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Name:Muhammad Hafis Aziz

Class: PBI 2 C
NIM: 1222040112

The bar chart shows how often three computer packages (in the thousands) were downloaded
from the Internet in one week over five weeks.
In the first week, ActiveX was the most downloaded package with 60,000 downloads, followed by
Java with 50,000 downloads and Net with 35,000 downloads.
In the second week, ActiveX downloads increased to 100,000 downloads on the Internet. Java also
recorded an increase compared to the previous week with 50,000 downloads. However, net
downloads are trending downward, with only 30,000 downloads left on the web. During the third
week, ActiveX downloads increased significantly, with 110,000 downloads on the Internet. Java also
increased compared to the previous week, with 55,000 downloads on the Internet. Meanwhile, net
downloads fell again, with just 20,000 downloads on the internet.

By week 4, ActiveX downloads had declined, with only 100,000 downloads on the Internet.
However, Java downloads increased, with 70,000 downloads on the Internet. Finally, net downloads
increased with 40,000 downloads across the web.
Even in his fifth week at the end, ActiveX recorded his 125,000 downloads, making it the most
popular computer package on the Internet. Java was downloaded 85,000 times and Net was
downloaded 50,000 times.
Overall, this figure shows that ActiveX was the most downloaded package by Internet users, with a
total of 260,000 downloads in five weeks. With a total of 140,000 downloads, he was the least user
to download three computer packages in his first week. 

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