math 101 is 95.

b. To compute the standard deviation for each class, we need to know the variance. We can use the formula:

variance = sum((x - mean)^2) / (n - 1)

For Science 101:

variance = ((120 - 80)^2 + (75 - 80)^2) / (2 - 1) = 1800

standard deviation = sqrt(variance) = sqrt(1800) = 42.43

For Math 101:

variance = ((95 - 95)^2) / (1 - 1) = 0

standard deviation = sqrt(variance) = sqrt(0) = 0

c. To convert the final scores into z-scores, we can use the formula:

z-score = (x - mean) / standard deviation

For Science 101:

z-score = (80 - 80) / 42.43 = 0

z-score = (75 - 80) / 42.43 = -0.12

For Math 101:

z-score = (95 - 95) / 0 = undefined (because the standard deviation is 0)

d. To plot the standard scores on a z-scale, we can use a number line with a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1. For
Science 101, the z-scores are 0 and -0.12. The appropriate raw scores are 80 and 75, respectively. On the number line, we
would plot a point at 0 for the score of 80 and a point slightly to the left of 0 for the score of 75.

e. It is difficult to compare the two classes using z-scores because the standard deviation for Math 101 is 0, meaning that all
scores are the same and have a z-score of 0. Therefore, we can only compare the raw scores. In this case, the score of 95 in
Math 101 is higher than the score of 80 in Science 101, suggesting that the student did better in Math 101. However, it is
important to keep in mind that the two classes may have different grading scales or difficulty levels, so a direct comparison
may not be entirely fair or accurate.

2. The score of all students at ABC school were obtained. The highest
score was 140, and the lowest score was 110. The following scores were
identified as to their percentile:

X Percentile
112 10th
119 25th
123 50th
127 75th
134 90th

a. What is the range of the distribution?

b. What is the median?
c. What is the 1st quartile, 2nd quartile, 3rd quartile? Figure out---What is
the interquartile range?
d. What is the interdecile range?

a. The range of the distribution is the highest score minus the lowest score, which is 140 - 110 = 30.
b. To find the median, we first need to arrange the scores in order:
110, 112, 119, 123, 127, 140
The median is the middle score, which is 123.
c. To find the quartiles, we can first find the median (which we already know is 123). Then, we can split the data into two
halves, and find the median of each half. The median of the lower half (110, 112, 119) is (110 + 112)/2 = 111, and the
median of the upper half (127, 140) is (127 + 140)/2 = 133.5. Therefore, the first quartile is 111, the second quartile (which
is the same as the median) is 123, and the third quartile is 133.5. The interquartile range is the difference between the third
quartile and the first quartile, which is 133.5 - 111 = 22.5.
d. The interdecile range is the difference between the 90th percentile and the 10th percentile. To find the 10th percentile,
we can use:
Index = (10/100) * n = (0.1) * 6 = 0.6
Since the index is not a whole number, we can take the average of the values at the 1st and 2nd positions:
(110 + 112)/2 = 111
Therefore, the 10th percentile is 111. To find the 90th percentile, we can use:
Index = (90/100) * n = (0.9) * 6 = 5.4
Since the index is not a whole number, we can take the average of the values at the 5th and 6th positions:
(127 + 140)/2 = 133.5
Therefore, the 90th percentile is 133.5. The interdecile range is the difference between the 90th percentile and the 10th
percentile, which is 133.5 - 111 = 22.5 (the same as the interquartile range
3. The data given are the calories per 200 milliliters of popular sodas.


a. Find the 25th percentile.

b. Find the median
c. Find the 75th percentile
Construct a box plot for these data

a. To find the 25th percentile, we need to arrange the data in order:

13, 16, 18, 18, 20, 21, 21, 24, 25, 26, 27, 27, 31, 36

The 25th percentile corresponds to the value that is 25% of the way through the ordered
data set. We can find this value using:

Index = (25/100) * n = (0.25) * 14 = 3.5

Since the index is not a whole number, we can take the average of the values at the 3rd
and 4th positions:

(18 + 18)/2 = 18

Therefore, the 25th percentile is 18.

b. To find the median, we again need to arrange the data in order:

13, 16, 18, 18, 20, 21, 21, 24, 25, 26, 27, 27, 31, 36

The median is the middle value of the ordered data set. Since there are an even number
of values, we need to take the average of the middle two values:

(21 + 24)/2 = 22.5

Therefore, the median is 22.5.

c. To find the 75th percentile, we can use the same approach as for the 25th percentile:

Index = (75/100) * n = (0.75) * 14 = 10.5

Again, since the index is not a whole number, we can take the average of the values at
the 10th and 11th positions:

(26 + 27)/2 = 26.5

Therefore, the 75th percentile is 26.5.

d. To construct a box plot, we first need to find the minimum and maximum values:

Minimum: 13
Maximum: 36

Next, we can draw a number line and mark the minimum, 25th percentile, median, 75th
percentile, and maximum:

13 18 22.5 26.5 36
25th median 75th

We can then draw a box from the 25th percentile to the 75th percentile, with a line inside
the box for the median. Finally, we can draw whiskers from the box to the minimum and maximum

|-------- | <-- box

| |
13------| |--------36 <-- whiskers
| |
|-------- |
25th median 75th

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