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Game Based Application of Genetic

Algorithm for NeuroEvolution

Muskaan Gujarat Technological University,
Chaudhary computer science department
-Training an AI agent using
reinforcement learning approach
termed as NeuroEvolution (i.e.
evolving ANNs with Genetic

- Optimizing the performance of

the agent to find an optimal set of
parameters that result in the best
performance for a given objective.

-selecting the best-performing

agents based on a fitness function,
and using genetic operators such as
mutation and crossover to create
new offspring with slightly different
Assignment of neural nets to each ge node
Working of Genetic Algorithm
Based on the fitness
values, the parental
nodes are selected
and bred for the
next set of
Conclusion and possible explanation:
1. Impacted by the processor when the population size is
2. Premature Convergence.
3. Continues to iterate unless maximum stagnation is passed.
Applications of genetic algorithm in
1. Developed a method for reliably determining the orbital parameters of
interacting galaxies. [Wahde M and Donner K J 2001 Astron. Astrophys. 379 115–24]
2. Reconstruct the expansion history of the universe in a model-
independent manner with the so-called Om statistic. [Nesseris S and Shafieloo
A 2010 Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 408 1879–85]
3. Analyse Type Ia SNe data and to extract model-independent constraints
on the evolution of the dark energy equation of state. [Bogdanos C and
Nesseris S 2009 J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys. 5 JCAP05(2009)006]
4. GA-based, non-parametric technique for inferring the projected lensing-
mass distributions in strongly lensed systems. [Liesenborgs J, De Rijcke S and
Dejonghe H 2006 Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 367 1209–16]
5. Able to combine radiative transfer codes with a GA to produce an
automated procedure for fitting the dust spectra of AGB stars. [Baier A,
Kerschbaum F and Lebzelter T 2010 Astron. Astrophys. 516 A45]
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