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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato
Surallah 4 District
Upper Sepaka Integrated School

Science VI

Teacher: Lellaine G. Canieso

I. Directions: Read the questions carefully. Choose and ENCIRCLE the letter of
the best answer.
1. Why is respiratory system very important to the body?
a. It enables carbon dioxide to get into the body.
b. It consists of body parts that help the body receive oxygen.
c. It helps distribute carbon dioxide to the blood.
d. It enables the blood to circulate in your body.
2. How does oxygen in the air get into the blood?
a. though the nose b. though the throat
c. though the mouth d. though the tiny capillaries
3. What will happen to the cells of the body when there is absence of oxygen?
a. The cells will continue to grow and multiply.
b. The cells will be inactive.
c. The cells will survive.
d. The cells will die.
4. How can you keep your heart strong?
a. eating heart-shaped candy
b. doing activities like playing outside, riding your bike, and swimming
c. smoking
d. sleeping 18 hours a day
5. What are tubes that carry blood back to the heart?
a. arteries b. veins c. pipes d. tubes
6. All given set of animals are classified in one vertebrate group, which is NOT?
I. gecko, snake, crocodile, iguana II. dolphin, cat, horse, sheep
III. ostrich, bat, penguin, duck IV. toad, newt, salamander, frog
7. Goats, cats, dogs, and rabbits are mammals have characteristics that differ from other
vertebrates. Which of the following features does not describe a mammal?
A. Mammals have mammary glands. B. Mammals have scales and feathers.
C. Mammals have fur or hair. D. Mammals are warm-blooded animals.
8. In what way do amphibians differ from reptiles?
A. Amphibians have backbones.
B. Amphibians can live both on land and in water.
C. Amphibians can crawl.
D. Amphibians are oviparous.
9. Ostriches are classified as birds but cannot fly. Why?
A. They have thick feathers. B. They have heavy weight.
C. They are afraid of heights. D. They prefer to be in land.
10. Some animals were taken from their natural habitat by hunters or people and were being
sold in pet shops. Which of these will you do in order to minimize these activities that endanger
different species of animals?
A. Help the hunters to find a pet shop to sell their catch.
B. Report illegal activity to a Forest Ranger or authority.
C. Buy the animal being sold to be your pet.
D. Take care of the animal for a while and then sold it.
11. Which of these groups of animals is invertebrate?
A. nematodes, annelids, and Platyhelminthes
B. crustaceans, amphibians, and mollusks
C. mollusks, insects, and mammals
D. reptiles, fishes, and birds
12. Which group of invertebrates is divided into segments with a ringed appearance?
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato
Surallah 4 District
Upper Sepaka Integrated School
A. Sponges C. Cnidarians
B. Echinoderms D. Annelids
13. To what subgroup of arthropods do invertebrates with four pairs of legs belong?
A. echinoderms C. arachnids
B. crustaceans D. nematodes
14. Which group of animals is invertebrate?
A. butterfly, mosquito, fly, grasshopper C. fish, spider, snake, butterfly
B. bird, dog, chicken, cat, ant D. all of the above
15. Animals like clams, jellyfish, butterfly and grasshopper are examples of _________.
A. invertebrates C. mammals
B. vertebrates D. amphibians
II. Directions: Identify each statement whether TRUE or FALSE. Write your answer on the
space provided.
____________16. Mammals are warm-blooded animals that are born alive.
____________17. Reptiles are cold-blooded vertebrates that are hatched from egg.
____________18. Vertebrates have no economic importance to our environment.
____________19. There is a significant relationship between vertebrates and invertebrates.
____________20. Invertebrate animals are important to human beings.

III. Directions: CROSS OUT the animals which do not belong to the group.
21. starfish butterfly sea cucumber
22. mosquito spider ants
23. jellyfish sea urchin sponge
24. snail squid tape worm
25. leech earthworm crab

IV. 26-30. Directions: The following are found in tropical rainforests. Classify them as living or
non-living things.

tropical shrubs trees birds

carbon dioxide sunlight oxygen

V. 31-40. Directions: Draw a plants that you see in your surroundings. (10 points)
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato
Surallah 4 District
Upper Sepaka Integrated School

Answer key
2. d
3. d
4. b
5. b
6. c
B 7.
B 8.
B 9.
B 10
D 2.
C 3.
A 4.
A 5.

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