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MATVRITY INDICES ON VEGETABLE CROP PRESENTING BY: GROUP 4 Scanned By Camera Scanner Scanned By Camera Scanner Introduction History and Additional Informations about potatoes As a sion of maturity, growth and development of sweet potatoes tend to decline or pause after growing for a certain period even under optimal conditions, Based on ripening date, sweet potato can be classified into early (90-120 days), medium- (120-150 days), and late-maturing (more than 150 days) varteties. The potato was the first domesticated vegetable in the region of modern-day Southern Peru and extreme Northwestern Bolivia in 1537, between 8000 ond S000 BCE. Cultivation of potatoes in South America may go back 10,000 years, but tubers do not preserve well in he archaeological record, making identification difficult. The potato (Solanum tuberosum) belongs to the solanacene family of flowering plants. The potato is the third most important food crop in the world after rice and wheat in ‘terms of human consumption. The word potato comes from the Spanish word “Patate”, The Irish Porato famine gave rise to the field of Plant Pathology! 35% of the potato crop is turned into french fries, 28% is wed for fresh, and 13% goes to chips. Scanned By Camera Scanner Scanned By Camera Scanner Potatoes are harvested at any size greater than 2 to 3 inches in diameter. For full season potatoes, the tubers are harvested when the plants begin to yellow and die down. There are five potato growth stages: sprout development, vegetative growth, tuber growth, tuber bulking, and maturation. New potatoes are much smaller than mature potatoes, with softer, thinner skins and a higher moisture content. They are also much Lower in starch than mature potatoes. New potatoes typically retain their shape when cooked, which makes them a popular choice for cold potato recipes like potato salad. Scanned By Camera Scanner Potatoes for health and nutrition: They're rich in vitamin C, which is an antioxidant. Potatoes were a life-saving food source in early times because the vitamin C prevented scurvy. Another major nutrient in potatoes is potassium, an electrolyte which aids in the workings of our heart, muscles, and nervous system. After taking into account the mineral density, the vitamin density, the macronutrient balance, the sugar-to-fiber ratio, the sodium-to-potassium ratio, and the phytochemical profile, red potatoes are the healthiest potato with data from the USDA Food Database. Scanned By Camera Scanner It is safe to consume potatoes every day as long as you cook them without much salt or saturated fats. One medium-size potato can be part of a healthy diet. It doesn’t increase cardiometabolic risk and the chances of having diabetes and heart disease. Boiled potatoes are naturally rich in vitamins and minerals, particularly potassium, phosphorus, B-complex vitamins and vitamin C, They are low in calories and fat, and their high fiber content helps you feel full. Contrary to popular belief, potatoes are not inherently fattening Scanned By Camera Scanner One medium baked potato (6.! ounces or 173 grams), including the skin, provides: RCalories: 161 MFat: 0.2 grams Protein: 4.3 grams WiCarbs: 36.6 grams WFiber: 3.8 grams BVitamin C: 28% of the RDI BQVitamin BS: 27% of the RDI WPotassiun: 26% of the RDI BiManganese: 19% of the RDI BdMagnesium: 12% of the RDI BaPhosphorus: 12% of the RDI WNiacin: 12% of the RDI WFolate: 12% of the RDI Scanned By Camera Scanner The nutritional content of potatoes can vary depending on the variety and how they are prepared. For example, frying potatoes adds more calories and fat than baking them. It’s also important to note the skin of the potatoes contains a great amount of the vitamins and minerals. Peeling potatoes can significantly reduce their nutritional content Potatoes are rich in compounds Like flavonoids, carotenoids and phenolic acids, These compounds act as antioxidants in the body by neutralizing potentially harmful molecules known as free radicals. When free radicals accumulate, they can increase the risk of chronic diseases Like heart disease, diabetes and cancer Scanned By Camera Scanner Studies have also found that colored potatoes Like purple potatoes can have three to four times more antioxidants than white potatoes. This makes them potentially more effective at neutralizing free radicals Potatoes contain a special type of starch known as resistant starch. This starch is not broken down and fully absorbed by the body. Instead, it reaches the large intestine where it becomes a source of nutrients for the beneficial bacteria in your gut Scanned By Camera Scanner May Improve Blood Sugar Control potatoes are gluten-free, The gluten-free diet is one of the most popular diets worldwide. It involves eliminating gluten, which is a family of proteins found in grains Like spelt, wheat, barley and rye. Scanned By Camera Scanner

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