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Implementation and development of E-voting System for Election of Supreme

Student Government of Naguilian National High School

Today's technological world is no longer scary, but it has become a reality. It's
already a necessity in our daily lives. Especially in mobile phones. In this research, the
researcher will implement a website in an attempt to elect the student council. E-voting is
an electrical system where data is recorded, stored and processed in the form of digital
information. E-voting system is for making the ballots giving, counting, showing the votes
and generating and maintaining the audit tracks electronically and digitally. More
specifically, the understanding of e-voting refers to make the process smoother and also to
use technology for greater support automation method that allows individual to be free of
interference in all processes.

The election of students’ leader is always a challenge, which means you're going to
prepare spaces, paper and so on. And it's going to take time for the votes to count to be
completed, so a lot of people will be needed to it. The researcher would like to provide a
system for the above-mentioned problem for Electing Student's leader.
A Enrollment System in Education: A Track Recommendation for Naguilian National
High School

In the 21st century, computers and the internet become important in the lives of
people around the world, especially as the COVID-19 outbreak hits the whole world. The
schools and colleges, almost all educational institutions, have adopted the online education
system where they changed to online-mode, like computer-based evaluation and exams,
especially in online assessment. The traditional enrollment system is a process of going to
school and processing the enrollment physically, where they need to process it face-to-face,
which helps the students develop personal interaction and boost their confidence.
However, as the COVID-19 spread in the country, a new way of enrolling has developed
into a modern type.

The online enrollment system is designed to store, access, and retrieve student and
enrollee accounts. It also helps students enroll faster as they do it online, and it also helps
them choose a track that they want with the help of a track recommendation. This can be
accessed on any device, not just a PC or laptop, and they can still access it regardless of
where they are. The adaptation of the new normal in education can improve students’
engagement with technologies.

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