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System 800xA Training

Exercise 8.3 Restricting Access on Objects

8.3.1 Description
Use a Security Definition aspect in the Functional Structure to restrict user access to

8.3.2 Legend
> Indicates when you go from one menu to a sub-menu
Italic Indicates object and file names
“ “ Indicates dialog box buttons, tabs, menus etc.
Bold Indicates important topics
Indicates start/explanation of student activity

Exercise 8.3 - 1
T305-08 Exercise 8.3 - RevE.doc3

8.3.3 Exercise Steps

 Open the Engineering Workplace and browse to the Functional Structure.

 Select the “Root, Domain” object and create a “New Object” of the type “Site”. Name
it “Site 1”.

 Select “Site 1” and create a “New Aspect” of the type “Graphic Display PG2”. Name
it “Site 1 PG2 Display”.

 Create a Security Definition aspect on the object “Site 1”.

 Open the “Config View” of the Security Definition aspect and click the “Add” button.

Exercise 8.3 - 2
System 800xA Training

 Deny the permission “Operate” for the User Group “Operators” in “All Nodes”.

 The Security Definition aspect should look like the one below.

 Open the Main View of the PG2 Display.

 Close the display and logover to the user “Operator3”.

Exercise 8.3 - 3
T305-08 Exercise 8.3 - RevE.doc3

 Open the Main View of the PG2 Display again. Explain the results.

Use the logover function again to change back to the account used for configuration.

Exercise 8.3 - 4

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