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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region X – Northern Mindanao


SY 2019-2020

Name: ________________________ Grade & Section: ___________ Score: ___________

Direction: Read each item carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. All of these are the functions of our bones EXCEPT ______________.

A. Gives structure to the body. B. Protects the delicate organs of the body.
C. Pumps blood to the body. D. Serves as the framework of the body.

2. The bones in the body have varied functions, too. Which of these bones protects our heart
and lungs?
A. Backbone B. Hipbone C. Rib D. Skull

3. The muscles in our body not only give its shape but also help the bones to move and
perform its function. Muscles are either voluntary or involuntary. Which statement is true
about voluntary muscles? They are ____________.
A. attached to and controlled by the bones
B. controlled by the feet
C. muscles in heart and stomach
D. muscles that works even when are sleeping

4. Our body has delicate organs like heart and lungs which should be protected by the bones
to function properly. What bones protect spinal cord?
A. Backbone B. Hipbone C. Ribs D. Skull

5. Dino’s hand was accidentally pulled and twisted by his playmate while playing. He felt
pain and could hardly move his hand. Which of this could be the ailment Dino is
suffering from?
A. Arthritis B. Fracture C. Polio D. Sprain

6. Our bones are very important parts of our body and must be taken care of. Which of the
following is a correct practice in making our bones healthy?
1 - Eat food rich in calcium. 2 - Have a regular exercise.
3 – Join extreme sports 4 – Run at least 10 kilometers daily.
A. 1 and 2 B. 1 and 3 C. 2 and 3 D. 2 and 4

7. Eating healthy and nutritious food is one way of taking good care of our bones. Which of
the following should you AVOID?
A. Junk foods and fruits
B. Fruits and vegetables
C. Meat and soda drinks
D. Vegetables and junk foods

8. Father wanted to maintain a healthy body. What should father do?

1- Have exercise daily.
2- Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables.
3- Drink plenty of water and soft drinks
4- Practice proper hygiene
A. 2,3,4 B. 1,2,4 C. 1,3,4 D.1,2,3

9. Human beings have body structures that protect them from harm. Animals also have body
structures that help them adapt and survive in their own habitat. Which of the following body
structures help the carabao and cow protect themselves from enemies?
A. Claws and mouth B. horn and strong legs
C. Mouth, ears, eyes D. Sharp teeth, paws and fur

10. Animals have body parts that enable them to survive in their habitat. Which body part
enable fish to breath in water.
A. eyes B. fins C. gills D. tails

11. Animals used different body parts in getting and eating their food. Which of the
following animals used proboscis in getting their food?
A. butterfly, bee B. fish, Frog
B. eagle, carabao D. Lion, tiger

12. Some animals change color or simply blend with their surroundings in order to protect
themselves. Which of these animals display these kind of protective behavior?

A. Chameleon B. Cow C. Elephant D. Frog

13. Tiger : forest and milkfish : ______________

A. dessert B. grassland C. mountain D. pond

14. What is the first consideration of animals in choosing their habitat?

A. absence of enemy B. abundance of food
C. distance from the forest D. Temperature

15. A wounded eagle was found at the backyard of Mang Pedring. What is the BEST thing for
him to do with the eagle?
A. Keep it as a pet B. Place it in a cage
C. Report to the radio station D. Turn-over the eagle to DENR

16. Some animals are gentle and tame that people could keep them as pet. Which of the
following could be kept as pet?
A. cat B. eagle C. fox D. snake

17. Plants have their own specialized structures to survive and protect them from any harm.
What protective structure does gumamela have?
A. Bright flower B. strong odor C. thorns D. Woody stem

18. Water can be a habitat of some plants that have specialized structures to survive in water.
Which specialized structure of water lily enables it to float in water?
A. long stem B. wide flat leaves C. long roots D. spiny leaves
19. Cactus can survive in the hot places but gumamela cannot. What special structure of
cactus enable it to survive in the hot places like the desert? Cactus have ___________.
A. thorns B. very long stems C. spiral branches D. watery stems

20. Plant like cosmos flowering plant does not attract insects. You could hardly see one
especially on its flowers. What protective structure does this plant have?
A. their stems have thorns B. they have unpleasant smell
C. they have sharp leaf blades D. their leaves are poisonous

21. Your teacher requested you to bring plants to be placed inside your classroom to help freshen
up the air and at the same time help beatify your room. Which of the following plants is best for
you to bring?

A. flowering plants B. small ornamental plants B. vines D. woody plants

22. The teacher assigned the class to make a survey of plants found in the community and their
specific habitat. Below are some of the works passed by pupils. Who among them is correct?

A. Carol’s Work B. Lino’s Work

Terrestrial Aquatic Terrestrial Aquatic
Plants Plants Plants Plants
San Santan
Gumamela San
Lily Hyacinth
Bougainvilla Hyacinth
C. Leo’s Work D. Ana’s Work

Terrestrial Aquatic Terrestrial Aquatic

Plants Plants Plants Plants
Hyacinth Gumamela Mayana Lily

Rose Lily Bougainvilla Hyacinth

23. Which of the following plants lives in water for survival?

A. lily B. Sampaguita C. Santol D. Durian

24. You are living near the sea shore where the yard is hit by direct sunlight almost all day.
Which of the following plants would BEST grow in your garden?
A. water lily B. Gumamela C. Cactus D. Hyacinth

25. Animals undergo life cycles. Different animals also have varied stages of their life cycles.
About how many days does it take for a butterfly to complete its life cycle from egg to adult?
A. 15 days B. 25days C. 35 days D. 45 days

26. Some animals are born alive or hatch from egg. Which of the following animals are born
A. butterfly and mosquito B. carabao and cow
C. dog and turtles D. lizard and cockroach

27. Mosquitoes are insects which are considered to be deadly because of the many serious
ailments that they could bring to human and animals. In which stage in the life cycle of a
mosquito is it most dangerous to people?
A. egg B. pupa C. larva D. adult

28. John can already do things on his own even with less supervision from his parents. He is
starting to experience changes in his body like change in tone of voice, appearance of facial hair
and rapid growth of muscles. What stage of human development does he belong?
A. infancy B. childhood C. adolescence D. Adulthood

29. Butterfly undergoes four stages in their life cycle. In which stage is it more affected by the
decrease of plants due to too much heat?
A. egg B. larvae C. pupa D. butterfly

30. Why do farmers build a separate pen small chicks?

A. Chicks are easily infected with diseases.
B. Adult chickens eat new hatched chicks.
C. Chicks are noisy.
D. Chicks may die due to noise of other chickens.

31. One may notice that during summer, the population of young amphibians like frogs
decreases. What do you think is the cause of this?
A. Frogs die every summer as part of their life cycle.
B. Water is less on summer; frogs lay eggs in the water.
C. Frogs do not lay eggs during summer.
D. Frogs are hunting for food during summer.

32. Which of the following is the BEST prevention of the spread of dengue, an ailment caused
by mosquitoes?
A. Burn dried leaves so its smoke will drive away mosquitoes
B. Check our surroundings for stagnant water and clean it
C. Use mosquito net when sleeping.
D. Spray the entire house with insect repellants
33. An eagle has to fly to hunt for food. It hunts for smaller animals like frog, birds and snakes.
What feeding relationship is shown by this?
A. commensalism B. competition C. mutualism D. predation

34. Birds find shelter on trees. They dispose their wastes on the ground and this help fertilize the
soil where the trees grow. What relationship exist between the birds and the trees?
A. commensalism B. competition C. mutualism D. predation

35. Which of the following pairs of organisms has harmful interaction?

A. aphids and a rose plant B. duck and the pond
C. A bird’s nest and a tree D. bee hive and trunk of a tree

36. Parasitism is an interaction between a parasite totally depend on a host to survive. Between a
human being and a worm, which is the host?
A. human being B. worm C. B and B D. none of them

Refer to the table below to answer question 37-38.

Seedlings Location Amount of Height of plants(cm)

water/day After 7 days
A Garden 5 ml 5cm
B Garden 20 ml 8cm
C Garden 100 ml 15cm

37. What conclusion can you draw from the table shown?
A. The amount of sunlight affects the growth of plants.
B. The amount of water affects the growth of plants.
A. The kind of seedlings affects the growth of plants
B. The plant will grow even without sunlight.

38. Which seedling grows well and why?

A. Seedling A, because there is less water.
B. Seedling B, because there is enough sunlight.
C. Seedling C, because there is enough water.
D. all of the seedlings.

39. What will happen if there are more grasshopper than frogs in an ecosystem? The population
of frogs will _________________.
A. decrease B. increase C. be gone D. remains the same

40. Which man’s activity help maintain the balance of nature?

A. Minimize the use of plastics.
B. Planting trees on riversides.
C. Use of insecticides and pesticides
D. Throwing garbage in the river.

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